AD, Volume 16, n° 1, 1991 - Full Issue
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Africa Development,
Vol. 16 No. 1 (1991): Africa Development
Structural Adjustm ent Program in Lesotho
Bethuel Setai ................................... 5
Of Economic Masquerades and Vulgar Economy: A Critique of the Structural Adjustment Program in Nigeria
A. O. Adeoye ................................ 23
Empowerment or Repression? The World Bank and the Politics of African Adjustment
Björn Beckman .......................... 45
African Domestic Structure, Deepening Crisis and the Current Adjustment Program
Akinlo E. Anthony .......................... 73
Africa's Debt Crisis: Are Structural Adjustment Programs Relevant?
Kidane Mengisteab and Bernard I. logan ................... 95
The Design of Structural Adjustment Programs The African Alternative Framework
J.K. Thisen ....................................... 115
L'Ajustement structurel dans le Tiers Monde
Fayçal Yachir ................................ 165
Index to Africa Development, Vol. XV, Nos. 1 - 4, 1991 ..................... 185
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