AD, Volume 15, n° 1, 1990 - Full Issue
Corresponding Author(s) : journal system
Africa Development,
Vol. 15 No. 1 (1990): Africa Development
Notes on Transnationalisation
Samir Amin ......................... 5
The Changing Land Use and Allocation Patterns of a West African Community
George J.S. Dei ..................... 25
South Africa versus Southern African Development Coordination Conference
Mohabe Nyirabu ..................... 45
Le Management africain: Mythe ou Réalité ?
A. Lamine Dia ....................... 61
Quelle Stratégie de Développement pour l'Afrique Sub-Saharienne ?
Hervé Diata ......................... 79
Book Reviews
The History and Structure of African Poverty
Tayambe Zeleza ...................... 97
The Political Economy of Crisis and Underdevelopment in Africa
A. D. Adeoye ........................ 105
Publications Received ......................... 107
Index to Africa Development, Vol XIV, No 1 - 4, 1989
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