AD Volume 13, n° 4, 1988 - Full Issue
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Africa Development,
Vol. 13 No. 4 (1988): Africa Development
Table of Contents
State Regulation of Foreign Investment in Tanzania: An Assessment
S. Rugumamu ................................ 5
Monetary Politics in Franc Zone Africa: The Wolf-Sheep Game
Ngek Tatah Mentan ....................... 29
Politique d'Ajustement Structurel et Désengagement de l'Etat: Un Regard sur la Côte d'Ivoire
Echimane Mozou Vincent & Niamkey Amlan Madeleine ................ 45
Conflict among the Nigerian Bourgeoisie and the Demise of the Second Republic
J. I. Dibua ............................ 75
Social Revolutions - The Preconditions for sustainable Development and People's Democracies in Africa: A Contribution to the Anyang' Nyong'o /Mkandawire Debate
Shadrack B. O. Gutto .......................... 89
Revue Générale
Histoire et Conscience Historique: de la Philosophie de l'Histoire dans l'Oeuvre de Cheikh Anta Diop
Babacar Sall .............................. 105
Publications Received ....................... 115
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