AD, Volume 12, n° 2, 1987 - Full Issue
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Africa Development,
Vol. 12 No. 2 (1987): Africa Development
African Agriculture: the Next 25 Years Old Problems, Old Solutions and Scientific Foibles
Archie Mafeje ....................... 5
The Crisis of the New International Division of Labour, Authoritarianism and the Transition to Free-Market Economies in Africa
Eboe Hutchful ....................... 35
Crise Economique et Contre-Pouvoirs au Mali
Pascal Baba F. Couloubaly ..................... 57
History and the Question of Technological Development: The Transfer of Technology Revisited
Gloria Thomas-Emeagwali ....................... 89
Transfert de Technologie et Perspectives Internationales de Développement en Afrique Sub-Saharienne: Quelques Réflexions
Maurice Kamto .............................. 101
The Role of Technology in the Process of Economic Development
Ron Matthews ........................... 135
BOOK REVIEWS .......................161
Michael Chege
I. Shivji, The State and the Working People in Tanzania
I. Mandaza, Zimbabwe: The Political Economy of Transiton
Thandika Mkandawire
John Sender and Sheila Smith, The Development of Capitalism in Africa (London: Methuen, 1986).
PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED ........................171
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