AD, Volume 10, n° 1 & 2, 1985 - Full Issue
Africa Development,
Vol. 10 No. 1-2 (1985): Africa Development
Editorial Note
C. ATTΑ-MILLS ............................. i
Adjustment under Crisis Conditions in Africa: African Monetary Fund Concept
W. WAGACHA ............................... 5
Les Fondements Théoriques des Politiques d'Ajustement du FMI dans les Pays Sous-Développés
Makhtar DIOUF ............................ 36
The Continuing Crisis of the Tanzania Economy : The Political Economy of Alternative Policy Options.
Ajit SINGH ..................................... 51
The Budget and the People
Horace CAMPBELL .......................... 72
Crise Economique et Financière — Austérité & FMI: Le Cas du Maroc
Habib El MALKI ............................... 90
Programme d'Ajustement Structurel du FMI
Najib AKESBI ................................... 101
IMF Adjustment Policies in Ghana since 1966
Eboe HUTCHFUL .............................. 122
Ghana's Stabilization Measures and the IMF: A Case Study
Bank of Ghana ..................................137
Les Mesures de Réajustement de l'Economie Ivoirienne face à la Crise Economique Mondiale : Leurs Résultats et leurs Implications Sociales .
Bamba MOUSSA ............................150
FMI en Guinée : Un Programme très Contestable
Alain COURNANEL ........................... 161
Understanding and Resolving the Current Economic Crisis in Nigeria
Yusufa Usman ΒALA ..........................169
A Case Study of Stabilization Measures in Nigeria
Akinola A. OWOSEKUN .......................... 208
The Current Austerity Measures and their Impact on the Nigerian Economy
J. Ο. ADERIBIGBE .............................. 217
«Home Grown»(?) Austerity Measures: The case of Zimbabwe
Thandika MKANDAWIRE ......................... 236
The IMF and the Adjustment of the Colombian Economy to Recession
Fernando ROJAS .................................. 264
The IMF and World Bank Conditionality: Tanzanian Case
Kighoma A. MALIMA ................................ 285
«The Zaria Declaration of African Social Scientists on the Adjustment of the African Economies to the Wodd
Economic Crisis» (English and French) .................298
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