2 - Shared Governance and Leadership in African Universities: Experiences from Mzuzu University, Malawi, and Amoud University, Somaliland
Corresponding Author(s) : Dorothy M. Mtegha
Africa Development,
Vol. 30 No. 1-2 (2005): Africa Development
This paper examines the application of shared governance structure and leadership styles in African Universities, specifically at Mzuzu university in Malawi and Amud University in Somaliland. First, a brief background about Mzuzu and Amoud Universities, and their governance structure will be presented. This is followed with the description and analysis of data on teamwork, job satisfaction, shared decision-making at Mzuzu and Amoud universities. Finally, this paper will provide recommendations for African universities who are faced with similar problems of shared governance with valuable data regarding governance and leadership, and provide information about the ways in which universities governance can be modified to increase the success of higher education institutions.
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A.bdulla, A. D., 1992, 'Somalia's Reconstruction: an Opportunity to Create aResponsive Information Infrastructure', International Information Library Review, 28, pp. 39-57.
A.shby, Eric, 1966, Universities: British, Jndian, African: A Study in the Ecology of Higher Education, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
A.shby, E., 1964, African Universities and the Western Tradition, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Baldridge, J.V. et al., 1977, Policy Making and Effective Leadership: A National Study of Academic Management, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Banya, K and Elu, J., 1997, 'The Crisis of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Continuing Search for Relevance', Journal ofHigher Education Policy and Management, 19, 2, pp. 151-154.
Bass, B.M., 1998, Transformational Leadership: Industrial, Military and Educational Impact, London: Lawrence Eribaum Associates Publishers.
Bensimon E.M. and Neuman, A., 2000, 'What Teams Can do: How Leaders Use and Neglect to Use Their Teams', Organizational Governance of Higher éducation, ASHE Reader Series, p. 244-257.
lake, R. and Mouton, J., 1985, Managerial Grid III, Houston, Texas: Gulf.Bullaleh, 1993, 'What Should Be Done For Post-Donor Secondary Education and Donor Programs in Somalia?', Paper presented at Symposium on the Somalia and Education. Albany: University at Albany - State University of New York.
Carrington, W. J., and E. Detragiache, 1999, 'How Extensive Is the Brain Drain?'Finance and Development, June 6, p. 36.
Elmi, H. J. U., 2000, 'A Breakthrough for Education in Somaliland: Amoud University'. http://www.anaserve.com/-mbali/letter9.htm.
Finnegan, W., 1995, 'Letter from Mogadishu', The New Yorker, March 20, pp.64-77.
Goma, Lameck K. H., 1989, 'The Crisis in Higher Education in Africa', Discovery and Innovation 1(2): 19-25.
Hines, E., 2000, 'The Governance of Higher Education', in Higher Education: Handbook ofTheory and
Research, Vol. Xv., New York: Agathon Press.
Hodgkinson, H.L., 1971, 'Campus Governance: The Amazing Thing Is That lt Works at All ', Washington D.C. Eric Clearing House on Higher Education, Report 11 ED 051 439.
IEES, 1989, 'Somalia: Education Management Information Systems. FinalReport', Tallahassee, Florida State University, Educational Efficiency Clearing House, Learning
Institute Systems, Florida.
Kiugu, R.R., 1999, Faculty Job Satisfaction: University of Nairobi in Kenya, Ed.
D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Albany.
Lungu, G.F., 1988, 'Hierarchical Authority vs Collegial Structures in an African University:
Lessons from the University ofZambia', in Studies in Educational Administration, 47, (February), pp. 14-20.
Mayanja, M.K., 1998, 'The Social Background ofMakerere University Students',
Higher Education, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 21-41.
McConnell, T.R., 1970, 'Campus Governance and Faculty Participation', Berkeley: Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, ED 039 844.
Mebrahtu, T., 1992, 'Somalia: National Systems of Higher Education', in Clark
and Neave (eds.). The Encyc/opedia of Higher Education, Vol. 1., New York: Pergamon, pp. 630--635.
1zuzu University Act, 1997, Zomba (Malawi), Government Press.
Mwiria, Kilemi, 2003, 'University Govemance and University-State Relations',
in Teferra, Damtew and P.G Altbach (eds.) African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Neizer, E. H., 1998, 'Universities in Africa: The Need for Adaptation, Transformation, Reformation and Revitalization', Higher Education Policy, 11 pp. 301-309.
Nelson, H.D. ed., 1982, Soma/ia -A Country Study, Washington, D.C.: The DepartmentofArmy,American university, DAPAM550-86, U.S. Govemment. Nur-Awaleh, Mohamed, 2003, 'Higher Education Institutions
in Somalia and Somaliland', in Teferra, Damtew and P.G Altbach (eds.) African Higher Education: An
International Reference Handbook, Indiana: Indiana UniversityPress.
Saint, W. S., 1992, Universities in Africa: Strategies for Stabi/ization and Revitalization, Washington D.C.: World Bank.
Samatar, A.S., 2001, 'Somali Reconstruction and Local Initiative: Amoud University', World Development, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 641-656.
Samoff, J., 1993, 'The Reconstruction of Education in Africa', Comparative Education Review 37, no. 2, pp. 182-222.
Stewart, D.M., 1976, The Not-so-steady State of Governance in Higher Education,Cambrige: Aspen institute for Humanistic Studies.
UNESCO, 1991, Statistical Yearbook, 1990-1991, Paris: UNESCO.
Wergin, J.F., 200 l, 'Beyond Carrots and Sticks: What Really Motivates Faculty',Liberal Education, Winter, pp. 50-53.
World Bank, 2000, Higher Education in Developing Countries: Peri/ and Promises, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank, 1988, Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies of Adjustment, Revitalization, and Expansion, Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Yahya, M.M., 1984, 'Management Education and Training in Somalia: The Case of the Somali Institute of Development Administration and Management (SIDAM)', Ph.D. Dissertation.