11 - Le chemin de l'autodestruction: origine et dynamique de la guerre civile en Côte d'Ivoire
Corresponding Author(s) : Isiaka Alani Badmus
Africa Development,
Vol. 30 No. 1-2 (2005): Africa Development
This article contends that colonial history and heritage coupled with an ill-managed Houphouët legacy have led to the crisis in Côte-d'Ivoire. The economic crisis that followed the period of economic prosperity resulted in the harming of the patrimonial system, thus leading to a shattering of the Ivorian society. The crisis that is occur ring around the Ivorian identity is based on ethnic, as well as religious grounds, and has led to a military and political stalemate. Ivorians must demonstrate an authentic and patriotic reaction, as well as collective and pragmatic political will, in order to support the international mediation aiming at settling the conflict in a peaceful way.
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- Africa Research Bulletin, 1987, Vol. 23, No. 12, January, Devon, England.
- Ba, Hampaté A., 1996, Oui Mon Commandant, Arles, Actes Sud.
- Bach, Daniel, 1992, «Euro-African Relations since the End of the Cold War» in Caron, B, et al.
- (ed.), Democratic Transition in Africa, Ibadan, CREDU.
- Bathily, A., 2003, «La crise ivoirienne: éléments pour situer ses origines et ses dimensions
- sous-régionales», Journal of West African Affairs, Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD),
- London, Vol. 3(2).
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- Globalisation of World Politics: An Introduction to
- International Politics, London, Oxford University Press.
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- États d'Afrique noire:formation, mécanisme et crises, Paris, Karthala.
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- The World Bank Economie Review, vol. 5, n° 2, May.
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- Contemporaine, Paris, n° 193.
- Chabal P. and Daloz J.P, 1999, Africa Works: Discordas Political Instrument, Oxford and
- Bloomington, James Currey and Indiana University Press, for the International African Institute.
- Chipman, J., 1990, French Military Politics in Africa, Aldephi Paper, n° 201.
- Cilliers, Jakkie 1999, «Private Security in War-torn African States», in Jakkie Cilliers and Peggy
- Mason (eds.), Peace, Profit or Plunder?: The Privatisation of Security in War-Torn African
- Societies, Pretoria and Ottawa, ISS and CCIPS.
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- West Africa Under Colonial Rule, London/Benin:
- Hutchison/Ethiope Publishing Corporation.
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- Programme Recamp», Afrique Contemporaine, Paris, n° 191.
- Decraene, P., 2000, «L'éviction du président Konan Bédié: une revue des faits», Afrique Contemporaine, Paris, n° 19
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- Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal», World Bank Economie Review, Vol. 1 (3).
- Dozon, J.P., 2000, «La Côte d'Ivoire au péril de l'ivoirité», Afrique Contemporaine, n° 193, Paris,
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- Fauré, Y.A, 1991, «L'économie politique d'une démocratisation: éléments d'analyse à propos de
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- Nwokedi, Emeka, 1989, «The Franc Zone and Monetary Integration in the Economie Commùnity of West
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- Ochoche, Sunday, 2002, «ECOWAS in Conflict Prevention and Management in WestAfrica», The Department
- of Political Science University ofllorin, Nigeria, Public Lecture Series, No. 2.
- Perch, K., 1999, «Executive Outcomes-A Corporate Conquest», in Jakkie Cilliers
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- Societies, Pretoria and Ottawa, ISS and CCIPS.
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- Weekend Vanguard (Lagos), 5 juin 200·
Africa Research Bulletin, 1987, Vol. 23, No. 12, January, Devon, England.
Ba, Hampaté A., 1996, Oui Mon Commandant, Arles, Actes Sud.
Bach, Daniel, 1992, «Euro-African Relations since the End of the Cold War» in Caron, B, et al.
(ed.), Democratic Transition in Africa, Ibadan, CREDU.
Bathily, A., 2003, «La crise ivoirienne: éléments pour situer ses origines et ses dimensions
sous-régionales», Journal of West African Affairs, Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD),
London, Vol. 3(2).
Bayart, J.F., 1984, La politique africaine de François Mitterrand, Paris, Karthala. Baylis, J.
, «International Security in the Post-CoId War Era», in Baylis J. and Steve S. {ed.),
Globalisation of World Politics: An Introduction to
International Politics, London, Oxford University Press.
Bakary, D.T., 1991, «Côte d'Ivoire: l'étatisation de l'État» in Médard, J.F. (ed.),
États d'Afrique noire:formation, mécanisme et crises, Paris, Karthala.
Bourguignon, F., 1991, «Optimal Poverty Reduction, Adjustment, and Growth»,
The World Bank Economie Review, vol. 5, n° 2, May.
Cabrillac, Bruno, 2000, «Les aspects économiques et financiers de la crise ivoirienne», Afrique
Contemporaine, Paris, n° 193.
Chabal P. and Daloz J.P, 1999, Africa Works: Discordas Political Instrument, Oxford and
Bloomington, James Currey and Indiana University Press, for the International African Institute.
Chipman, J., 1990, French Military Politics in Africa, Aldephi Paper, n° 201.
Cilliers, Jakkie 1999, «Private Security in War-torn African States», in Jakkie Cilliers and Peggy
Mason (eds.), Peace, Profit or Plunder?: The Privatisation of Security in War-Torn African
Societies, Pretoria and Ottawa, ISS and CCIPS.
Clapman, Christopher, 1995, «The International Politics of African Guerrilla Movements», The South
African Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 3(1).
Creveld, Martin Van, 1996, «The Faith of the State», Parameters, Spring. Crowder, Michael, 1968,
West Africa Under Colonial Rule, London/Benin:
Hutchison/Ethiope Publishing Corporation.
Crowder, Michael, I 977, West Africa: An Introduction to its History, London, Longman.
de Bellescize, G, 1999, «Le Maintien de la Paix en Afrique: la France et le
Programme Recamp», Afrique Contemporaine, Paris, n° 191.
Decraene, P., 2000, «L'éviction du président Konan Bédié: une revue des faits», Afrique Contemporaine, Paris, n° 19
Devarajan S. and de Melo J., 1987, «Adjustment with a fixed Exchange Rate:
Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal», World Bank Economie Review, Vol. 1 (3).
Dozon, J.P., 2000, «La Côte d'Ivoire au péril de l'ivoirité», Afrique Contemporaine, n° 193, Paris,
La Documentation Française.
Extrait du site: www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbooks/geos/iv.htm [12 Juin,
Fauré, Y.A, 1991, «L'économie politique d'une démocratisation: éléments d'analyse à propos de
l'expérience récente de la Côte d'Ivoire», Politique Africaine (Bordeaux), n° 43.
Foltz, W.J, 1998, «Regional and Sub-regional Peacekeeping for Africa», African Journal of
International Affairs and Development, Vol. 3(1).
Fraternité Matin (Abidjan), (Spécial Houphouët), 12 février 1994.
Fraternité Matin (Abidjan), 24 janvier 2003.
Gamett, John, 1975, «The Role of Military Power» in John Baylis et al. (ed.), Contemporary
Strategy, London, Croom Helm Ltd.
Holsti, K.J., 1995, International Politics: A Framework for Analysis, New Jersey, Prentice Hall,
Imobighe, T.A, 1989, The OAU, African Defense and Security, Benin, Adena Publishers.
International lnstitute ofStrategic Studies (ISS), London 2001/02, cited in Jeune Afrique, Paris, 3
novembre 2002.
Jeune Afrique (Paris), n° 2180-2181, 21 octobre 2000.
Jeune Afrique (Paris), 4 octobre 2002.
Jeune Afrique (Paris), 14-20 octobre 2002.
Jeune Afrique (Paris), 11 novembre 2002.
Jeune Afrique (Paris), 23-29 décembre 2002.
Jeune Afrique (Paris), 12-18 janvier 2003.
Koulibaly, M., 2003, «Le gangstérisme international d'État» in Koulibaly, M., Ahua, A. et Busch
Gary (eds.), La guerrede la France contre la Côte d'Ivoire.
Le Jour (Abidjan), lO décembre 2002.
Le Jour (Abidjan), 11 décembre 2002.
Le Temps (Abidjan) 7 mai 2003.
Mazrui, A. Ali, 1986, TheAfricans: A Triple Heritage, London: BBC Publications. Niandou-Souley,
Abdoulaye, 1992, «Economie Crisis and Democratisation in Africa», in Caron, B. et al. (ed),
Democratic Transition in Africa, Ibadan,
Nwokedi, Emeka, 1989, «The Franc Zone and Monetary Integration in the Economie Commùnity of West
African States», Nigerian Journal of International Affairs, Lagos, Vol. 15 (l).
Ochoche, Sunday, 2002, «ECOWAS in Conflict Prevention and Management in WestAfrica», The Department
of Political Science University ofllorin, Nigeria, Public Lecture Series, No. 2.
Perch, K., 1999, «Executive Outcomes-A Corporate Conquest», in Jakkie Cilliers
and Peggy Mason (eds.), Peace, Profit or Plunder? The Privatisation of Security in War-Torn African
Societies, Pretoria and Ottawa, ISS and CCIPS.
Philippe, David, 1986, La Côte d'Ivoire, Paris, Karthala.
Rummel, R.J., 2003, «Political Systems, Violence, and War», downloaded from the Internet.
Schwartz, Alfred, 2000, «Le conflit foncier entre Krou et Burkinabé à la lumière de l'institution
Krouman»,Afrique Contemporaine, Paris, n° 193,janvier-mars.
Siriex, P.H., 1957, Une Nouvelle Afrique: A.OF, Paris, Librairie Pion.
Sindzingre, A., 2000, «Le contexte économique et social du changement politique en Côte d'Ivoire»,
Afrique Contemporaine, n° 193, janvier-mars.
The Sunday Sun (Lagos), 21 September 2003.
Tell Magazine (Lagos), 6 November 2000.
Tell Magazine (Lagos), 13 November 2000.
The Guardian (Lagos), 12 January 2000.
Thompson, V.B., 1969, Africa and Unity: The Evolution of Pan-Africanism,
London: Longman Group Ltd.
Ise Tung, Mao, 1972, Six Essays on Military Affairs, Péking: Foreign Language Press.
Vogt, M.A., 1990, «Nigeria and the World Powers», in Vogt M.A and Ekoko A.E.
(ed.), Nigerian Defense Policy: Issues and Problems, Lagos, Malthouse Press Limited.
Weekend Vanguard (Lagos), 5 juin 200·