7 - State and Ethno-Communal Violence in Nigeria: The Case of Ife-Modakeke
Corresponding Author(s) : Oladoyin Anthony Mayowa
Africa Development,
Vol. 26 No. 1-2 (2001): Africa Development
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- Akinjogbin, I. A., 1992, The Cradle of a Race : I le -If e (from the Beginning to 1980), Port Harcourt, Sunray Publications Ltd. Audi, R., 1971, 'On the Meaning and Justification of Violence', J. A. Shaffer (Ed), Violence , New York: David Mckay. Betz J., 1977, 'Violence: Garver's Definition and a Deweyan Correction', Ethics , Vol. 87, No. 4, July. Chandoke N., 1986, 'Bringing People Back in Political and Intellectual Agendas', EPWy Vol. 21, No.5, February 1. Chesnais, J., 1992, 'The history of violence: homicide and suicide through the ages', in International Sodai Science Journal, Vol. 132, May. Cornwell, R., 1997, 'Démocratisation and Security in Africa', African Security, Vol. 6, No. 5. Correspondence on the war between the native tribes in the interior and the negotiations for peace conducted by the government of Lagos, 1887, presented to both Houses of Parliament, February 1887, London. Crawford Y., 1982, Patterns of social conflict: State, Class and Ethnicity, in Daedalus, Vol. Ill, No. 2. Fabunmi, M.A. 1985, Ife: The Genesis of Yoruba Race , Ikeja, Lagos, John West Publications Limited. Fanon, F., 1967, Black Skin , Wbite Mas ks > New York, Grove Press. Fanon, F., 1967, Toward the African Revolution , New York, Grove Press , Fashina, O., 1989, 'Frantz Fanon and the Ethical Justification of Anti-Colonial Violence', in Social Tbeoiy and Practice , Vol. 15, No. 2 (Summer) Garver N., 1972, 'What Violence is', The Nation , No. 209, 24 June, 1968 Reprinted in Rachels and Tillman, (eds.) Philosophical Issues , New York: Harper and Row. Gboyega, A., 1997, 'Nigeria: Conflict Unresolved', Zartman I. W. (ed.), Governance as Conßct Management: Politics and Violence in West Africa, Washington D.C., Brookings Institution Press. Hutchful, E, 1998, 'Demilitarisation in Africa: An Update', Discussion Paper prepared for Conference on - Leaders/rip Chalkngs ofDermhtarisation in Africa , Arusha, July 22-24. Ibidapo-Obe, K., 1981, (Hon Justice), 'Report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry on the Communal Disturbances in Oranmiyan Central Local Government Area of Oyo State'. Jerman, H., 'Some Aspects of Ethnic Terminology Encountered in a Study on Ethnic and National Identity in Western Bagamoyo District, Tanzania', in Jipemoyo : Development and Culture Research 3; 1980 , Edited by Philip Donner (Transactions of the Finish Anthropological Society, No. 9).This content downloaded from on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 21:27:23 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
- Oladoyin Anthony Mayowa: State and Ethno-Communal Violence... 223 Johnson, S., 1969, The History of the Yoruba , Lagos, CSS Bookshop. Kimanbo, I.N and Temu, A. J., 1969, 'Introduction* in A Histoiy of Tanzania (edited) bv I.N. Kimambo and A. J. Temu, Nairobi, EAPH. Kuhne, W., 1990, Africa and the End of the Cold War , Stifling Wissenschaft and Politik, Ebenhausen, December. Litke, R.F., 1992, 'Violence and Power', International Social Science Journal, No. 132, May. Nnoli, O., 1978, Ethnic Politics in Nigeria , Enugu: Fourth Dimension. Olaniyan, R.A., 1992, The Modakeke Question in Ife Politics and Diplomacy*, in Akinjogbin I. A. op. cit. Osaghae, E., 1986, 'On the Concept of Ethnic Group in Africa: A Nigerian Case', Journal of Plural Societies , Vol. 1 6, Osaghae, E., 1994, 'Ethnicity in Africa or African Ethnicity: The Search for a contextual Understanding', Himmelstrand, V. et aly African Development Controversies , Dilemmas and Openings , New York: James Curry Ltd. Piatt, T., 1992, 'The concept of Violence as descriptive and polemic', in International Social Science Journal, Vol. 132, May. Reno, W., 1998, Warlord Politics and African States , London, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers. Riggs, F.N., 1994, 'Ethnonationalism, industrialism, and the modern State', Third World Quarterly y Vol. 15, No. 4, December. Roy, A., 1995, 'Civil Society and Nation State: In Context of Globalisation', Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. xxx No 31 and 32, August 5-12. Shibutani, T. and Kwan, K.M., 1965, Ethnic Stratification: A Comparative Approach , London Macmillan. Suberu, R.T., 1983, 'Federalism and Nigeria's Political Future: A Comment', African Affairs , Vol. 87, July. Tell, August 3, 1998. The Report of the Committee of Osun State Traditional Rulers on the Ife/Modakeke Crisis, September 1997. Tilly, C, 1985, 'War Making and State Making as Organized Crime', Evans P.B. et. al. (eds.), Brinoinv the State Back, in Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Van Den Berghe P., 1987, The Ethnic Phenomenon , New York, Praeger. Viva , Lagos, July 5, 1993. Wildavsky, A., 1973, 'If Planning is Everything, Maybe Iťs Nothing', Policy Sciences 4 , June. Wunsch, J.S. and Olowu D. (eds.), 1995, The Failure of the Centralised State, California, ICS Press. Zartman, I.W., 1995, Collapsed States: The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority , Boulder, London, Colo, Lynne Reinner
Akinjogbin, I. A., 1992, The Cradle of a Race : I le -If e (from the Beginning to 1980), Port Harcourt, Sunray Publications Ltd. Audi, R., 1971, 'On the Meaning and Justification of Violence', J. A. Shaffer (Ed), Violence , New York: David Mckay. Betz J., 1977, 'Violence: Garver's Definition and a Deweyan Correction', Ethics , Vol. 87, No. 4, July. Chandoke N., 1986, 'Bringing People Back in Political and Intellectual Agendas', EPWy Vol. 21, No.5, February 1. Chesnais, J., 1992, 'The history of violence: homicide and suicide through the ages', in International Sodai Science Journal, Vol. 132, May. Cornwell, R., 1997, 'Démocratisation and Security in Africa', African Security, Vol. 6, No. 5. Correspondence on the war between the native tribes in the interior and the negotiations for peace conducted by the government of Lagos, 1887, presented to both Houses of Parliament, February 1887, London. Crawford Y., 1982, Patterns of social conflict: State, Class and Ethnicity, in Daedalus, Vol. Ill, No. 2. Fabunmi, M.A. 1985, Ife: The Genesis of Yoruba Race , Ikeja, Lagos, John West Publications Limited. Fanon, F., 1967, Black Skin , Wbite Mas ks > New York, Grove Press. Fanon, F., 1967, Toward the African Revolution , New York, Grove Press , Fashina, O., 1989, 'Frantz Fanon and the Ethical Justification of Anti-Colonial Violence', in Social Tbeoiy and Practice , Vol. 15, No. 2 (Summer) Garver N., 1972, 'What Violence is', The Nation , No. 209, 24 June, 1968 Reprinted in Rachels and Tillman, (eds.) Philosophical Issues , New York: Harper and Row. Gboyega, A., 1997, 'Nigeria: Conflict Unresolved', Zartman I. W. (ed.), Governance as Conßct Management: Politics and Violence in West Africa, Washington D.C., Brookings Institution Press. Hutchful, E, 1998, 'Demilitarisation in Africa: An Update', Discussion Paper prepared for Conference on - Leaders/rip Chalkngs ofDermhtarisation in Africa , Arusha, July 22-24. Ibidapo-Obe, K., 1981, (Hon Justice), 'Report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry on the Communal Disturbances in Oranmiyan Central Local Government Area of Oyo State'. Jerman, H., 'Some Aspects of Ethnic Terminology Encountered in a Study on Ethnic and National Identity in Western Bagamoyo District, Tanzania', in Jipemoyo : Development and Culture Research 3; 1980 , Edited by Philip Donner (Transactions of the Finish Anthropological Society, No. 9).This content downloaded from on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 21:27:23 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
Oladoyin Anthony Mayowa: State and Ethno-Communal Violence... 223 Johnson, S., 1969, The History of the Yoruba , Lagos, CSS Bookshop. Kimanbo, I.N and Temu, A. J., 1969, 'Introduction* in A Histoiy of Tanzania (edited) bv I.N. Kimambo and A. J. Temu, Nairobi, EAPH. Kuhne, W., 1990, Africa and the End of the Cold War , Stifling Wissenschaft and Politik, Ebenhausen, December. Litke, R.F., 1992, 'Violence and Power', International Social Science Journal, No. 132, May. Nnoli, O., 1978, Ethnic Politics in Nigeria , Enugu: Fourth Dimension. Olaniyan, R.A., 1992, The Modakeke Question in Ife Politics and Diplomacy*, in Akinjogbin I. A. op. cit. Osaghae, E., 1986, 'On the Concept of Ethnic Group in Africa: A Nigerian Case', Journal of Plural Societies , Vol. 1 6, Osaghae, E., 1994, 'Ethnicity in Africa or African Ethnicity: The Search for a contextual Understanding', Himmelstrand, V. et aly African Development Controversies , Dilemmas and Openings , New York: James Curry Ltd. Piatt, T., 1992, 'The concept of Violence as descriptive and polemic', in International Social Science Journal, Vol. 132, May. Reno, W., 1998, Warlord Politics and African States , London, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers. Riggs, F.N., 1994, 'Ethnonationalism, industrialism, and the modern State', Third World Quarterly y Vol. 15, No. 4, December. Roy, A., 1995, 'Civil Society and Nation State: In Context of Globalisation', Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. xxx No 31 and 32, August 5-12. Shibutani, T. and Kwan, K.M., 1965, Ethnic Stratification: A Comparative Approach , London Macmillan. Suberu, R.T., 1983, 'Federalism and Nigeria's Political Future: A Comment', African Affairs , Vol. 87, July. Tell, August 3, 1998. The Report of the Committee of Osun State Traditional Rulers on the Ife/Modakeke Crisis, September 1997. Tilly, C, 1985, 'War Making and State Making as Organized Crime', Evans P.B. et. al. (eds.), Brinoinv the State Back, in Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Van Den Berghe P., 1987, The Ethnic Phenomenon , New York, Praeger. Viva , Lagos, July 5, 1993. Wildavsky, A., 1973, 'If Planning is Everything, Maybe Iťs Nothing', Policy Sciences 4 , June. Wunsch, J.S. and Olowu D. (eds.), 1995, The Failure of the Centralised State, California, ICS Press. Zartman, I.W., 1995, Collapsed States: The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority , Boulder, London, Colo, Lynne Reinner