2 - Subaltern Reactions: Lumpens, Students, and the Left*
Corresponding Author(s) : Ismail Rashid
Africa Development,
Vol. 22 No. 3-4 (1997): Africa Development: Special Issue Lumpen Culture and Political Violence: The Sierra Leone Civil War
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- Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1995, 'Liberty or Death, Working Class Agitation and the Labour Question in Colonial Freetovm, ·1938-1939' ,International Review of Social History, 40.
- Awareness Magazine, Freetovm, Sierra Leone.
- Dru-amy, S. B., 1993, Constitutional DevelopmenJ in Post Colonial Sierra Leone, /961-/98 New York.
- Denzer, La Ray and Spitzer, Leo, 1973, 'I.T.A. Wallace-Johnson and the West African Youth League', the International Journal of African Historical Studies
- Editorial Board, 1985, 'Editorial, The Review, Intellectuals and the Left in Africa',Review of African Political F.conomy, No. 32.
- El-Khawas, Mohamed, 1986, Qaddqfi: His ldeology and Practice, Battleboro.
- Focus on Sierra Leone, 1995, London, 20 November.
- For Di People, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
- Fyle, C. Magbaily, 1994, 'The Military and Civil Society in Sierra Leone: The 1992 Military Coup d'Etat', Africa Development, XXVIII, No.2.
- Fyle, Hilton, 1992, Sunrise in Paradise, (Videotape).
- Guha, Ranajit, 1982, 'On some Aspects of the Historiography of Colonial India,'Subaltern Studies l, Delhi.
- Harrell Bond, Barbara et al., 1987, Community leadership and the Transformation of Freetown (/801-1976), New York.
Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1995, 'Liberty or Death, Working Class Agitation and the Labour Question in Colonial Freetovm, ·1938-1939' ,International Review of Social History, 40.
Awareness Magazine, Freetovm, Sierra Leone.
Dru-amy, S. B., 1993, Constitutional DevelopmenJ in Post Colonial Sierra Leone, /961-/98 New York.
Denzer, La Ray and Spitzer, Leo, 1973, 'I.T.A. Wallace-Johnson and the West African Youth League', the International Journal of African Historical Studies
Editorial Board, 1985, 'Editorial, The Review, Intellectuals and the Left in Africa',Review of African Political F.conomy, No. 32.
El-Khawas, Mohamed, 1986, Qaddqfi: His ldeology and Practice, Battleboro.
Focus on Sierra Leone, 1995, London, 20 November.
For Di People, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Fyle, C. Magbaily, 1994, 'The Military and Civil Society in Sierra Leone: The 1992 Military Coup d'Etat', Africa Development, XXVIII, No.2.
Fyle, Hilton, 1992, Sunrise in Paradise, (Videotape).
Guha, Ranajit, 1982, 'On some Aspects of the Historiography of Colonial India,'Subaltern Studies l, Delhi.
Harrell Bond, Barbara et al., 1987, Community leadership and the Transformation of Freetown (/801-1976), New York.