3 - Bush Path to Destruction: The Origin and Character of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF/SL)
Corresponding Author(s) : Ibrahim Abdullah
Africa Development,
Vol. 22 No. 3-4 (1997): Africa Development: Special Issue Lumpen Culture and Political Violence: The Sierra Leone Civil War
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- Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1995, 'Liberty or Death: Working Class Agitation and the Labour Question in Colonial Freetown, 1938-1939',international Review of Social History 40.
- Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1996a, 'Lumpen Youth Culture in Post-Colonial Sierra Leone: A Research Agenda', Mimeo.
- Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1996b, 'Babylon inna Zion': Rastafarians in Freetown', Mimeo. Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1996c, 'Violence, Youth Culture and War: A Critical Reading of Paul Richards', mimeo.
- Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1997, 'The Colonial State and Wage Labor in Post-War Sierra Leone: Attempts at Remaking the Working Class, 1945-60' ,international Labor and Worldng Class History, No.52.
- Amnesty International, 1996, Sierra Leone: Towards a Fulure Founded on fluman Rightf 25 September, London, p.25.
- Blake, Cecil and Abu-Osba, Saleh K. (eds.), 1982, Libya: Terrorist or Terrorized, Ontario. Blake, Cecil, 1990, Through the Prism of African Nationalism: Rejlective and Prospective Essays, Freetown.
- Cabral, Amilcar, 1969, Revolulion in Guinea, London.
- Cartwright, John, 1970, Politics in Sierra Leone 1947-1967, Toronto.
- Cohen, Robin and Michael, David, 1973,'The Revolutionary Potential of the African Lumpen
- Proletariat: A Skeptical View', IDS Bulletin, Vol.5, No.2/3.
- Denz.er, La Ray, 1977, 'I. T. A. Wallace-Johnson and the West African Youth League: A
- Case Study in West African Nationalism', Ph.D., Dissertation, University of Binningham. El-Kenz, Ali, 1996, 'Youth and Violence', in Stephen Ellis, ed.,Africa Now: People,Policies and Institulion, London.
- Fanon, Frantz., 1961, The Wretched of the Fmth, London.
- Fyle, Magbaily, Cecil, 1994, 'The Military and Civil Society in Sierra Leone: The 1992 Military Coup d'état', Africa DevelopmenJ, 18,2.
- Hayward, Fred, 1989, 'State Decay and Fragmentation', in John Dunn (ed.) West African States Cambridge.
- Kandeh, Jimmy, 1992, 'Politisisation of Ethnie Identities in Sierra Leone', African Studies Review, 35, 1.
- Kandeh, Jimmy, 1996, 'What Does the Militariat Do When It Rules? Military Regimes: The Gambia,
- Sierra Leone and Liberia', Review of African Political &onomy, No. 69.
- Kilson, Martin, 1966, Political Change in a West African Stale, Cambridge, Mass. Lavalie, Alpha, 1985, 'The SLPP in Opposition',Sierra Leone Studies at Birmingham Mamdani, Mahmoud, 1987, 'Uganda Today', Ufahamu, Vol. 15, No.3.
- Mukonoweshuro, Eliphas, 1993, Colonialism, Class Formation and Underdevelopment in Sierra Leone, Lanham.
- Museveni, Yoweri, 1997, Sowing the Mustard Seed: The Struggle for Freedom and Democracy, London.
- Nunley, John, 1987, Moving with the Face of the Devi/: Art and Po/itics ln Urban West Africa. Urbana-Champaign.
- Ogunbadejo, Oye, 1986, 'Gaddafi wtd Afiica's International Relations',Jowna/ of Modern African Studies, 24,1.
- Olugb:ide, Olukayode, 1981, The Evolution and Dynamics of Student Unionism aJ University of Ife.
- -198/, B.Sc. University of Ife, Nigeria
- Opala. Joseph, 1994, &static Renovation!: Street Art Celebratlng Sierra Leone 's 1992
- Revolution , Freetown.
- Oye ji, Rabutunde, 1980, Sludents and Governance of Some Niger/an Univers/t/es, Ph.D.,
- Dissertation, University of Ife, Nigeria
- Reno. William, 1993, 'Foreign Firms and the Financing of Charles Taylor', liberian Studle.v, Vol.
- , No. 2.
- Reno, William, 1995, Corruption and StaJe Pol/tics ln Sierra Leone, Cambridge.
- Rt.-volutionary Unitt.>d Front, 1990, &sic Document.
- Revolutionar, l lni:;;d Front, 1995, Foothpath To Democracy.
- RichJl'ds, Paul, 1995, 'The War in Liberia and Sierra Leone', in Oliver Furley (ed.)Conjlict in
- A.frica, London.
- Richurds, Paul, 1996, Fighting for the Rain Forest: War, Youth and &sources in Sierra Leone,
- London, Heinemann.
- Simons, Geoff, 1996, libya: 1he Strugg/efor Survival, New York.
- Stephen Ellhi, 1995, 'Liberia 1989-1994: A Study of Ethnie and Spiritual Violence',
- ;fjï-ican Ajfairs, 94, No. 375.
- TJJT, S. Byron, 1993, 'The ECOMOG Initiative in Liberia: A Liberian Perspective',/ssue: A
- .loi.rnal of Opinion, Vol.21, Nos.1-2.
- Truilizi, Alessanéro, 1996, 'African Cities, Historical Memory and Street Buzz', in Iain Chambers
- and Lidia Curti (eds.) The Post Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horize,ns, London.
- Tungarnirai, Josiah, 1995, 'Recruitment to ZANLA: Building up a War Machine', in Ngwahi Bebe .ind
- Terence Ranger (eds.),Zimhabwe's Liberation War, London.
- ·war Would Have Startcd in 1988', Interview with Foday Sankoh,Concord Timçs, 6 Dccernber, 1996.
- West, !fü:hael, O., 1992., 'Equal Rights for all Civiliz.ed Men: Elite Africans and the Quest for
- European Liquor in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1924-1961',/nJernational Review of Social HJslo,,y, 37.
- Young, T., 1990, 'lhe tvlNR/ RE"NAMO: Extemal and Internai Dynamics',.-lji-ican Affairs,
- ,357.
- Zack-Williams, 'funde, 1990, 'Sierra Leone: Crisis and Despair', Review of A.frican Political
- Economy, No.49.
- ack-Williams, A. B. and S. Riley, 1993, 'Sierra Leone: The Coup and lts Conscqu i1C1..-s·.
- Review of African Political F.conomy, 56.
Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1995, 'Liberty or Death: Working Class Agitation and the Labour Question in Colonial Freetown, 1938-1939',international Review of Social History 40.
Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1996a, 'Lumpen Youth Culture in Post-Colonial Sierra Leone: A Research Agenda', Mimeo.
Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1996b, 'Babylon inna Zion': Rastafarians in Freetown', Mimeo. Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1996c, 'Violence, Youth Culture and War: A Critical Reading of Paul Richards', mimeo.
Abdullah, Ibrahim, 1997, 'The Colonial State and Wage Labor in Post-War Sierra Leone: Attempts at Remaking the Working Class, 1945-60' ,international Labor and Worldng Class History, No.52.
Amnesty International, 1996, Sierra Leone: Towards a Fulure Founded on fluman Rightf 25 September, London, p.25.
Blake, Cecil and Abu-Osba, Saleh K. (eds.), 1982, Libya: Terrorist or Terrorized, Ontario. Blake, Cecil, 1990, Through the Prism of African Nationalism: Rejlective and Prospective Essays, Freetown.
Cabral, Amilcar, 1969, Revolulion in Guinea, London.
Cartwright, John, 1970, Politics in Sierra Leone 1947-1967, Toronto.
Cohen, Robin and Michael, David, 1973,'The Revolutionary Potential of the African Lumpen
Proletariat: A Skeptical View', IDS Bulletin, Vol.5, No.2/3.
Denz.er, La Ray, 1977, 'I. T. A. Wallace-Johnson and the West African Youth League: A
Case Study in West African Nationalism', Ph.D., Dissertation, University of Binningham. El-Kenz, Ali, 1996, 'Youth and Violence', in Stephen Ellis, ed.,Africa Now: People,Policies and Institulion, London.
Fanon, Frantz., 1961, The Wretched of the Fmth, London.
Fyle, Magbaily, Cecil, 1994, 'The Military and Civil Society in Sierra Leone: The 1992 Military Coup d'état', Africa DevelopmenJ, 18,2.
Hayward, Fred, 1989, 'State Decay and Fragmentation', in John Dunn (ed.) West African States Cambridge.
Kandeh, Jimmy, 1992, 'Politisisation of Ethnie Identities in Sierra Leone', African Studies Review, 35, 1.
Kandeh, Jimmy, 1996, 'What Does the Militariat Do When It Rules? Military Regimes: The Gambia,
Sierra Leone and Liberia', Review of African Political &onomy, No. 69.
Kilson, Martin, 1966, Political Change in a West African Stale, Cambridge, Mass. Lavalie, Alpha, 1985, 'The SLPP in Opposition',Sierra Leone Studies at Birmingham Mamdani, Mahmoud, 1987, 'Uganda Today', Ufahamu, Vol. 15, No.3.
Mukonoweshuro, Eliphas, 1993, Colonialism, Class Formation and Underdevelopment in Sierra Leone, Lanham.
Museveni, Yoweri, 1997, Sowing the Mustard Seed: The Struggle for Freedom and Democracy, London.
Nunley, John, 1987, Moving with the Face of the Devi/: Art and Po/itics ln Urban West Africa. Urbana-Champaign.
Ogunbadejo, Oye, 1986, 'Gaddafi wtd Afiica's International Relations',Jowna/ of Modern African Studies, 24,1.
Olugb:ide, Olukayode, 1981, The Evolution and Dynamics of Student Unionism aJ University of Ife.
-198/, B.Sc. University of Ife, Nigeria
Opala. Joseph, 1994, &static Renovation!: Street Art Celebratlng Sierra Leone 's 1992
Revolution , Freetown.
Oye ji, Rabutunde, 1980, Sludents and Governance of Some Niger/an Univers/t/es, Ph.D.,
Dissertation, University of Ife, Nigeria
Reno. William, 1993, 'Foreign Firms and the Financing of Charles Taylor', liberian Studle.v, Vol.
, No. 2.
Reno, William, 1995, Corruption and StaJe Pol/tics ln Sierra Leone, Cambridge.
Rt.-volutionary Unitt.>d Front, 1990, &sic Document.
Revolutionar, l lni:;;d Front, 1995, Foothpath To Democracy.
RichJl'ds, Paul, 1995, 'The War in Liberia and Sierra Leone', in Oliver Furley (ed.)Conjlict in
A.frica, London.
Richurds, Paul, 1996, Fighting for the Rain Forest: War, Youth and &sources in Sierra Leone,
London, Heinemann.
Simons, Geoff, 1996, libya: 1he Strugg/efor Survival, New York.
Stephen Ellhi, 1995, 'Liberia 1989-1994: A Study of Ethnie and Spiritual Violence',
;fjï-ican Ajfairs, 94, No. 375.
TJJT, S. Byron, 1993, 'The ECOMOG Initiative in Liberia: A Liberian Perspective',/ssue: A
.loi.rnal of Opinion, Vol.21, Nos.1-2.
Truilizi, Alessanéro, 1996, 'African Cities, Historical Memory and Street Buzz', in Iain Chambers
and Lidia Curti (eds.) The Post Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horize,ns, London.
Tungarnirai, Josiah, 1995, 'Recruitment to ZANLA: Building up a War Machine', in Ngwahi Bebe .ind
Terence Ranger (eds.),Zimhabwe's Liberation War, London.
·war Would Have Startcd in 1988', Interview with Foday Sankoh,Concord Timçs, 6 Dccernber, 1996.
West, !fü:hael, O., 1992., 'Equal Rights for all Civiliz.ed Men: Elite Africans and the Quest for
European Liquor in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1924-1961',/nJernational Review of Social HJslo,,y, 37.
Young, T., 1990, 'lhe tvlNR/ RE"NAMO: Extemal and Internai Dynamics',.-lji-ican Affairs,
Zack-Williams, 'funde, 1990, 'Sierra Leone: Crisis and Despair', Review of A.frican Political
Economy, No.49.
ack-Williams, A. B. and S. Riley, 1993, 'Sierra Leone: The Coup and lts Conscqu i1C1..-s·.
Review of African Political F.conomy, 56.