16 - The Socio-economic Crisis in Southern Africa (Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe)
Africa Development,
Vol. 21 No. 2-3 (1996): Africa Development: The African and Middle East Crisis: An Alternative
This foregoing paper is intended to be an interpretation and synthesis of developments in the four countries discussed and in the sub-region based on various previous papers written in the Southern Africa Political Economy Monthly (SAPEM) by the author on the output of projects of the Southern Africa Regional Institute for Policy Studies (SARIPS) of SAPES Trust, and on country up-dates of socio-economic trends of the four countries discussed prepared by Richard Kamidza, a Research Assistant at SARIPS.
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- Kennedy, Paul, 1988, African Capitalism: The Struggle for Ascendancy, CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.
- Mhone, G.C.Z. (ed.) 1992, Malawi al the Cross-roads: The Post Colonial Political Economy, SAPES Trust, Harare.
- Mwanza, Allast (cd.), 1992, 'Structural Adjustment Programmes in SADC: Experiences and Lessons from Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe', SAPES Trust, Harare.
- Sender, J. and Sheila, Smith, 1986, The Development of Capitalism in Africa, METHUEN, New York.
- Southern Africa Political and Economie Monthly, 1993, The Botswana Miracle Myth or Reality? Vol. VI, No. 12.
Kennedy, Paul, 1988, African Capitalism: The Struggle for Ascendancy, CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.
Mhone, G.C.Z. (ed.) 1992, Malawi al the Cross-roads: The Post Colonial Political Economy, SAPES Trust, Harare.
Mwanza, Allast (cd.), 1992, 'Structural Adjustment Programmes in SADC: Experiences and Lessons from Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe', SAPES Trust, Harare.
Sender, J. and Sheila, Smith, 1986, The Development of Capitalism in Africa, METHUEN, New York.
Southern Africa Political and Economie Monthly, 1993, The Botswana Miracle Myth or Reality? Vol. VI, No. 12.