2 - The Structural Adjustment Programme and the Transition to Civil Rule in Nigeria (1986-1993)
Africa Development,
Vol. 21 No. 1 (1996): Africa Development
L'auteur essaye de démontrer le-lien organique entre les Programmes de transition économique (PTE) et le Programme de transition politique (PTP) dans le cadre du processus de désengagement sous Babangida au Nigeria Le PTP était un mécanisme destiné à faire diversion pour la mise en oeuvre du PTE qui était envisagé dans le Programme d'ajustement structurel (PAS). La prolongation du PTP reflétait la capacité de Babangida d'utiliser l'instrumentalité du SAP pour coopter et élargir la classe économiquement mais aussi politiquement dominante. La résistance de la population au PTP fût à l'origine une conséquence de la crise engendrée par le PTE La résistance au PTE a entraîné la création de structures dont les travailleurs se servent pour défier l'Etat. Cependant, l'opportunisme de la classe politique et les querelles internes parmi les forces démocratiques a en effet renversé la tendance et affaibli les structures de la résistance.
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- Abba. Alkasum et al., 1985, The Nigerian Economie Crisis: Causes and Solutions, Z.aria, ASUU.
- Adairolekun, Ladipo, 1985, The Fall of the Second Republic, Ibadan, Spectnnn Books.
- Adekanye, J. Bayo, 1993, 'Militaiy Occupation and Social Stratitication';lnaugural lecture, University of lbadan.
- Agbaje, Adigun, 1991, 'Two-Partysm and Democratic Transition in Nigeria', The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol.29, No.2.
- Agbaje, Adigun, 1992, 'Adjusting State and Market in Nigeria',Africa Spectrum, 21, 2.
- Aina, Tade Akin, 1989, 'The Nigerian Crisis and the Middle Oasis in Viertel Jahres Berichte, No.16, June.
- Ake, Gaude, 1992, ''The Feasibility of Democracy in Afiica', Ibadan, CREDU.
- Akinola, Anthony A, 1990, 'Manufacturing the two party System in Nigeria',77,the Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politi Vol.XXVIJI, No.3, November.
- Anonymous, 1990, CLO Publication 'Executive Recklessness'.
- Anonyrmus, 1993, 'The June 12 Question'Liberty, Vol.4, No.3, August-October.
- Anyang _Nyong'o, Peter, 1988, 'A Rijoinder to the comments on Democracy and Political Instability', Africa Development, Vol.XIII, No.3.
- Anyang Nyong'o. Peter, 1988, 'Political Instability and the Prospects for Democracy in Afiica', Africa Developmenl Vol.X/JI, No.!.
- Asobic, H Assisi, 1993. 'The Pauperization of the Nigerian Petit Bourgeoisie' in Nnoli (ed.) Deadend to Nigerian Development, Dakar, CODFSRIA books.
- Ayagi, Ibrahim, 1990, 77ie Trapped &onomy, Ibadan, Heinerrann Books.
- Ayeni, Victor and Sorernekun, Kayode (eds.), 1988,Nigeria's Second Republic, Apapa, Daily Times Publications.
- Bangura, Yusuf and Beckman, Bjom, 1993 'Afiican Workers and Structural Adjustm:nt: A Nigerian
- Case-Study' in Adebayo O. Olukoshi (ed.)The Politics of Structural Aqjustment in Nigeria, London, James Currey.
- Bangura, Yusuf, 1988, 'The Crisis of Underdevelopment and the Transition to Civil Rule. Conceptualising the Question of Democracy in Nigeria', Africa Developmenl, Vol.XIII, No.1, p.34.
Abba. Alkasum et al., 1985, The Nigerian Economie Crisis: Causes and Solutions, Z.aria, ASUU.
Adairolekun, Ladipo, 1985, The Fall of the Second Republic, Ibadan, Spectnnn Books.
Adekanye, J. Bayo, 1993, 'Militaiy Occupation and Social Stratitication';lnaugural lecture, University of lbadan.
Agbaje, Adigun, 1991, 'Two-Partysm and Democratic Transition in Nigeria', The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol.29, No.2.
Agbaje, Adigun, 1992, 'Adjusting State and Market in Nigeria',Africa Spectrum, 21, 2.
Aina, Tade Akin, 1989, 'The Nigerian Crisis and the Middle Oasis in Viertel Jahres Berichte, No.16, June.
Ake, Gaude, 1992, ''The Feasibility of Democracy in Afiica', Ibadan, CREDU.
Akinola, Anthony A, 1990, 'Manufacturing the two party System in Nigeria',77,the Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politi Vol.XXVIJI, No.3, November.
Anonymous, 1990, CLO Publication 'Executive Recklessness'.
Anonyrmus, 1993, 'The June 12 Question'Liberty, Vol.4, No.3, August-October.
Anyang _Nyong'o, Peter, 1988, 'A Rijoinder to the comments on Democracy and Political Instability', Africa Development, Vol.XIII, No.3.
Anyang Nyong'o. Peter, 1988, 'Political Instability and the Prospects for Democracy in Afiica', Africa Developmenl Vol.X/JI, No.!.
Asobic, H Assisi, 1993. 'The Pauperization of the Nigerian Petit Bourgeoisie' in Nnoli (ed.) Deadend to Nigerian Development, Dakar, CODFSRIA books.
Ayagi, Ibrahim, 1990, 77ie Trapped &onomy, Ibadan, Heinerrann Books.
Ayeni, Victor and Sorernekun, Kayode (eds.), 1988,Nigeria's Second Republic, Apapa, Daily Times Publications.
Bangura, Yusuf and Beckman, Bjom, 1993 'Afiican Workers and Structural Adjustm:nt: A Nigerian
Case-Study' in Adebayo O. Olukoshi (ed.)The Politics of Structural Aqjustment in Nigeria, London, James Currey.
Bangura, Yusuf, 1988, 'The Crisis of Underdevelopment and the Transition to Civil Rule. Conceptualising the Question of Democracy in Nigeria', Africa Developmenl, Vol.XIII, No.1, p.34.