2 - Gender Analysis: The Stunted Discourse in Kenya's Historiography1
Corresponding Author(s) : Hannington Ochwada
Africa Development,
Vol. 20 No. 4 (1995): Africa Development: Special Issue on the Gender Institute 1994
Dans cet article une critique et une analyse de l'historiographie récente du Kenya ont été amorcées à propos de l'ignorance apparente ou de la déformation des relations de genre. L'analyse des relations de genre dans l'historiographie kenyane est un discours controversé résultant non pas de l'absence de relations de genre ou d'importantes réalisations et contributions de femmes, mais de préoccupations, de traditions, de précédents et de méthodologies pleins de préjugés. L'auteur termine en rejetant l 'historiographie «mâle» et en appelant à une historiographie basée sur les relations de genre dont il trace les grandes lignes.
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- Ake, C., 1978, Revolutionary Pressures in Africa, London, Zed Press. Ake, C., 1981, A Political Economy of Africa, London, Longman.
- Atieno-Odhiambo, E.S., 1974, 'Synthesising Kenya History', Africa Thought and Practice, vol.).
- Ayot, H.O., 1979, A History of Luo-Abasubq of Western Kenya /rom A.D. 1760, Nairobi, Kenya Literature Bureau.
- Ayot, T.0.0., 1990, 'The Position of Women in the Luo Societies: Case Study of Jok, Onyango A.D. 1750-1920'. PhDThesis, Kenyatta University.
- Beckman, B., 1981, 'lmperialism and Capitalist Transformation: Critique of a Kenyan Debate', Review of Africa Political Economy No.19.
- Bowles, B.D. 1979, 'Underdevelopment in Agriculture in Kenya: Sorne Ecological and Dietary Aspect' in B.A. Ogot (ed.), Ecology and History in East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya Literature Bureau.
- Brantley, C., 1981, The Giriama and Colonial Resistance in Kenya, 1800-1920, Berkeley, University of California.
- Chinweizu, 1975, The West and Rest of Us, New York, Vintage Press.
- Crummey, D., and Stewart, C.C. (eds.), 1981, Modes of Production Africa: The Precolonial Era, London, Sage Publication.
- Duignan, P., and Gann, H. (eds.), 1978, Colonialism in Africa, London, Cambridge University Press.
- Freund, B., 1984, The Making of Contemporary Africa: The Development of African Society Since 1800, London, Macmillan.
- Hay, M.J., 1976, 'Economie Change in late Nineteenth Century Kowe, Western Kenya' in B.A. Ogot (ed.), Economie and Social History of East Africa, Nairobi, Literature Bureau.
- listorical Association of Kenya (1968-1985), Proceedings of the conferenceHadith
- -8, Nairobi, East African Publishing House and the Kenya Literature Bureau.
- Imam, A.M., 1988a, 'The Presentation of African Women in Historical Writing' in S.J. Kleinberg (ed.), Retrieving Women 's History: Changing Perceptions of the Role of Women in Politics and Society, Paris, UNESCO.
- Imam, A.M., 1988b, 'Of Hopes and Expectations: Social Sciences in the 1990s', Paper for Roundtable Discussion on Social Science in 1990s Sixth General Assembly of CODESRJA, Dakar, December, 5-1O.
- Imam, A.M., 1990, 'Gender Analysis in African Social Sciences in the 1990s', Africa Development, Vol.xv, No.3/4.
- Jalang'o-Ndeda, M.A., 1991, 'The Impact of Male Labour Migration on Rural Women: A Case Study of Siaya District, C. 1894-1963 '. PhD Thesis, Kenyatta University.
- Janmohammed, K.K., 1976, 'African Labourers in Mombassa, C. 1985-1940' in B.A. Ogot (ed.), Economie and Social History of East African, Nairobi, Kenya Literature Bureau.
- Kanogo, T., 1987, Squatters and the Roofs of Mau Mau, Nairobi, Heinemann. Kaplinsky, R. (ed.), 1978, Readings on the Multinational Corporation in Kenya,
- Nairobi, Oxford University Press.
- Kaplinsky, R., 1980, 'Capitalist Accumulation in the Periphery: The Kenyan Case Re-examined',
- Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 19.
- Kenyatta, J., 1938, Facing Mount Kenya, London, Secker and Warburg.
- Khasiani, S.A. (ed.), 1992, Groundwork: African Women as Environmental Managers, Nairobi, African Centre for Technology Studies.
Ake, C., 1978, Revolutionary Pressures in Africa, London, Zed Press. Ake, C., 1981, A Political Economy of Africa, London, Longman.
Atieno-Odhiambo, E.S., 1974, 'Synthesising Kenya History', Africa Thought and Practice, vol.).
Ayot, H.O., 1979, A History of Luo-Abasubq of Western Kenya /rom A.D. 1760, Nairobi, Kenya Literature Bureau.
Ayot, T.0.0., 1990, 'The Position of Women in the Luo Societies: Case Study of Jok, Onyango A.D. 1750-1920'. PhDThesis, Kenyatta University.
Beckman, B., 1981, 'lmperialism and Capitalist Transformation: Critique of a Kenyan Debate', Review of Africa Political Economy No.19.
Bowles, B.D. 1979, 'Underdevelopment in Agriculture in Kenya: Sorne Ecological and Dietary Aspect' in B.A. Ogot (ed.), Ecology and History in East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya Literature Bureau.
Brantley, C., 1981, The Giriama and Colonial Resistance in Kenya, 1800-1920, Berkeley, University of California.
Chinweizu, 1975, The West and Rest of Us, New York, Vintage Press.
Crummey, D., and Stewart, C.C. (eds.), 1981, Modes of Production Africa: The Precolonial Era, London, Sage Publication.
Duignan, P., and Gann, H. (eds.), 1978, Colonialism in Africa, London, Cambridge University Press.
Freund, B., 1984, The Making of Contemporary Africa: The Development of African Society Since 1800, London, Macmillan.
Hay, M.J., 1976, 'Economie Change in late Nineteenth Century Kowe, Western Kenya' in B.A. Ogot (ed.), Economie and Social History of East Africa, Nairobi, Literature Bureau.
listorical Association of Kenya (1968-1985), Proceedings of the conferenceHadith
-8, Nairobi, East African Publishing House and the Kenya Literature Bureau.
Imam, A.M., 1988a, 'The Presentation of African Women in Historical Writing' in S.J. Kleinberg (ed.), Retrieving Women 's History: Changing Perceptions of the Role of Women in Politics and Society, Paris, UNESCO.
Imam, A.M., 1988b, 'Of Hopes and Expectations: Social Sciences in the 1990s', Paper for Roundtable Discussion on Social Science in 1990s Sixth General Assembly of CODESRJA, Dakar, December, 5-1O.
Imam, A.M., 1990, 'Gender Analysis in African Social Sciences in the 1990s', Africa Development, Vol.xv, No.3/4.
Jalang'o-Ndeda, M.A., 1991, 'The Impact of Male Labour Migration on Rural Women: A Case Study of Siaya District, C. 1894-1963 '. PhD Thesis, Kenyatta University.
Janmohammed, K.K., 1976, 'African Labourers in Mombassa, C. 1985-1940' in B.A. Ogot (ed.), Economie and Social History of East African, Nairobi, Kenya Literature Bureau.
Kanogo, T., 1987, Squatters and the Roofs of Mau Mau, Nairobi, Heinemann. Kaplinsky, R. (ed.), 1978, Readings on the Multinational Corporation in Kenya,
Nairobi, Oxford University Press.
Kaplinsky, R., 1980, 'Capitalist Accumulation in the Periphery: The Kenyan Case Re-examined',
Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 19.
Kenyatta, J., 1938, Facing Mount Kenya, London, Secker and Warburg.
Khasiani, S.A. (ed.), 1992, Groundwork: African Women as Environmental Managers, Nairobi, African Centre for Technology Studies.