2 - The Impact of Foreign Aid on Zimbabwe's Agricultural Policy
Corresponding Author(s) : Sam Moyo
Africa Development,
Vol. 20 No. 3 (1995): Africa Development
Selon l'auJeur, bien que l'aide étrangère appuyait le programme le plus populaire de rerforcement de la participation des «petits fermiers» aux marchés agricoles jadis discriminatoires du Zimbabwe, l'approche utilisée plus ou moins évolutive, contrastait avec l'objective radical du gouvernement Zimbabwéen en matière agricole. ll démontre ainsi que l'impact des donateurs sur la politique agricole et le rendement a été un ralentissement des transformations résultantde la faiblesse en quantite ét qualité de la terre redistribuée depuis 1980 au Zimbabwe.
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- Agricultural Finance Corporation, 1982 to 1986, Annual Report, AFC, Harare.
- Bratton, M., 1984, 'Farmers Organisations in the Communal Lands of Zimbabwe: Preliminary Finding', Mimeo, Dept. of Land Management, University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
- Bratton, M., 1985, Persona! Communications based on-going policy research.
- Financial Gazette, The (1983-1985) Various issues.
- Herald, The (1983, 1984 and 1985) Various issues.
- Moyo, S., 1985, 'Sorne Comments and extended Notes on the Communal Lands Developnmt Plan', by the Ministry of Resettlement and Rural Development, (Mimeo, ZIDS, work.-in-progress notes).
- Moyo, S., 1985, 'An Elaboration of the Agrarian Debates on Land Use and Productivity', (Mimeo, ZIDS, work-in-progress notes).
- Moyo, S., Moyo, N. and Loewenson, R, 1985, 'Drought, Food Shortages and Development Strategy, Zimbabwe', (Mimeo, work-in-progress, ZIDS, Library).
- Moyo, S., 1986, 'The Land Question', in 1. Mandaza (ed.),The Political economy of Transition in Zimbabwe: 1980-1986, CODESRIA, Dakar.
- Mumbengegwi, C., 1984, Some Preliminary Findings on the Achievements of Cooperatives, Dept. of Economies Publication, University of Zimbabwe, Harare. Mugabe, N. R, 1984, 'National Report for the Zimbabwe Agricultural Resource Assessment', A study financed by USAID and conducted by a private consultant, Devers Inc. for the whole of Africa.
- Muir, Kay, 1980, Crop Production Patterns in Zimbabwe, 1965-1980, Mimeo, Dept. of Land Management, University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
- Mkandawire, T., 1983, 'The Lagos Plan of Action (LPA) and the World on Food and Agriculture in Africa: Comparison and Appraisal', in Africa Development, Vol. VII, No. 1-2, pp.166-177.
- Mkandawire, T., 1984, Home Made Austerity Measures, the case of Zimbabwe., (AZIDS, Working Paper).
- Mkandawire, 1., 1985, Agricultural &onomics Training and Research in Africa : A Perspective from ZIDS, Mimeo, Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, Harare.
- Ndoro, H., 1984, 'Agricultural Credit in Zimbabwe', A ZIDS work-in-progress paper, Harare.
- Riddel, R, 1984, 'Agricultural Credit in Zimbabwe', A ZIDS work-in-progress paper, Harare.
- Riddel, R, 1985, 'The Zimbabwe Economy Five Years After Independence', African Affairs.
- Rukuni, M, 1984, Drought Power Ownership in the Communal Lands, Mimeo, Dept. of Land Management,
- University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
- Shopo, T. D., 1984, The State and Food Policy in Zimbabwe, 1965-1980, ZIDS, work-in-progress paper, Harare.
- Shopo, T., 1984, The Political economy of Hunger in Zimbabwe, A ZIDS Working Paper, Harare.
- Skalnes, T., 1989, 'Group Interests and the State: An explanation of Zimbabwe's Agricultural Policies', A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, USA.
- Truscott, K. and Bratton, M., 1985, Yield &timation of Various Fertiliser Input Package, Mimeo,
- Agricultural extension and Technical Services (AGRITEX) Department, GOZ, Harare.
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 1991, Development Cooperation Zimbabwe 1990 Report Van de Laar, A., 1980, The Wor/d Bank and the Poor, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.
- Weiner, D. and Moyo, S., 1984, Land Use and Productivity: Myth or Reality, Mimeo, ZIDS Working Paper, Harare.
- World Bank, 1982, The Small Farm Credit Scheme, An Appraisal for the AFC, Harare.
Agricultural Finance Corporation, 1982 to 1986, Annual Report, AFC, Harare.
Bratton, M., 1984, 'Farmers Organisations in the Communal Lands of Zimbabwe: Preliminary Finding', Mimeo, Dept. of Land Management, University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Bratton, M., 1985, Persona! Communications based on-going policy research.
Financial Gazette, The (1983-1985) Various issues.
Herald, The (1983, 1984 and 1985) Various issues.
Moyo, S., 1985, 'Sorne Comments and extended Notes on the Communal Lands Developnmt Plan', by the Ministry of Resettlement and Rural Development, (Mimeo, ZIDS, work.-in-progress notes).
Moyo, S., 1985, 'An Elaboration of the Agrarian Debates on Land Use and Productivity', (Mimeo, ZIDS, work-in-progress notes).
Moyo, S., Moyo, N. and Loewenson, R, 1985, 'Drought, Food Shortages and Development Strategy, Zimbabwe', (Mimeo, work-in-progress, ZIDS, Library).
Moyo, S., 1986, 'The Land Question', in 1. Mandaza (ed.),The Political economy of Transition in Zimbabwe: 1980-1986, CODESRIA, Dakar.
Mumbengegwi, C., 1984, Some Preliminary Findings on the Achievements of Cooperatives, Dept. of Economies Publication, University of Zimbabwe, Harare. Mugabe, N. R, 1984, 'National Report for the Zimbabwe Agricultural Resource Assessment', A study financed by USAID and conducted by a private consultant, Devers Inc. for the whole of Africa.
Muir, Kay, 1980, Crop Production Patterns in Zimbabwe, 1965-1980, Mimeo, Dept. of Land Management, University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Mkandawire, T., 1983, 'The Lagos Plan of Action (LPA) and the World on Food and Agriculture in Africa: Comparison and Appraisal', in Africa Development, Vol. VII, No. 1-2, pp.166-177.
Mkandawire, T., 1984, Home Made Austerity Measures, the case of Zimbabwe., (AZIDS, Working Paper).
Mkandawire, 1., 1985, Agricultural &onomics Training and Research in Africa : A Perspective from ZIDS, Mimeo, Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies, Harare.
Ndoro, H., 1984, 'Agricultural Credit in Zimbabwe', A ZIDS work-in-progress paper, Harare.
Riddel, R, 1984, 'Agricultural Credit in Zimbabwe', A ZIDS work-in-progress paper, Harare.
Riddel, R, 1985, 'The Zimbabwe Economy Five Years After Independence', African Affairs.
Rukuni, M, 1984, Drought Power Ownership in the Communal Lands, Mimeo, Dept. of Land Management,
University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Shopo, T. D., 1984, The State and Food Policy in Zimbabwe, 1965-1980, ZIDS, work-in-progress paper, Harare.
Shopo, T., 1984, The Political economy of Hunger in Zimbabwe, A ZIDS Working Paper, Harare.
Skalnes, T., 1989, 'Group Interests and the State: An explanation of Zimbabwe's Agricultural Policies', A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, USA.
Truscott, K. and Bratton, M., 1985, Yield &timation of Various Fertiliser Input Package, Mimeo,
Agricultural extension and Technical Services (AGRITEX) Department, GOZ, Harare.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 1991, Development Cooperation Zimbabwe 1990 Report Van de Laar, A., 1980, The Wor/d Bank and the Poor, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.
Weiner, D. and Moyo, S., 1984, Land Use and Productivity: Myth or Reality, Mimeo, ZIDS Working Paper, Harare.
World Bank, 1982, The Small Farm Credit Scheme, An Appraisal for the AFC, Harare.