7 - Educational Research and Policy Analysis Capacity for Educational Change in sub-Saharan Africa
Africa Development,
Vol. 19 No. 4 (1994): Africa Development: Education and Development in sub-Saharan Africa
La opacité des pays de l'Afrique au Sud du Sahara de formuler et d'exécuter des politiques judicieuses pour un développement à long terme et durable est un des moyens de sortie de la crise sociale, économique et politique que le continent traverse Malheureusement, cette capacité est limitée, et là où elle existe, son impact est également très limité, comme .on peut le constater dans le secteur de l'éducation. L'auteur analyse les différentes actions internes et externesvprises par les gouvernements nationaux, les chercheurs et les organismes de financement pour améliorer ou changer les conditions actuelles. Il accorde une attention particulière aux voies et moyens de renforcer et de maintenir les capacités de recherche et d'élaboration de politique dans chaque pays et'dans la région.
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- Cohen, John, M, 1991, 'Expatriate Advisers in the Govemment of Kenya: Why they are there and what can be clone about it',Development Discussion Paper No. 376, Harvard Institute for International Development, June.
- Court, David, 1991, 'The Intellectual Context of Educational Research: Reftection from a Donor in Africa', Paper presnted at the International Conference on Strengthening Analytical and Research Capacities in Education: Lessons from national and donor experience, Bonn, Germeny, 1-5 July.
- ERNESA-HARVARD University, 1991, 'Africa Policy Dialogue and Research Collaborative', .Report of the Planning Meeting. Botswana, 27-28 June.
- Jinadu, L. Adele, 1985, The Social Sciences and Development in Africa: Ethiopia, Mozambique,
- Tanzania and Zimbabwe, SAREC
- Miron, Guy and Sorensen, Karen, 1991, Strengthening Educational Research in Developing Countries, Report of a Serninar held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm 12-14 September.
- Namuddu, Katherine and Tapsoba, Sibry, 1993, Capacity-Building in Educational Research and Policy Analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa,Ottawa, IDRC, Ottawa
- Shaeffer, Sheldon and Nkinyangi, John, A, 1983,Educational Research Environment in the Developing Work, Ottawa, IDRC.
- Vylder, Stefan de, and Ornas, Anders l-ijortat: 1991, 'Social Science in Africa: The Role of CODESRIA in Pan-Africa Co-operation', SARFC Evaluation.
- World Bank, 1988, Education in Sub-Saharan African Policies for Adjustments Revitalisation and expansion, Washington. D.C.
- World Bank, 1989, Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth: A Long-term Perspective Washington D.C.
- World Bank, 1991, The African Capacity Building lniliative, Wdlington D.C.
Cohen, John, M, 1991, 'Expatriate Advisers in the Govemment of Kenya: Why they are there and what can be clone about it',Development Discussion Paper No. 376, Harvard Institute for International Development, June.
Court, David, 1991, 'The Intellectual Context of Educational Research: Reftection from a Donor in Africa', Paper presnted at the International Conference on Strengthening Analytical and Research Capacities in Education: Lessons from national and donor experience, Bonn, Germeny, 1-5 July.
ERNESA-HARVARD University, 1991, 'Africa Policy Dialogue and Research Collaborative', .Report of the Planning Meeting. Botswana, 27-28 June.
Jinadu, L. Adele, 1985, The Social Sciences and Development in Africa: Ethiopia, Mozambique,
Tanzania and Zimbabwe, SAREC
Miron, Guy and Sorensen, Karen, 1991, Strengthening Educational Research in Developing Countries, Report of a Serninar held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm 12-14 September.
Namuddu, Katherine and Tapsoba, Sibry, 1993, Capacity-Building in Educational Research and Policy Analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa,Ottawa, IDRC, Ottawa
Shaeffer, Sheldon and Nkinyangi, John, A, 1983,Educational Research Environment in the Developing Work, Ottawa, IDRC.
Vylder, Stefan de, and Ornas, Anders l-ijortat: 1991, 'Social Science in Africa: The Role of CODESRIA in Pan-Africa Co-operation', SARFC Evaluation.
World Bank, 1988, Education in Sub-Saharan African Policies for Adjustments Revitalisation and expansion, Washington. D.C.
World Bank, 1989, Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth: A Long-term Perspective Washington D.C.
World Bank, 1991, The African Capacity Building lniliative, Wdlington D.C.