1 - The Challenges of Anti-racist Education Research in the African Context*
Corresponding Author(s) : George J Sefa Dei
Africa Development,
Vol. 19 No. 3 (1994): Africa Development
Cet article traite des défis auxquels la recherche et l'éducation anti-racistes doivent faire face dans le contexte africain L'auteur y indique les points sur lesquels l'attention des étudiants, éducateurs et chercheurs intéressés à poursuivre une éducation anti-raciste et à mener une recherche dans l'environnement social africain doit se porter en priorité. Parmi ces points figurent le changement des programmes, le discours et la pédagogie à l ' intérieur de la classe, le caractère approprié de la recherche ainsi que les rapports entre les problèmes d'égalité des thèmes par l'éducation, de liberté universitaire, de droits de l'homme et d'éducation anti-raciste. La contribution de l'auteur est de montrer comment une éducation anti-raciste peut éclairer les intérêts académiques et de recherche des éducateurs et participer ainsi à la lutte pour le pouvoir politique la justice sociale et le développement social de tous les peuples africains.
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- Bloom, A, D, 1987, The closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy, New York, Simon and Schuster.
- Bolaria, B, S, and P, S, Li, 1988, Racial Oppression in Canada, Toronto. Garamond Press.
- Bolles, A, L, 1991, 'Missionary Work Among Heirs of Privilege: Anthropology as Experiential Learning', Transfonning Anthropology, 2(1): 6-8.
- Brokensha, D, W, D, W, Warren and D, Werner, 1980, lndigenous Knowledge Systems and Development, Lanham, Md: University Press of America, Inc.
- Buck: P, D, 1991, 'The View From Under the Sink: Can you Teach Anthropology Up When You Aren't
- down?' Transfonning Anthropology, 2(1): 22-24; 41.
- Buck, .P, D,' d D, D'Amico-Samuels, 1991, 'Introduction', Transfonning Anthropology, Volurre 2, Number I (Special issue: Teaching as Praxis: Race and ldeologies of Power).
- Butler, J, 198( Black Studies, Pedagogy and Rcvolution, Washington, University of America Press.
- Cannon, L, W, 1990, 'Fostering Positive Race, Class and Gender Dynamics in the Clawoom', Women Studies Quarterly, 2: 126-134.
- Casey, G, 1991, 'Racism, Anger, and Empowennent: Teaching Anthropology in a Multi-Racial Working Class Environment', Transfunning Anthrupology, 2(1) 9-15.
- Collins, P, H, 1986, 'Lcaming from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Signification of Black Feminist Thought', Social Problems, 33(16): 14-32.
- ---,1990, Black Feminist Thought, London, Harper Collins Academic.
- Commonwealth Expert Group (CEG) on Women and Structural Adjustment, 1989, Engendering Adjustment for the 1990s, London, Commonwealth Secrctariat..
- Dei, G, J, S, 1990a, 'Deforestation in a Ghanaian Rural Community', Anthropologica, 32(1): 3-28.
- ---, 1990b, 'Indigenous Knowledge and Economie Production', Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 24(1): 1-20.
- ---, 1992a, 'Afrocentricity and Critical Peda@gy. (Submitted for consideration for publication, Interchange).
Amadiume, I, 1987, Male Daughters, Female Husbands, London, Zed Books.
Amin, S, 1989, Eurocentrism: Critique of an Ideology, New York, Monthly Review Press. Asante, M, 1980 'Afrocentricity and Culture', in M, Asante and K, W, Asante (eds), African Culture: The Rhythms of Unity, Trenton, N.J., Africa World Press, pp. 3-12.
---,1987, The Afrocentric ldea, Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
---,1988, Afrocentricity, Trenton, N.J., Africa World Press.
---,1990, Kemet, Afrocentricity and Knowledge, Trenton, N.J., Africa World Press. Askins, W, 1991, 'Teaching Within an Anti-Racist Framework: Unwrapping the American Museum of Natural History', Transfonning Anthropology 2(1): 28-30. Banton, l'vl, 1987, Racial Theories, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Bloom, A, D, 1987, The closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy, New York, Simon and Schuster.
Bolaria, B, S, and P, S, Li, 1988, Racial Oppression in Canada, Toronto. Garamond Press.
Bolles, A, L, 1991, 'Missionary Work Among Heirs of Privilege: Anthropology as Experiential Learning', Transfonning Anthropology, 2(1): 6-8.
Brokensha, D, W, D, W, Warren and D, Werner, 1980, lndigenous Knowledge Systems and Development, Lanham, Md: University Press of America, Inc.
Buck: P, D, 1991, 'The View From Under the Sink: Can you Teach Anthropology Up When You Aren't
down?' Transfonning Anthropology, 2(1): 22-24; 41.
Buck, .P, D,' d D, D'Amico-Samuels, 1991, 'Introduction', Transfonning Anthropology, Volurre 2, Number I (Special issue: Teaching as Praxis: Race and ldeologies of Power).
Butler, J, 198( Black Studies, Pedagogy and Rcvolution, Washington, University of America Press.
Cannon, L, W, 1990, 'Fostering Positive Race, Class and Gender Dynamics in the Clawoom', Women Studies Quarterly, 2: 126-134.
Casey, G, 1991, 'Racism, Anger, and Empowennent: Teaching Anthropology in a Multi-Racial Working Class Environment', Transfunning Anthrupology, 2(1) 9-15.
Collins, P, H, 1986, 'Lcaming from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Signification of Black Feminist Thought', Social Problems, 33(16): 14-32.
---,1990, Black Feminist Thought, London, Harper Collins Academic.
Commonwealth Expert Group (CEG) on Women and Structural Adjustment, 1989, Engendering Adjustment for the 1990s, London, Commonwealth Secrctariat..
Dei, G, J, S, 1990a, 'Deforestation in a Ghanaian Rural Community', Anthropologica, 32(1): 3-28.
---, 1990b, 'Indigenous Knowledge and Economie Production', Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 24(1): 1-20.
---, 1992a, 'Afrocentricity and Critical Peda@gy. (Submitted for consideration for publication, Interchange).