4 - Population Policies and the 'Creation' of Africa
Corresponding Author(s) : Tola Ołu Pearce
Africa Development,
Vol. 19 No. 3 (1994): Africa Development
Cet article cherche à évaluer l'impact des politiques de population sur les définitions de la vie et de la culture africaines. Le 20 siècle est entrain de se terminer sur une importante activité concernant les negotiations en cours sur les identités ethniques, nationales et culturelles au plan mondial Les politiques de populations ont eu tant qu'activités de recherche envahi ces activités où l'on discute du passé et de l'avenir de l'Afrique sur la base des théories de la modernisation et des plans de développement. Les discussions portent sur 3 groupes principaux: les femmes qui sont les principaux cibles des discours sur la population, les hommes et les intellectuels africains. Même si les groupes se redéfinissent à l'intérieur des frontières nationales, un courant également très fort še définit comme membre du continent.
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- Alubo, S, 1985, 'Underdevelopment and the Health Care Cisis in Nigeria', Medical Anthropology, Vol 9, No. 4. pp. 319-35.
- Amin, S, 1972, 'Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa - Origins and Contemporary Forms', Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 503-24.
- ---,1976, Unequal Development, New York: Monthly Review Press.
- An-na'im, A, and Deng, F, (eds) 1990, Human Rights in Africa, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution.
- Appiah, K, 1992, In My Father 's House., New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Auslander, M, 1993, A Trademark for Ac'wala: The Politics of Emblems, Commodities and 'Cultural Authenticity' in Ngoni Historical Experience. Paper Presented at the Institute for Advanced Study and Research in the African Hwnanitics.
- Bleek, W, 1987, 'Family and Family Planning in Southern Ghana', index Rotes, Population and Development in West Africa, ed, by Oppong, C. Portsrrouth, N.H.: Hememann, pp. 138-153.
- Callaghy, T, 1991, 'Africa and the World Eronorny: Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place', in Africa in World Politics, by Harbeson, J, and Rothchild, D, Boulder: Westview Press, pp. 39-68.
- Caldwell, J, et al. 1992, 'Fertility Decline in Africa: A New Type of Transition?', Population and Development Review, Vol 18, No. 2, pp. 211-242.
- Oiirimuuta, R, and Oiirimuuta, R, 1989,AIŒ. Africa and Racism, London: Free Association Books.
- Comaroff, J, and Stesn, P, n.d. New Perspectives on Nationalism and War.
- Davidson, 8, 1992, The Black Man's Bwden, New York: Ttrœs Books.
- Demeny, P, 1992, 'Policies Seeking a Reduction of High Fertility: A Case for the Demand Sicle',
- Population and Ixvelopment Reviev.i Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 321-332.
- Duden, B, 1992, 'Population', in The Development Dictionary, ed. by Sachs, W. London, Ze.d Press, pp. 146-157.
Alubo, S, 1985, 'Underdevelopment and the Health Care Cisis in Nigeria', Medical Anthropology, Vol 9, No. 4. pp. 319-35.
Amin, S, 1972, 'Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa - Origins and Contemporary Forms', Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 503-24.
---,1976, Unequal Development, New York: Monthly Review Press.
An-na'im, A, and Deng, F, (eds) 1990, Human Rights in Africa, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution.
Appiah, K, 1992, In My Father 's House., New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Auslander, M, 1993, A Trademark for Ac'wala: The Politics of Emblems, Commodities and 'Cultural Authenticity' in Ngoni Historical Experience. Paper Presented at the Institute for Advanced Study and Research in the African Hwnanitics.
Bleek, W, 1987, 'Family and Family Planning in Southern Ghana', index Rotes, Population and Development in West Africa, ed, by Oppong, C. Portsrrouth, N.H.: Hememann, pp. 138-153.
Callaghy, T, 1991, 'Africa and the World Eronorny: Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place', in Africa in World Politics, by Harbeson, J, and Rothchild, D, Boulder: Westview Press, pp. 39-68.
Caldwell, J, et al. 1992, 'Fertility Decline in Africa: A New Type of Transition?', Population and Development Review, Vol 18, No. 2, pp. 211-242.
Oiirimuuta, R, and Oiirimuuta, R, 1989,AIŒ. Africa and Racism, London: Free Association Books.
Comaroff, J, and Stesn, P, n.d. New Perspectives on Nationalism and War.
Davidson, 8, 1992, The Black Man's Bwden, New York: Ttrœs Books.
Demeny, P, 1992, 'Policies Seeking a Reduction of High Fertility: A Case for the Demand Sicle',
Population and Ixvelopment Reviev.i Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 321-332.
Duden, B, 1992, 'Population', in The Development Dictionary, ed. by Sachs, W. London, Ze.d Press, pp. 146-157.