6 - Women's Attitude Towards Sexually Transmitted Disease in Nigeria: A Case Study in Ilesa in Osun State*
Corresponding Author(s) : Felicia Durojaiye Oyekanmi
Africa Development,
Vol. 19 No. 2 (1994): Africa Development
Des recherches récentes sur le terrain semblent indiquer qu'à Ilesa les femmes n'ont pas peur des maladies sexuellement transmissibles (MST). Pour celles qui ont pris part aux enquêtes , les MST ne concernent en général que les femmes qui sont sexuellement légères mais que les aventures extra-conjugales de leurs époux ne peuvent pas leur apporter les MST. La plupart des enquêtes ont entendu parler des MST mais aucune des femmes et seuls 5% des hommes ont connu des personnes qui avaient cette maladie. En tout état de cause, des efforts devraient être faits pour encourager les hommes à utiliser les condoms et pour mettre en place un programme de sensibilisation sur la santé dans la société afin que les hommes et les femmes puissent identifier le symptômes suffisamment tôt et se traiter.
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- Aina, Tade, 1988, 'The Myth of African Promiscuity', in Sabatier Renée, pp.76-77.
- ----------, 1992, 'Patterns of Bisexuality in Sub-Saharan Africa', in R, A, P, Tielrnan, Manuel Camallo and A, C, Hendriks, eds. Bisexuality and HIV AIDS, NY, Prometheus Books, pp.81-90.
- Anarfi, J, 1992, 'Migration, Sex and AIDS in Ghana', Health Transition Centre Working Paper, No.16, Australian National University, Canberra.
- AWAKE, 1988, October 8, p.7, A magazine of the Jehovah's Witness.
- ----------. 1991, July 22, p.6.
- Bruyn, Marirule, 1992, 'Women and AIDS in Developing Countries', Social Science Medi, Vol. 34, No.3, pp.249-262.
- Ogunlrule, J, 1989, 'Gays Pickup Steam in Lagos', Lagos Life, No.185, April 20-April 26. Osoba, A, 0, 1981, 'Sexually Transmitted diseases in tropical Africa: A Review of the Present Situation', British Journal of Venereal Diseases, Vol. 57, pp. 89-94, Population Repons, July 1983, Vol. II, No. 3, 151 pp.
- Oyekanmi, F, D, 1989, 'National Population Policy and Sex Education in Nigeria', paper presented at the Workshop on the New National Population Policy and the Nigeria Women organized by the National Council for Women Societies, at Luggard Hall, Kaduna, March 15-17.
- ----------, 1991, 'An Explanatory Look at the Sprerul of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Nigeria', Journal of Issues in Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, January, pp. 54-62 (ISSN 1115-67.08).
- Ransome-Kuti, Olikoye, 1992, Talk giving at the meeting of the members of the national AIDS committee and media Executives.
- Sabatier, Renée, 1988, Blaming Other: Prejudices, Race and Worldwide AIDS (Panos Publications Ltd., London, UK) Chapter Six.
- Oribuloye, 1, 0, Caldwell, J, C, and Caldwell, P, 1993, The rote of religious leaders in changing sexual behaviour in Southwest Nigeria in an era of AIDS, in Caldwell, J, C, et al eds., Health Transition Review, Sexual Networking and HIV/AIDS in West Africa, Supplement to Vol. 3, pp. 93-104.
- Oribuloye, I, 0, 1993, 'Patterns of Sexual Behaviour of High Risk Groups and their Implication for STDs and HIV/AIDS Transmission in Nigeria', IUSSP, International Population Conference, Proceedings Vol. 4, pp. 369-381, Montreal, Canada.
Aina, Tade, 1988, 'The Myth of African Promiscuity', in Sabatier Renée, pp.76-77.
----------, 1992, 'Patterns of Bisexuality in Sub-Saharan Africa', in R, A, P, Tielrnan, Manuel Camallo and A, C, Hendriks, eds. Bisexuality and HIV AIDS, NY, Prometheus Books, pp.81-90.
Anarfi, J, 1992, 'Migration, Sex and AIDS in Ghana', Health Transition Centre Working Paper, No.16, Australian National University, Canberra.
AWAKE, 1988, October 8, p.7, A magazine of the Jehovah's Witness.
----------. 1991, July 22, p.6.
Bruyn, Marirule, 1992, 'Women and AIDS in Developing Countries', Social Science Medi, Vol. 34, No.3, pp.249-262.
Ogunlrule, J, 1989, 'Gays Pickup Steam in Lagos', Lagos Life, No.185, April 20-April 26. Osoba, A, 0, 1981, 'Sexually Transmitted diseases in tropical Africa: A Review of the Present Situation', British Journal of Venereal Diseases, Vol. 57, pp. 89-94, Population Repons, July 1983, Vol. II, No. 3, 151 pp.
Oyekanmi, F, D, 1989, 'National Population Policy and Sex Education in Nigeria', paper presented at the Workshop on the New National Population Policy and the Nigeria Women organized by the National Council for Women Societies, at Luggard Hall, Kaduna, March 15-17.
----------, 1991, 'An Explanatory Look at the Sprerul of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Nigeria', Journal of Issues in Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, January, pp. 54-62 (ISSN 1115-67.08).
Ransome-Kuti, Olikoye, 1992, Talk giving at the meeting of the members of the national AIDS committee and media Executives.
Sabatier, Renée, 1988, Blaming Other: Prejudices, Race and Worldwide AIDS (Panos Publications Ltd., London, UK) Chapter Six.
Oribuloye, 1, 0, Caldwell, J, C, and Caldwell, P, 1993, The rote of religious leaders in changing sexual behaviour in Southwest Nigeria in an era of AIDS, in Caldwell, J, C, et al eds., Health Transition Review, Sexual Networking and HIV/AIDS in West Africa, Supplement to Vol. 3, pp. 93-104.
Oribuloye, I, 0, 1993, 'Patterns of Sexual Behaviour of High Risk Groups and their Implication for STDs and HIV/AIDS Transmission in Nigeria', IUSSP, International Population Conference, Proceedings Vol. 4, pp. 369-381, Montreal, Canada.