8 - Whither Social Science Institutions in Africa: A Prognosis
Africa Development,
Vol. 19 No. 1 (1994): Africa Development: Special issue on "The Social Sciences in Post-independence Africa: Past, Present and Future"
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- Bujra, A S, 1990, 'External Finance and Social Science in Africa', Paper prcesented at the CODESRIA Kampala Confercence on Acadcmic Freedom.
- CODESRIA, 1993, 'PrEsidEnt's AddrEss, CODESRIA 20th Anniversary Celebration', 29-1 December.
- CODESRIA, 1993, 'Repon of the Executive Secretary'. ECA, 1993, Bulletin of ECA-Sponsored lnstitutions, October.
- Jespersèn, Eva, 1992, in G A, Comia et al, 'Africa's Recovery in the 1990s', A UNICEF Study.
- Mafeje, Archie, 1991, The Theory and Ethnography of Social Formations: The Case of the Interlacustrine Kingdoms, CODESRIA Book Series, London.
- Mamdani, Mahmood, 1993, CODESRIA bulletin, No.3.
- Mkandawire, Thandika, 1993, 'Problems, Prospects of Social Sciences in Africa' in lnternational Social Science Journal, No.135, February, UNESCO.
- Rasheed, Sadig, 1993, 'Social Science and Policy Making in Africa: A Crucial Rcview'. Paper prepared for CODESRIA's 20th Anniversary Celebrations, 29 November -1 December.
- Smith, Sheila, 1991, 'Structural Adjustmrnt' in Aspects of full change Raie Determination. Perspectives on Adjustment and Economc Reform in Africa.
- Taylor, Lance, 1991, in Perspectives on Adjustmenl and Economic Reform in Africa, UNDP/SAATA Structural Adjustment Advisory Team for Africa, UN Publications, NY. Vylder and Ornas, 1990.
- World Bank, 1988, 'Education in Suh-Saharan Africa: Policies for Adjustment, Revitalization, and Expansion'.
- World Bank, 1989, Sub-Saharan Africa, From Crises in Sustainable Growth. A Long-Term Perspeclive Study.
- World Bank, 1991, Jaycox, Edward, in the Foreword to The African Capacity Building lniliative.
- Towards /mproved policy analysis and Developmenl Management.
- World Bank, 1991, The African Capacity Building initialive.
- World Bank, 1993, Global Economic prospects and the Developing Countries.
Bujra, A S, 1990, 'External Finance and Social Science in Africa', Paper prcesented at the CODESRIA Kampala Confercence on Acadcmic Freedom.
CODESRIA, 1993, 'PrEsidEnt's AddrEss, CODESRIA 20th Anniversary Celebration', 29-1 December.
CODESRIA, 1993, 'Repon of the Executive Secretary'. ECA, 1993, Bulletin of ECA-Sponsored lnstitutions, October.
Jespersèn, Eva, 1992, in G A, Comia et al, 'Africa's Recovery in the 1990s', A UNICEF Study.
Mafeje, Archie, 1991, The Theory and Ethnography of Social Formations: The Case of the Interlacustrine Kingdoms, CODESRIA Book Series, London.
Mamdani, Mahmood, 1993, CODESRIA bulletin, No.3.
Mkandawire, Thandika, 1993, 'Problems, Prospects of Social Sciences in Africa' in lnternational Social Science Journal, No.135, February, UNESCO.
Rasheed, Sadig, 1993, 'Social Science and Policy Making in Africa: A Crucial Rcview'. Paper prepared for CODESRIA's 20th Anniversary Celebrations, 29 November -1 December.
Smith, Sheila, 1991, 'Structural Adjustmrnt' in Aspects of full change Raie Determination. Perspectives on Adjustment and Economc Reform in Africa.
Taylor, Lance, 1991, in Perspectives on Adjustmenl and Economic Reform in Africa, UNDP/SAATA Structural Adjustment Advisory Team for Africa, UN Publications, NY. Vylder and Ornas, 1990.
World Bank, 1988, 'Education in Suh-Saharan Africa: Policies for Adjustment, Revitalization, and Expansion'.
World Bank, 1989, Sub-Saharan Africa, From Crises in Sustainable Growth. A Long-Term Perspeclive Study.
World Bank, 1991, Jaycox, Edward, in the Foreword to The African Capacity Building lniliative.
Towards /mproved policy analysis and Developmenl Management.
World Bank, 1991, The African Capacity Building initialive.
World Bank, 1993, Global Economic prospects and the Developing Countries.