3 - Public Control and Public Enterprise Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Tanzania and Zambia
Corresponding Author(s) : J. Wagona Makoba
Africa Development,
Vol. 18 No. 3 (1993): Africa Development
Cette étude examine l'impact de la politique des Etats en matière d nationalisation, d' africanisation et de substitution à l' importation sur la performanc financière et l'utilisation des capacités de quelques entreprises publiques de l Tanzanie et de la Zambie. Les résultats obtenus prouvent que contrairement à plupart des études qui présentent la performance des entreprises publiques en de termes monolithiques, l'évolution de la performance est évidente quand on considè ces entreprises au plan macro ou quand on les analyse à travers le type de gestion la nature des rapports Etat! entreprise. Cette étude montre que l'évolution de performance des entreprises (i.e. en termes de profit financier et d'utilisation de capacité) est liée aux politiques spécifiques de gestion économique suivies par la Tanzanie et la Zambie.
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- Blunt, P, 1983, Organization Theory and Behavior: An African Perspective, Longman Press, London.
- Bolton, D, 1985, Nationalization: A Road in Socialism? The Case of Tanzania, Zed Books, London.
- Bos, D, 1986, Public Enterprise Economics, Nonh Holland Press, Amsterdam.
- Clark, E W, 1978, Socialist Development and Political Investment in Tanzania, 1964-1973, University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
- Cook, P and C Kirkpatrick (eds.), 1988, Privatization in Less Developed Countries, St. Martin's Press, New York.
- Coulson, A, 1982, 'The State and Industrializaùon in Tanzania'. In: Martin Fransman (ed.), Industry and Accumulation in Africa, Heinemann, London, Chapter 3.
- Coulson, A, 1982, Tanzania: A Political Economy, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
- El-Namaki, M S S, 1979, Problems of Management in a Developing Environment: The Case of Tanzania, North Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam.
- Enterprise, various issues, publication of the Zambia lndustrial and Mining Corporation (ZIMCO), Lusaka, Zambia.
- Fundanga, C M, 'Industrial Development in Zambia since Independence' (undated and unpublished paper, p. 9.
- Grosh, B, 1988, 'Improving the Economic Performance of Publics Enterprises in Kenya: Lessons from the First Two Decades of Independence', PhD Dissertation, U.C. Berkeley.
- Haan, H C, 1982, 'The Structure of the Manufacturing lndustry in Zambia and its Implications for the Development of the Informal Sector', SARFP Working Papers, ILO, Lusaka, Zambia, August.
- Haile-Mariam, F, and Berganu Mengistu, 1988, 'Public Enterprises and the Privatization Thesis in the
- Third World' Third Wor;d Quarterly, 10, 4, October, pp. 1565-1587.
- Hyden, G, 1975, 'Public Policy-mljking and Public F.nterprises in Tan1.ania', The African Review, 5-2, pp. 141-165.
- Hyden, G, I 980, Beyond Ujamaa in Tanzania: Underdevelopment and Uncaptured Peasantry, University of Califomia Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
- Hyden, G, 1983, Nor Slwrtculs to Progress: African Development Management in Perspective, University of Califomia Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1983.
- Ihimodu, II, 1986, 'Managing Public Commercial enterprises in Nigeria; The Case of Kwara State Commercial Parastatals', Public Administration and Development, 6, 3. Industrial Development Corporation (INDECO), Annual Reports, (various years).
- Jackson, R H, and C G Rosberg, 1986, 'Sovereignty and Underdevelopment: Juridical Statehood in the African Crisis'. Journal of Modern African Studies, 24, 7.
- Jenga (various issues), magazine published by the National Development Corporation (NDC), Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Blunt, P, 1983, Organization Theory and Behavior: An African Perspective, Longman Press, London.
Bolton, D, 1985, Nationalization: A Road in Socialism? The Case of Tanzania, Zed Books, London.
Bos, D, 1986, Public Enterprise Economics, Nonh Holland Press, Amsterdam.
Clark, E W, 1978, Socialist Development and Political Investment in Tanzania, 1964-1973, University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
Cook, P and C Kirkpatrick (eds.), 1988, Privatization in Less Developed Countries, St. Martin's Press, New York.
Coulson, A, 1982, 'The State and Industrializaùon in Tanzania'. In: Martin Fransman (ed.), Industry and Accumulation in Africa, Heinemann, London, Chapter 3.
Coulson, A, 1982, Tanzania: A Political Economy, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
El-Namaki, M S S, 1979, Problems of Management in a Developing Environment: The Case of Tanzania, North Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam.
Enterprise, various issues, publication of the Zambia lndustrial and Mining Corporation (ZIMCO), Lusaka, Zambia.
Fundanga, C M, 'Industrial Development in Zambia since Independence' (undated and unpublished paper, p. 9.
Grosh, B, 1988, 'Improving the Economic Performance of Publics Enterprises in Kenya: Lessons from the First Two Decades of Independence', PhD Dissertation, U.C. Berkeley.
Haan, H C, 1982, 'The Structure of the Manufacturing lndustry in Zambia and its Implications for the Development of the Informal Sector', SARFP Working Papers, ILO, Lusaka, Zambia, August.
Haile-Mariam, F, and Berganu Mengistu, 1988, 'Public Enterprises and the Privatization Thesis in the
Third World' Third Wor;d Quarterly, 10, 4, October, pp. 1565-1587.
Hyden, G, 1975, 'Public Policy-mljking and Public F.nterprises in Tan1.ania', The African Review, 5-2, pp. 141-165.
Hyden, G, I 980, Beyond Ujamaa in Tanzania: Underdevelopment and Uncaptured Peasantry, University of Califomia Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
Hyden, G, 1983, Nor Slwrtculs to Progress: African Development Management in Perspective, University of Califomia Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1983.
Ihimodu, II, 1986, 'Managing Public Commercial enterprises in Nigeria; The Case of Kwara State Commercial Parastatals', Public Administration and Development, 6, 3. Industrial Development Corporation (INDECO), Annual Reports, (various years).
Jackson, R H, and C G Rosberg, 1986, 'Sovereignty and Underdevelopment: Juridical Statehood in the African Crisis'. Journal of Modern African Studies, 24, 7.
Jenga (various issues), magazine published by the National Development Corporation (NDC), Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.