3 - The Legal Control of Tertiary Institutions in East Africa: The Case of Makerere University
Corresponding Author(s) : J. Oloka-Onyango
Africa Development,
Vol. 17 No. 4 (1992): Africa Development
Partout sur le continent africain, des protestations, grèves et marches ont fait irruption dans les institutions d'enseignement supérieur. Fermetures, expulsions, emprisonnements et même utilisation de la force physique brutale sont la réponse des gouvernements africains. Même si ces turbulences ne peuvent pas être séparées d'une quête plus générale pour plus de liberté et de démocratie de la part de l'institution qui gouverne actuellement la société civile, elles sont égale tne nt le reflet de la crise qui affecte renseignement supérieur en Afrique. Quelle est la nature du contrôle juridique effectuée sur les institutions tertiaires en Afrique? Quel est l'impact de tels contrôles sur l'évolution et les caractéristiques de l'enseignement supérieur? Le cas de l'Université Makerere depuis sa création est un exemple d'un contrôle excessif sur les institutions d'enseignement supérieur même si ce contrôle n'a pas pu étouffer complètement les organisations estudiantines ou mettre fin à des débats critiques. Dans le contexte de la crise économique et politique, le contrôle de l'Etat sur l'enseignement supérieur a toujours eu tendance à limiter largement la liberté académique et les modes d'opération démocratique. La soumission de l'université peut-elle être une solution à la crise africaine?
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Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- "African Universities: Case Studies of Abuses of Academic Freedom". Prepared for the CODESRIA Symposium on Academic Freedom Research and the Social Responsibilily of the lntellectual in Africa, Africa Watch, November 2629, Kampala, Uganda, 1990.
- "Africa: Appeals for Academics and StudentS who are Prisoners of Conscience in 1990,"Amnesty lnternational, October 1990, AI INDEX: AFR/01/90.
- ---------- "Sudan: Appeals on Behalf of Imprisoned Academics," November 1990, AI INDEX: AFR %$/11/90.
- Ankomah, B, "StudentS in Ferment, in New African, No. 260, MA Y, 1989.
- Apter, D, The Political Kingdom in Uganda, (2nd Edn.), Princetonn Univ. Press, Princeton, 1967.
- Bako, S, "Education and Adjustment in Africa: the Condilionality and Resistance Against the World
- Bank Loan for Nigerian Universities", 1990, (CODESRIA Papen).
- Baryahawego, J J B, Law and State and the Wo,-king C/ass in Uganda, 1962-1987,
- Unpublished Ph.d Thesis, Warwick Univenily, 1990.
- Breu, E A, Col011ialism and Underdevelopment in East Africa: The PoliJics of Ecol'IOfflic Change.
- -1939, Nok Publishen, New Yorlt, 1973.
- CODESRIA, (Oloka-Onyango: ed.), Report on the Pan-African Symposium OIi Academic Freedom and Social
- Responsibility of the lntellectual, Dakar, 1991.
- Dinwiddy, H, and Twaddle, M, "The Crisis al Makerere," in Hansen and Twaddle (eds.) Uganda Now: Between Decay and Developmenl, London/Athens/Nairobi, Heinemann/James Currey/Ohio Univ. Press, 1988.
- Ghai, Y, "1be Rule of Law, Legilimacy and Govemance," in International Jownal of theSociology of Law, 14, al 179, 1986.
- Inlemalional Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Accelerated developmetll in Sub-Saharan Africa, WashingLOn OC, 1981.
- ---------- Education in Swb-Saharan Africa: Policies for Adjustmenl, ReviJalization and fupansion,
- Washington DC, 1988.
- Illich, I, Deschooling Society, Marion Boyen, London, 1970.
- Jorgensen, J J, Uganda: A Modern History, SL Martins Press, New Yorlt, 1981.
- Kajubi, W S, "The Univenily and Developmenl in sub-Saharan Africa: 1be Case of Makerere in Uganda," in The Cowier, No. 123, Sep-ÜC1, 1990.
- Lugumba, S H E, and Ssekamwa, J C, A History &1J4cation in East Africa (1()()()-1973), Longmans, Kampala, 1973.
"African Universities: Case Studies of Abuses of Academic Freedom". Prepared for the CODESRIA Symposium on Academic Freedom Research and the Social Responsibilily of the lntellectual in Africa, Africa Watch, November 2629, Kampala, Uganda, 1990.
"Africa: Appeals for Academics and StudentS who are Prisoners of Conscience in 1990,"Amnesty lnternational, October 1990, AI INDEX: AFR/01/90.
---------- "Sudan: Appeals on Behalf of Imprisoned Academics," November 1990, AI INDEX: AFR %$/11/90.
Ankomah, B, "StudentS in Ferment, in New African, No. 260, MA Y, 1989.
Apter, D, The Political Kingdom in Uganda, (2nd Edn.), Princetonn Univ. Press, Princeton, 1967.
Bako, S, "Education and Adjustment in Africa: the Condilionality and Resistance Against the World
Bank Loan for Nigerian Universities", 1990, (CODESRIA Papen).
Baryahawego, J J B, Law and State and the Wo,-king C/ass in Uganda, 1962-1987,
Unpublished Ph.d Thesis, Warwick Univenily, 1990.
Breu, E A, Col011ialism and Underdevelopment in East Africa: The PoliJics of Ecol'IOfflic Change.
-1939, Nok Publishen, New Yorlt, 1973.
CODESRIA, (Oloka-Onyango: ed.), Report on the Pan-African Symposium OIi Academic Freedom and Social
Responsibility of the lntellectual, Dakar, 1991.
Dinwiddy, H, and Twaddle, M, "The Crisis al Makerere," in Hansen and Twaddle (eds.) Uganda Now: Between Decay and Developmenl, London/Athens/Nairobi, Heinemann/James Currey/Ohio Univ. Press, 1988.
Ghai, Y, "1be Rule of Law, Legilimacy and Govemance," in International Jownal of theSociology of Law, 14, al 179, 1986.
Inlemalional Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Accelerated developmetll in Sub-Saharan Africa, WashingLOn OC, 1981.
---------- Education in Swb-Saharan Africa: Policies for Adjustmenl, ReviJalization and fupansion,
Washington DC, 1988.
Illich, I, Deschooling Society, Marion Boyen, London, 1970.
Jorgensen, J J, Uganda: A Modern History, SL Martins Press, New Yorlt, 1981.
Kajubi, W S, "The Univenily and Developmenl in sub-Saharan Africa: 1be Case of Makerere in Uganda," in The Cowier, No. 123, Sep-ÜC1, 1990.
Lugumba, S H E, and Ssekamwa, J C, A History &1J4cation in East Africa (1()()()-1973), Longmans, Kampala, 1973.