5 - Determinants of Entrepreneurship Development in the Urban Informal Sector of Lagos
Corresponding Author(s) : I. Oluranti Ogunrinola
Africa Development,
Vol. 17 No. 4 (1992): Africa Development
Le développement de I' entrepreneurial dans le secteur urbain informel dépend d'un certain nombre de facteurs. Les données collectées à partir de 320 entreprises de confection et de services du secteur informel dans le quartier de Badagry à Lagos montrent que la récession économique actuelle joue un rôle important dans le développement de l'entrep renar iat. La culture, le niveau ď éducation ainsi que la réaction des individus par rapport aux facteurs de motivation comme des perspectives de salaires plus élevés et la fierté de détenir une entreprise sont d'autres facteurs entrant en ligne de compte. Ces facteurs ne sont pas indépendants l' un de l'autre mais s' influencent mutuellement. Pendant la période de récession économique, la tendance est au développement du 'secteur de l'entreprenariat dans le secteur informel à cause de la faible capacité ď absorption du secteur formel et également à cause des compressions et suppressions d'emplois. C'est pourquoi l'objet de toute politique devrait être d'élever les capacités techniques et de gestion des agents du secteur afin d'augmenter les possibilités de génération de revenus d'emplois.
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- Adeyemi, J O, 'Evaluating Programmes for Meeting the Training Needs in the Informal Sector of the Nigerian Economy', An Unpublished M Phil Thesis, submitted to Univenity of Lagos, 1984.
- Aluko, S A, 'The Educated in Business: The Calabar Home Farm - A Case Study', Nigerian Journal of economics and Social Studies, Vol. 8, No.2, July, 1966.
- Blaug, M, Educatiœ and the Employment Problem in Developing Countries', ILO, Geneva, 1974.
- Bakht, Zaid, 'Entrepreneunhip in Bangladesh Rural Industries', The Bangladesh Developmentl Studies, Vol. 12., Nos. 1 & 2, March-June, 1984.
- Callaway, A, 'Nigeria's lndigenous Education: The Apprentice System', ODU, Vol.1, No.1, July, (1964).
- Callaway, A, 'Nigerian Enterprise and the Employment of Youth', Nigeria Institute of Social and Economie Researeh Monograph Series No.2, Ibadan, 1973.
- Callaway, A, 'The Urban Informal Sector', National Conference on Manpower Constraints to Nigeria's Economic Development 29 January-1 February, 1979. Casson, M, 'The Entrepreneur', Martin Robertson Oxford, 1982.
- Farooq, J, Farooq, G M & Adepoju, 'Charaeteristics and Employment Generation of Small-Scale
- Industries in Western Nigeria'. Pakistan Development Review, Vol. XV, No.4, 1976, pp. 382-405.
- Hart, Keith, 'Informal Income Opportunities and Urban Employment in Ghana'. The Journal of Modem African Studies, Vol. li, No.!, 1973, pp. 61-89.
- ILO, 'Employment, Income and Equality in Kenya', Geneva, 1972.
- Leibenstein H, 'Entrepreneunhip and Development', Aml!rican &onomic Review, Papers and
- Proceedings, Vol. LVill, No.2, May, 1968.
- Leibenstein H, 'General X-Effieieney Theory and Economie Development', 1978. National Manpower Board: 'Report of the Shuule Employment Enquiries', Lagos, 1983. National Planning, (Ministry of) 'Economie and Statistical Review 1987', Lagos, 1988.
- National Planning (Ministry of) 'Economie Activity Status of the Nigerian Rural Population', Mimeo, Department of Economies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 1988.
Adeyemi, J O, 'Evaluating Programmes for Meeting the Training Needs in the Informal Sector of the Nigerian Economy', An Unpublished M Phil Thesis, submitted to Univenity of Lagos, 1984.
Aluko, S A, 'The Educated in Business: The Calabar Home Farm - A Case Study', Nigerian Journal of economics and Social Studies, Vol. 8, No.2, July, 1966.
Blaug, M, Educatiœ and the Employment Problem in Developing Countries', ILO, Geneva, 1974.
Bakht, Zaid, 'Entrepreneunhip in Bangladesh Rural Industries', The Bangladesh Developmentl Studies, Vol. 12., Nos. 1 & 2, March-June, 1984.
Callaway, A, 'Nigeria's lndigenous Education: The Apprentice System', ODU, Vol.1, No.1, July, (1964).
Callaway, A, 'Nigerian Enterprise and the Employment of Youth', Nigeria Institute of Social and Economie Researeh Monograph Series No.2, Ibadan, 1973.
Callaway, A, 'The Urban Informal Sector', National Conference on Manpower Constraints to Nigeria's Economic Development 29 January-1 February, 1979. Casson, M, 'The Entrepreneur', Martin Robertson Oxford, 1982.
Farooq, J, Farooq, G M & Adepoju, 'Charaeteristics and Employment Generation of Small-Scale
Industries in Western Nigeria'. Pakistan Development Review, Vol. XV, No.4, 1976, pp. 382-405.
Hart, Keith, 'Informal Income Opportunities and Urban Employment in Ghana'. The Journal of Modem African Studies, Vol. li, No.!, 1973, pp. 61-89.
ILO, 'Employment, Income and Equality in Kenya', Geneva, 1972.
Leibenstein H, 'Entrepreneunhip and Development', Aml!rican &onomic Review, Papers and
Proceedings, Vol. LVill, No.2, May, 1968.
Leibenstein H, 'General X-Effieieney Theory and Economie Development', 1978. National Manpower Board: 'Report of the Shuule Employment Enquiries', Lagos, 1983. National Planning, (Ministry of) 'Economie and Statistical Review 1987', Lagos, 1988.
National Planning (Ministry of) 'Economie Activity Status of the Nigerian Rural Population', Mimeo, Department of Economies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 1988.