2 - The Role of the World Bank in Nigerian Agricultural Policy
Africa Development,
Vol. 17 No. 3 (1992): Africa Development
L'aide est devenue la source la plus importante de capital pour l'investissement et Ja consommation directe en Afrique. Loin d'être une charité, l'aide entraîne des dettes, des obligations et des rapports de force inégaux entre les organismes de financement et les pays récipiendaires. Au Nigéria, la Banque mondiale est l' organisme d'aide le plus important qui intervient massivement dans le secteur agricole. Au milieu des années 1970 , la Banque mondiale et le gouvernement du Nigéria mirent en place une stratégie intégrée de développement rural ainsi qu'un projet pilote de développement agricole qui avaient pour objectif de fournir un paquet d'améliorations des infrastructures , des services de soutien à l' agriculture, des intrants agricoles et du crédit. Ils avaient également pour objectifs majeurs l'augmentation de la productivité agricole et des revenus des populations rurales. Une décennie après , une évaluation de ces projets donna des résultats mitigés. Le site y tira des avantages suivants : de nouveaux intrants, des infrastructures améliorées comme des pistes de production, des trous de forages, des centres de formation et de nouveaux marchés. Cependant, le revenu général des paysans ne s'est pas amélioré pour autant. L'augmentation des revenus a été absorbée par l'augmentation des dépenses et de la consommation. Dans ce processus le petit paysan a été le plus grand perdant. La tendance fut au changement pour la monoculture. L'auto-suffisance alimentaire ne fut pas atteinte. Contrairement aux déclarations faites comme quoi ce programme est un programme intégré, le projet pilote ne porta que sur quelques cultures céréalières et négligea le cheptel. En réalité toute l'orientation du projet pilote est fondée sur l'hypothèse que le développement agricole peut être effectué grâce aux importations des ressources externes sous forme de capitaux de technologies améliorées et de gestion. Ainsi le Nigéria dû faire face à d'énormes dépenses financières dans le projet pilote. Le résultat fut que les choix économiques du Nigéria furent de plus en plus dictés par les marchés étrangers, les banques étrangères ainsi que par les agences de développement étrangères.
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- Adedeji, A. (1984), Foreign Debt and The Prospects for Growth in the Developing Counltries of Africain the 1980s. Urùted Nations
- APMEPU (1982), Funtua Agricultural Development Project Complelion Report: Kaduna: Fedceral Dept. of Rural development.
- APMEDU (1982), Gombe Agricultural Developmenl Project Completion Report: Kaduna: FORD
- Central Bank of Nigeria (1966-84 ), Annual Report and Statement of Account
- Central Bank of Nigeria (1970-82), Nigeria' s Principal economic and Financial lndicators
- Central Bank of Nigeria (1985), Economie and Financial Review, Vol.23, No.1
- Department of Rural Development (1978), lntegrated Rural Development Projects: Nigeria 1978, Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development.
- D'Silva, B., et.al (1980), "Socio-economic and Extension Survey of the Funtua ADP''. Zaria, Dept. of Agric. Econs. & Rural Sociology.
- Edozien, E.C. (n.d), "Aid and Nigeria's Economie Development" in Teriba, O. and Diejomaoh,V.P. (eds.) Money, Finance and Nigerian &onomic Developmenl: Essays in Honour of Obasanrni
- Olakanpo. Published by the Nigerian Eooncmic Society. pp. 274-299.
- Ekong, E.E., (1983), "Farm size, Agricultural and Rural Development in Nigeria". Agricultural Administration. 14, 169-183.
- Ekong, E.E., (1984), "The Nigerian Governrnent Policies on Agriculture and Food Production in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Implications and prospects" (CODESRIA Paper on State Policies on Agriculture).
- Eldrige, P.N. (1969), The Politics of Foreign Aidin lndia, London: Weidenfield and Nicolson. p.164.
- Falegan, S.B. (1984), "Foreign Finance for the Development of the Third World". Bullion Vol.2, pp.90-100.
- Federal Agricultural Coordinating Unit (n.d). Project Directory.
- Federal Ministry of Agriculture (n.d), An Outline of Nigerian Agricultural Policy. Fed. Dept. of Agric. Planning, Lagos.
- George, S., (1981), Feeding the Few: Corporate Control of Food. Washington D.C., The Institute for Policy Studies.
- ldachaba, F.S. (1980), Concepts and Strateg s of /nJegrated Rural Developmenl: Lessons From Nigeria. Food Policy Technical Research Paper No.!, FPRP Dept. of Agric. Econs. Urùversity of Ibadan.
- Lappe, F.M. and Collins, J. (1978), Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcily. New York: Ballantine Books.
- Lappe, F.M., Collins, J. and Kinley, D. (1981), Aid as Obstacle: Twenty Questions abowJ Our Foreign Aid and the H1111gry. San Francisco; IFOP.
- Olakanpo, O. (1964) "Foreign Aid and the Plan". Nigerian Journal of Econ & Soc. Studies. IV (July) p.121.
- Oyaide, O.FJ. (1981), "The Effectiveness of the Integrated Agrirultural Development Projects (ADP) in Nigeria" (Paper presented al a Workshop on the Transfer of Improved Agricultural Technology to Farmers). Dept. of Agric. Extension & Rural Sociqlogy, University of Ife.
- Robinson, R. ed. (1971), Developing The Third World, Cambridge University Press. p.260. Streeten, P. (1972), Aid to Africa: A Policy Owlinefor the 1970s. New York: Praeger. p.59. The World Bank, (1982), Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Agenda for Action. Washington D.C.
- The World Bank, (1975), Rural Development: Sector Paper Policy. Washington D.C. The World Bank (1984), World Development Report. Washington D.C.
- The World Bank (1985), "Nigeria: Agricultural Sector Memo" Vol.l. Repon No.4723-UJl,1.
- The World Bank (1985), "Nigeria: Second Livestock Devclopment Projects" Report No.57-UNI.
- The World Bank and IDA, (1971), Questions and Answers; Washington D.C. The World Bank Annual Report 1985
- The World Bank, 1986. World Development Report Oxford University Press.
Adedeji, A. (1984), Foreign Debt and The Prospects for Growth in the Developing Counltries of Africain the 1980s. Urùted Nations
APMEPU (1982), Funtua Agricultural Development Project Complelion Report: Kaduna: Fedceral Dept. of Rural development.
APMEDU (1982), Gombe Agricultural Developmenl Project Completion Report: Kaduna: FORD
Central Bank of Nigeria (1966-84 ), Annual Report and Statement of Account
Central Bank of Nigeria (1970-82), Nigeria' s Principal economic and Financial lndicators
Central Bank of Nigeria (1985), Economie and Financial Review, Vol.23, No.1
Department of Rural Development (1978), lntegrated Rural Development Projects: Nigeria 1978, Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development.
D'Silva, B., et.al (1980), "Socio-economic and Extension Survey of the Funtua ADP''. Zaria, Dept. of Agric. Econs. & Rural Sociology.
Edozien, E.C. (n.d), "Aid and Nigeria's Economie Development" in Teriba, O. and Diejomaoh,V.P. (eds.) Money, Finance and Nigerian &onomic Developmenl: Essays in Honour of Obasanrni
Olakanpo. Published by the Nigerian Eooncmic Society. pp. 274-299.
Ekong, E.E., (1983), "Farm size, Agricultural and Rural Development in Nigeria". Agricultural Administration. 14, 169-183.
Ekong, E.E., (1984), "The Nigerian Governrnent Policies on Agriculture and Food Production in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Implications and prospects" (CODESRIA Paper on State Policies on Agriculture).
Eldrige, P.N. (1969), The Politics of Foreign Aidin lndia, London: Weidenfield and Nicolson. p.164.
Falegan, S.B. (1984), "Foreign Finance for the Development of the Third World". Bullion Vol.2, pp.90-100.
Federal Agricultural Coordinating Unit (n.d). Project Directory.
Federal Ministry of Agriculture (n.d), An Outline of Nigerian Agricultural Policy. Fed. Dept. of Agric. Planning, Lagos.
George, S., (1981), Feeding the Few: Corporate Control of Food. Washington D.C., The Institute for Policy Studies.
ldachaba, F.S. (1980), Concepts and Strateg s of /nJegrated Rural Developmenl: Lessons From Nigeria. Food Policy Technical Research Paper No.!, FPRP Dept. of Agric. Econs. Urùversity of Ibadan.
Lappe, F.M. and Collins, J. (1978), Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcily. New York: Ballantine Books.
Lappe, F.M., Collins, J. and Kinley, D. (1981), Aid as Obstacle: Twenty Questions abowJ Our Foreign Aid and the H1111gry. San Francisco; IFOP.
Olakanpo, O. (1964) "Foreign Aid and the Plan". Nigerian Journal of Econ & Soc. Studies. IV (July) p.121.
Oyaide, O.FJ. (1981), "The Effectiveness of the Integrated Agrirultural Development Projects (ADP) in Nigeria" (Paper presented al a Workshop on the Transfer of Improved Agricultural Technology to Farmers). Dept. of Agric. Extension & Rural Sociqlogy, University of Ife.
Robinson, R. ed. (1971), Developing The Third World, Cambridge University Press. p.260. Streeten, P. (1972), Aid to Africa: A Policy Owlinefor the 1970s. New York: Praeger. p.59. The World Bank, (1982), Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Agenda for Action. Washington D.C.
The World Bank, (1975), Rural Development: Sector Paper Policy. Washington D.C. The World Bank (1984), World Development Report. Washington D.C.
The World Bank (1985), "Nigeria: Agricultural Sector Memo" Vol.l. Repon No.4723-UJl,1.
The World Bank (1985), "Nigeria: Second Livestock Devclopment Projects" Report No.57-UNI.
The World Bank and IDA, (1971), Questions and Answers; Washington D.C. The World Bank Annual Report 1985
The World Bank, 1986. World Development Report Oxford University Press.