5 - The State, the Peasantry and Rural Class Formation in Prerevolutionary Ethiopia
Africa Development,
Vol. 17 No. 2 (1992): Africa Development
La dynamique des rapports agraires est souvent le résultat du caractère interne de l'Etat et de ses rapports avec le Capital. L'apparition de V Etat après 1941 est conçue comme la consolidation d'un Etat tributaire éthiopien. La question de la transition agraire, au lieu d'être une simple réaction à l'accumulation de capi - tal au centre , se situe au niveau du processus d'expansionnisme éthiopien induit, de l'autonomie relative de l'Etat par rapport au capital, des relations étroites entre l' économique, le politique, l'idéologique et le culturel et de l'autonomie de toutes ces dimensions. Le problème fondamental de l'étude de la transition agraire en Ethiopie concerne l' émergence d'un Etat central autocratique grâce à la consolidation des rapports tributaires de production sans les changements concomitants dans les forces et rapports de production. De même, l' autonomie relative de l'Etat par rapport à l'impérialisme limita la pénétration du capital au commerce plutôt qu'à l' infrastructure et au capital productif Ces deux facteurs limitèrent le développement de nouvelles forces de production et caractérisèrent la spécificité de la structure agraire de l' Ethiopie d'avant 1974.
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- Abeles, Marc - "In Search of the Mooarch: Introduction Lo the siate arnong the Garno of Ethiopia", in Crurnrney and C.C. Stewan (eds.), Molk of Produclwn in Africa: 1he Precolonial Era, 1980, pp. 35-67.
- Abir, Mordchai - "Trade and Politics in the Ethiopian Region, 1830-1855", in Ph. D. Thesis, Univenity of London, 1964.
- Addis Hiwot - Ethiopia: From Awocracy to Revolulion, Occasional Paper No 1 of the Review of African Political Economy, 1975.
- Alavi, Harnza - "The S1Ate in Post-colonial Societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh", Review, No. 74, 1972, pp. 54-81.
- Alavi Hamza - "India and the Colonial Mode of Production", Socialist Register, Merlin Press,197S.
- Almeida - "History of Eùùopia" in CF Beckman and G. Hwitingford (ed.), Some Records of Ethopia 1593-1646, London, 1954.
- Ambaye Zakarias - Land Tenure in Erilrea (Ethiopia), Addis Ababa, 1966.
- Amin, Samir - Accwmulalwn in a World Scale, Vol I and II, Momhly Review Press, 1974.
- Amin, Samir - Class and Na1wn: His1orica//y and in 1he Currenl Crisis, MRP, 1980.
- Arrighi, G. and J.S. Saul -Essays on lhe Po{ilical Economy of Africa, MRP, 1973.
- Asmeron Legesse - "Qass Systems Based on Tirne", Journal of Ethwpian S1udies, Vol. II, 1963, pp. 1-29.
- Bahna Zewde - Economie Origins of the Absolutis1 State in Eùùopia (1916-1935), Journal of Ethiopian Studies, XVII, Nov. 1988.
- Baruu Zewde -A Modern His1ory of Ethopia, 1991.
- Bairu Tafia - "Sorne Aspects of Land Tenure and Taxation in Sellalle Under Ras Darge 1871-1900",Journal of Ethwpian S1udies, Vol. XI, 1974, pp. 1
- Banaji, J. · "For • Thcory of the ColoniaÎ Mode ol Production", Economie ONl Polilic WcdJy, Vol 17, No. 52, Aug. 1972, pp. 2498-25002.
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- Bauer, Dan Franz - "For Want ol an Ox,.... Land, Capi1&1 ·and social Stratification in Tign:",
- ProccuJinss of the 5th US Confercncc 011 Ethiopian Studiu, Clûcago, 1978, pp. 13-16.
- Bauer, Dan Franz - Howsehold ONl Society in Ethiopia, Monograph No. 6, Occasional Papen
- Serica, Commi11ee on Ethiopian Studies, Michigan Statc Univcnity (MSU) 1977.
- Bcmcalein, H. - "Notes on State and Peasantry: The Tanz.anian Case", Review of Africa Political Economy, No. 50, 1977, pp. 60-73.
- Bcnutcin, H. -• African Peasantry: a Theoreùcal Frameworlt",JownaJ of Peœant Studiu, Vol VI, No. 4, 1979, pp. 421-443.
- Bonger, T. - "The New Technology, Agrarian Refonn and Peasant Diffen:ntiaùoo in Ethiopian Agriculture in 1966-1980 with Special Reference to the Arsi Regiœ", Ph. D. Tbcsis, Univenity of London, 1987.
- Bradby, B. - "The Destruction of the Natural Economy", Economy aNl Society, Vol.. 4, No. 2, pp 127-161.
- Carter-Foster, A. - "The Modes of Production Debau:", New lcft Revicw, No. 107, pp 83-95. Caulk, Richard - "Fireanns and Princely Power in Ethiopia in the 19th Century", Journal of African History, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1972, pp. 60')-630.
- Clapham, C. - Haile Sellasie's Govemmcnt, New Yorle, 1969.
- Cliffc, L · "Capitalism or Feudalism: The Famine in Ethiopia", Roiew of Afric.an PolilicaJ Economy, Vol. I, No. 1, 1974, pp 34-40 ·
- Cliffe, L. - "Classes in East Africa", Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1977, pp. 60-73.
- Coquerry-Vidropovitch, C. - "Research on an African Mode of Production", Se4don (ed), Relations of Production, Frank Cass, 1970, pp. 261-288.
- Crummey, D. - "Abyssinian Feudalism", Past aNl Peasanl, No. 89, 1980, pp. 113-138.
- Coquerry-Vidrovitch, C. - "Stail: and Society in 19 the Ccntury Ethiopia", in D. Crummey and
- C.C. Stewan (Ed), Modes of Podwction in Africa: The Precolonial Period, 1980, pp. 287-249
- Dessalegn, Rahmato.- Agrarian Reform in Ethiopia Scandinavian Institute of African Studies,1985.
- Dessalegn Rahmato - "Political and Social Fonnation in Ethiopia Under the Old Regime: Notes on Marxist Theory", Proceedings of the /nternaJional Conference on Elhiopian Studies, Addis Ababa, 1984, Vol. I, 1989.
- Dobb, Maurice - Stiuiies in the Development ofCapilalism 1981.
- Dunning, H. - "Land Refonn in Ethiopia", UCLA Law Revicw, Vol. 18, 1970, pp. 271-307. Ellis, G. - "The Feudal Paradigm as a Hindranœ to Undentanding Ethiopia", Journal of Modern Africa Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1976, pp. 275-295.
Abeles, Marc - "In Search of the Mooarch: Introduction Lo the siate arnong the Garno of Ethiopia", in Crurnrney and C.C. Stewan (eds.), Molk of Produclwn in Africa: 1he Precolonial Era, 1980, pp. 35-67.
Abir, Mordchai - "Trade and Politics in the Ethiopian Region, 1830-1855", in Ph. D. Thesis, Univenity of London, 1964.
Addis Hiwot - Ethiopia: From Awocracy to Revolulion, Occasional Paper No 1 of the Review of African Political Economy, 1975.
Alavi, Harnza - "The S1Ate in Post-colonial Societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh", Review, No. 74, 1972, pp. 54-81.
Alavi Hamza - "India and the Colonial Mode of Production", Socialist Register, Merlin Press,197S.
Almeida - "History of Eùùopia" in CF Beckman and G. Hwitingford (ed.), Some Records of Ethopia 1593-1646, London, 1954.
Ambaye Zakarias - Land Tenure in Erilrea (Ethiopia), Addis Ababa, 1966.
Amin, Samir - Accwmulalwn in a World Scale, Vol I and II, Momhly Review Press, 1974.
Amin, Samir - Class and Na1wn: His1orica//y and in 1he Currenl Crisis, MRP, 1980.
Arrighi, G. and J.S. Saul -Essays on lhe Po{ilical Economy of Africa, MRP, 1973.
Asmeron Legesse - "Qass Systems Based on Tirne", Journal of Ethwpian S1udies, Vol. II, 1963, pp. 1-29.
Bahna Zewde - Economie Origins of the Absolutis1 State in Eùùopia (1916-1935), Journal of Ethiopian Studies, XVII, Nov. 1988.
Baruu Zewde -A Modern His1ory of Ethopia, 1991.
Bairu Tafia - "Sorne Aspects of Land Tenure and Taxation in Sellalle Under Ras Darge 1871-1900",Journal of Ethwpian S1udies, Vol. XI, 1974, pp. 1
Banaji, J. · "For • Thcory of the ColoniaÎ Mode ol Production", Economie ONl Polilic WcdJy, Vol 17, No. 52, Aug. 1972, pp. 2498-25002.
Banaji, J. - "Modea ol Production in a Marxill Conception ol lfutory", Capilol and Clau, No.3, 1979.
Bauer, Dan Franz - "For Want ol an Ox,.... Land, Capi1&1 ·and social Stratification in Tign:",
ProccuJinss of the 5th US Confercncc 011 Ethiopian Studiu, Clûcago, 1978, pp. 13-16.
Bauer, Dan Franz - Howsehold ONl Society in Ethiopia, Monograph No. 6, Occasional Papen
Serica, Commi11ee on Ethiopian Studies, Michigan Statc Univcnity (MSU) 1977.
Bcmcalein, H. - "Notes on State and Peasantry: The Tanz.anian Case", Review of Africa Political Economy, No. 50, 1977, pp. 60-73.
Bcnutcin, H. -• African Peasantry: a Theoreùcal Frameworlt",JownaJ of Peœant Studiu, Vol VI, No. 4, 1979, pp. 421-443.
Bonger, T. - "The New Technology, Agrarian Refonn and Peasant Diffen:ntiaùoo in Ethiopian Agriculture in 1966-1980 with Special Reference to the Arsi Regiœ", Ph. D. Tbcsis, Univenity of London, 1987.
Bradby, B. - "The Destruction of the Natural Economy", Economy aNl Society, Vol.. 4, No. 2, pp 127-161.
Carter-Foster, A. - "The Modes of Production Debau:", New lcft Revicw, No. 107, pp 83-95. Caulk, Richard - "Fireanns and Princely Power in Ethiopia in the 19th Century", Journal of African History, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1972, pp. 60')-630.
Clapham, C. - Haile Sellasie's Govemmcnt, New Yorle, 1969.
Cliffc, L · "Capitalism or Feudalism: The Famine in Ethiopia", Roiew of Afric.an PolilicaJ Economy, Vol. I, No. 1, 1974, pp 34-40 ·
Cliffe, L. - "Classes in East Africa", Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1977, pp. 60-73.
Coquerry-Vidropovitch, C. - "Research on an African Mode of Production", Se4don (ed), Relations of Production, Frank Cass, 1970, pp. 261-288.
Crummey, D. - "Abyssinian Feudalism", Past aNl Peasanl, No. 89, 1980, pp. 113-138.
Coquerry-Vidrovitch, C. - "Stail: and Society in 19 the Ccntury Ethiopia", in D. Crummey and
C.C. Stewan (Ed), Modes of Podwction in Africa: The Precolonial Period, 1980, pp. 287-249
Dessalegn, Rahmato.- Agrarian Reform in Ethiopia Scandinavian Institute of African Studies,1985.
Dessalegn Rahmato - "Political and Social Fonnation in Ethiopia Under the Old Regime: Notes on Marxist Theory", Proceedings of the /nternaJional Conference on Elhiopian Studies, Addis Ababa, 1984, Vol. I, 1989.
Dobb, Maurice - Stiuiies in the Development ofCapilalism 1981.
Dunning, H. - "Land Refonn in Ethiopia", UCLA Law Revicw, Vol. 18, 1970, pp. 271-307. Ellis, G. - "The Feudal Paradigm as a Hindranœ to Undentanding Ethiopia", Journal of Modern Africa Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1976, pp. 275-295.