8 - The Mining Industry in Zimbabwe: Labour, Capital and the State
Africa Development,
Vol. 10 No. 4 (1985): Africa Development
Dans cet article, l'auteur s'est fixé comme objectif d'étudier l'état ainsi que les changements intervenus dans l'industrie minière Zimbabwé après l'indépendance. L'auteur estime que le rôle que l'Eta a joué est important et conclut que, dans ce secteur, l'Etat est resté en de compte prisonnier du capital. L'Etat s'est efforcé d'attirer le capital en donnant des prêts à des conditions douces aux entreprises minières pendant la crise au début des années 80. Vers le milieu de 1984, il y eu des tentatives de la part de l'Etat de consolider son influence en mettant en place des structures parapubliques, en augmentant la part du gouvernement et en augmentant l'aide financière et technique aux petites entreprises minières locales. D'une manière générale, la main-d'œuvre dans le secteur minier est resté toujours faible dans l'économie régionale et à toujours subi des pressions politiques l'obligeant à se conformer au statu quo de la part à la fois de l'Etat et du capital. La gestion, le contrôle et la structure de la propriété sont restées inchangées par rapport à ce qu'ils étaient avant 1980 sauf pour quelques rares exceptions ; il y eut plusieurs tentatives d'encouragement au contrôle et à la coopération entre ouvriers du secteur minier. Cependant il semble que toutes tentatives de changement vers une voie socialiste de développement dépendra de la restructuration de l'Etat et de la redéfinition de ses fondements de classes ainsi que de la fonction de ces classes — Pour leur part, les ouvriers des mines mènent une lutte difficile pour obtenir la redéfinition de la phase actuelle de contrôle et de propriété par les multinationales travaillant dans le secteur minier.
La ténacité et la force du capital d'origine multinationale, la fai blesse de la structure organisationnelle des travailleurs et la position plu ambigiie de l'Etat, ce sont là des caractéristiques que le Zimbabwé part avec les autres pays africains, plus particulièrement avec ceux d'entre qui, pour générer des fonds publics, dépendent de l'exportation de que ques produits seulement. La production minière du Zimbabwé comme la production dans les autres secteurs de l'économie, est tributaire de facte à la fois internes et externes, facteurs qui peuvent d'ailleurs à tout mom la précipiter dans une crise
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- Associated Mine Workers of Zimbabwe and Commonwealth Trade Union Council (1984). Workshop for Southern African Mining Unions, Feb. 20—March 2, 1984: Report. Harare.
- Associated Mine Workers of Zimbabwe and Miners' International Federation. (1983) Handbook of Workers' Education. Harare, AMWZ.
- Astrow A. (1983) Zimbabwe: A Revolution that Lost its Way? London, Zed Press. Chamber of Mines Journal. Harare, Various Issues.
- Clarke, D.G. (1975) «African Mine Labourers and Conditions of Labour in Rho desia, 1940-1974» The Rhodesian Journal of Economics Vol. 9, No. 4.
- Clarke, D.G. (1980) Foreign Companies and International Investments in Zimbab we. London, CIIR.
- Financial Gazette. Harare, various issues.
- Government of Rhodesia. (1963) The Industrial Development Corporation. Statu tes of Rhodesia. September 1963, Chapter 286.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1981 A) Central Statistics Office, the Census of Pro duction: 1980/81: Mining, Manufacturing, Construction, Electricity, and Water Supply. Harare, Government Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. ( 1981B) Commission of Inquiry into Conditions of In comes, Prices and Conditions of Service. Harare, Government Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1981 D) Central Statistics Office. Statement of Ex ternal Trade: 1980. Harare, Government Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 A) Central Statistics Office. The Census of Pro duction: 1981/82: Mining, Manufacturing, Contraction, Electricity and Water Supply. Harare, Government Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 B) Foreign Investment Policy Guidelines and Procedures (Cond. R.Z. 15-1982). Harare, Government Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 C) Office of the Chief Mining Engineer. Govern ment Assistance to the Small Mining Industry. Appendix III. Harare.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 D) Minerals Marketing Corporation. No. 2, p. 19, subsection 37;and subsection 44—45, pp. 21-22.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 E) Report of the Secretary for Mines for 1981. Presented to the Parliament of Zimbabwe (Cond. RZ. 16). Harare, Govern ment Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 F) Central Statistics Office. Statement of Ex ternal Trade: 1981. Harare, Government Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1983 A) The Annual Reports of the Natural Resour ces Board for the years ended 31st December, 1980 and 31st December, 1981. (Cond. R.Z. 5-1983). Harare, Government Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1983 B) Central Statistics Office. Statement of Ex ternal Trade: 1982. Harare, Government Printer.
- Government of Zimbabwe. (1983 C) Transitional National Development Plan (TNDP) 1982-1985, 1983. Volume ί and 2. Harare, Government Printer.
- International Development Research Corporation. (1982) Consultation on Small Scale Mining, May 17—18,1982 - Nairobi.
- The Harare Herald, various issues.
- Lander, RP. Chairman, Anglo-American Corporation. Interview. Harare, April, 1984.
- Lander, RJ (1984) «Speech of the Chamber of Mines President» Chamber of Mines Journal (Zimbabwe). February 2,1984.
- Leys, C. (1981) «Worker Strategies in the New State», in R. Boyd ed., Changing Patterns of Worker Relations in Zimbabwe: Conference Report. Montreal, Centre for Developing Area Studies.
- Mandaza, I. (1983) «Capital, Labour and Skills in the Context of the Political Economy of Zimbabwe» Contemporary Marxism. No. 7.
- Mining in Zimbabwe 1981, Harare, Thomson Publications.
- Mining Journal, Vol. 300, No. 7705, London, April 22,1983.
- Mining Journal, Vol. 301, No. 7740, London, December 23,1983.
- National Industrial Council for the Mining Industry. (1983) Industrial Agreement.
- Harare, July 21,1983.
- Ndela, D. B. (1983) «Manufacturing Industry: A Critical Review»,Social Change and DevelolpmentfHzme) No. 5.
- Nyathi, V. M. (1977) «Capitalist Economy and Colonial Zimbabwe» United Nations African Institute for Economic Planning and Development. Dakar, mimeo.
- Perrings, C. (1979) Black Mineworkers in Central Africa: Industrial Strategies and the Evolution of a Proletariat in the Copperbelt 1911-1941. New York, Africana.
- Phimister, I. R. (1975) «The Structure and Development of the Southern Rhode sian Base Metal Industry, 1907 — Great Depression» The Rhodesian Journal of Economics. Vol. 9, No. 2.
- Phimister, I. R. (1977) «White Miners in Historical Perspective: Southern Rho desia, 1890-1953» Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2.
- Stoneman, C., ed. (1981) Zimbabwe's Inheritance. London, MacMillan.
- Sunday Mail (Harare). September 12,1982.
- Ushewokunze, W. (1983) «Interview» Mining and Engineering Journal, October, 1983.
- Van Onselen, C. (1976) Chibaro African Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1933. London, Pluto Press.
- Ware, R. (1984) «Zimbabwe: The Lesson Isn't Over» Monthly Review, June, 1984.
- Worker's Joint Committee, Kamativi Tin Mines, Ltd. (1984) Letter to the Cor porate Secretary, Industrial Development Corporation, 8 March 1984.
- Wright, E. O. (1978) Class, Crisis and the State. London, New Left Books.
- Zimbabwe Agricultural and Economic Review. (1982) Harare.
- Zinyama, L. (1978) The Growth and Location of Manufacturing Industry in Rho desia: 1890—1953. M. Phil. University of Rhodesia, Dept. of Geography.
Associated Mine Workers of Zimbabwe and Commonwealth Trade Union Council (1984). Workshop for Southern African Mining Unions, Feb. 20—March 2, 1984: Report. Harare.
Associated Mine Workers of Zimbabwe and Miners' International Federation. (1983) Handbook of Workers' Education. Harare, AMWZ.
Astrow A. (1983) Zimbabwe: A Revolution that Lost its Way? London, Zed Press. Chamber of Mines Journal. Harare, Various Issues.
Clarke, D.G. (1975) «African Mine Labourers and Conditions of Labour in Rho desia, 1940-1974» The Rhodesian Journal of Economics Vol. 9, No. 4.
Clarke, D.G. (1980) Foreign Companies and International Investments in Zimbab we. London, CIIR.
Financial Gazette. Harare, various issues.
Government of Rhodesia. (1963) The Industrial Development Corporation. Statu tes of Rhodesia. September 1963, Chapter 286.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1981 A) Central Statistics Office, the Census of Pro duction: 1980/81: Mining, Manufacturing, Construction, Electricity, and Water Supply. Harare, Government Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. ( 1981B) Commission of Inquiry into Conditions of In comes, Prices and Conditions of Service. Harare, Government Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1981 D) Central Statistics Office. Statement of Ex ternal Trade: 1980. Harare, Government Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 A) Central Statistics Office. The Census of Pro duction: 1981/82: Mining, Manufacturing, Contraction, Electricity and Water Supply. Harare, Government Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 B) Foreign Investment Policy Guidelines and Procedures (Cond. R.Z. 15-1982). Harare, Government Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 C) Office of the Chief Mining Engineer. Govern ment Assistance to the Small Mining Industry. Appendix III. Harare.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 D) Minerals Marketing Corporation. No. 2, p. 19, subsection 37;and subsection 44—45, pp. 21-22.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 E) Report of the Secretary for Mines for 1981. Presented to the Parliament of Zimbabwe (Cond. RZ. 16). Harare, Govern ment Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1982 F) Central Statistics Office. Statement of Ex ternal Trade: 1981. Harare, Government Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1983 A) The Annual Reports of the Natural Resour ces Board for the years ended 31st December, 1980 and 31st December, 1981. (Cond. R.Z. 5-1983). Harare, Government Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1983 B) Central Statistics Office. Statement of Ex ternal Trade: 1982. Harare, Government Printer.
Government of Zimbabwe. (1983 C) Transitional National Development Plan (TNDP) 1982-1985, 1983. Volume ί and 2. Harare, Government Printer.
International Development Research Corporation. (1982) Consultation on Small Scale Mining, May 17—18,1982 - Nairobi.
The Harare Herald, various issues.
Lander, RP. Chairman, Anglo-American Corporation. Interview. Harare, April, 1984.
Lander, RJ (1984) «Speech of the Chamber of Mines President» Chamber of Mines Journal (Zimbabwe). February 2,1984.
Leys, C. (1981) «Worker Strategies in the New State», in R. Boyd ed., Changing Patterns of Worker Relations in Zimbabwe: Conference Report. Montreal, Centre for Developing Area Studies.
Mandaza, I. (1983) «Capital, Labour and Skills in the Context of the Political Economy of Zimbabwe» Contemporary Marxism. No. 7.
Mining in Zimbabwe 1981, Harare, Thomson Publications.
Mining Journal, Vol. 300, No. 7705, London, April 22,1983.
Mining Journal, Vol. 301, No. 7740, London, December 23,1983.
National Industrial Council for the Mining Industry. (1983) Industrial Agreement.
Harare, July 21,1983.
Ndela, D. B. (1983) «Manufacturing Industry: A Critical Review»,Social Change and DevelolpmentfHzme) No. 5.
Nyathi, V. M. (1977) «Capitalist Economy and Colonial Zimbabwe» United Nations African Institute for Economic Planning and Development. Dakar, mimeo.
Perrings, C. (1979) Black Mineworkers in Central Africa: Industrial Strategies and the Evolution of a Proletariat in the Copperbelt 1911-1941. New York, Africana.
Phimister, I. R. (1975) «The Structure and Development of the Southern Rhode sian Base Metal Industry, 1907 — Great Depression» The Rhodesian Journal of Economics. Vol. 9, No. 2.
Phimister, I. R. (1977) «White Miners in Historical Perspective: Southern Rho desia, 1890-1953» Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2.
Stoneman, C., ed. (1981) Zimbabwe's Inheritance. London, MacMillan.
Sunday Mail (Harare). September 12,1982.
Ushewokunze, W. (1983) «Interview» Mining and Engineering Journal, October, 1983.
Van Onselen, C. (1976) Chibaro African Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1933. London, Pluto Press.
Ware, R. (1984) «Zimbabwe: The Lesson Isn't Over» Monthly Review, June, 1984.
Worker's Joint Committee, Kamativi Tin Mines, Ltd. (1984) Letter to the Cor porate Secretary, Industrial Development Corporation, 8 March 1984.
Wright, E. O. (1978) Class, Crisis and the State. London, New Left Books.
Zimbabwe Agricultural and Economic Review. (1982) Harare.
Zinyama, L. (1978) The Growth and Location of Manufacturing Industry in Rho desia: 1890—1953. M. Phil. University of Rhodesia, Dept. of Geography.