4 - The Continuing Crisis of the Tanzanian Economy: The Political Economy of Alternative Policy Options
Africa Development,
Vol. 10 No. 1-2 (1985): Africa Development
La crise économique qui secoue actuellement tous les pays, développés comme sous-développés, a néanmoins des conséquences plus sévères pour les pays sous-développés. Dans ce contexte de crise généralisée, le FMI auquel la plupart de ces pays ont recours, appliquent invariablement les mêmes remèdes.
Dans cet article l'auteur se livre à une analyse du cas de la Tanzanie avec la double préoccupation d'élucider et de commenter quelques-uns des grands points ae désaccord entre le FMI et la Tanzanie, puis de suggérer les fondements des options alternatives de politiques macro-économiques.
L'auteur note d'abord que la crise économique que traverse la Tanzanie n'est pas uniquement le résultat d'un manque momentané de liquidités pour les besoins du commerce extérieur mais bien celui d'un déséquilibre structurel durable de tout l'appareil de production. Π aborde ensuite le problème de la dévaluation à grande échelle qui constitue à la fois une des principales recommandations au FMI ainsi que la pomme de discorde entre le Fonds et la Tanzanie. Il estime que bien que le principe même de la dé va luation ne soit pas à écarter, son application nécessite quelques précautions à prendre.
En conclusion l'auteur suggère que la seule issue pour sortir de cette crise est d'ignorer les recommandations du FMI. Il estime en effet que la Tanzanie doit résoudre cette crise économique dans le cadre de ses insti tutions économiques et politiques sans l'assistance du Fonds.
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- Dornbush, R. (1982), 'Stabilization policies in developing countries: what ha learned', World Development, Vol. 10, NO. 9.
- Helleiner, G.K. (1983), The IMF and Africa in the 1980's, Essays in Internat Finance, Princeton.
- IMF (1983), IMF Survey, 22 August.
- IMF (1983a), World Economic Outlook, Washington, D.C.
- JASPA/ILO (1982), 7απζ<ζ«ώ. Basic Needs in Danger, Addis Ababa.
- Kaldor, N. (1983), 'Devaluation and Adjustment in Developing Countries', Finance and Development, June.
- Katseli, L.T. and Marion, NP. (1982), 'Adjustment to variations in prices of imported inputs: the role of economic structure' Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv.
- Krugman, P. aod Taylor, L. (1978), 'Contractionary effects of devaluation', Journal of International Economics, Vol. 8, August.
- Singh A. (1983), The present crisis of the Tanzanian economy: notes on the economics and politics of devaluation, Cambridge, Dept. of Applied Economics, mimeo
- Singh, A. (1983a), The present crisis of the world economy and national and rural development in Africa', Paper presented at the ILO/FAO Workshop on trans formation agrarian systems in centrally planned economies of Africa, Arusha.
- Singh, A. (1983b), 'Third World Industrialisation: Industrial Strategies and Policies in the 1980's and 1990's', A paper presented to the High Level Expert Group Meeting on Industrial Development Strategies and Policies for Developing Countries, organised by UNIDO and the Govt, of Peru, Lima, April.
- Taylor, L.C. (1982), 'Back to basics theory for rhetoric in the North-South round'. World Development, Vol. 10.
- United Republic of Tanzania (1983), Speech by the Minister of State for Planning and Economic Affairs when presenting the Economic Survey for 1982/83 and the Annual Plan for 1982/84 to the National Assembly, Dar es Salaam, the Govern ment Printer.
- World Bank (1983), World Development Report 1983, Washington, D.C.
- World Bank, (1984), World Debt Tables, 1983-84 edition, Washington D.C
Dornbush, R. (1982), 'Stabilization policies in developing countries: what ha learned', World Development, Vol. 10, NO. 9.
Helleiner, G.K. (1983), The IMF and Africa in the 1980's, Essays in Internat Finance, Princeton.
IMF (1983), IMF Survey, 22 August.
IMF (1983a), World Economic Outlook, Washington, D.C.
JASPA/ILO (1982), 7απζ<ζ«ώ. Basic Needs in Danger, Addis Ababa.
Kaldor, N. (1983), 'Devaluation and Adjustment in Developing Countries', Finance and Development, June.
Katseli, L.T. and Marion, NP. (1982), 'Adjustment to variations in prices of imported inputs: the role of economic structure' Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv.
Krugman, P. aod Taylor, L. (1978), 'Contractionary effects of devaluation', Journal of International Economics, Vol. 8, August.
Singh A. (1983), The present crisis of the Tanzanian economy: notes on the economics and politics of devaluation, Cambridge, Dept. of Applied Economics, mimeo
Singh, A. (1983a), The present crisis of the world economy and national and rural development in Africa', Paper presented at the ILO/FAO Workshop on trans formation agrarian systems in centrally planned economies of Africa, Arusha.
Singh, A. (1983b), 'Third World Industrialisation: Industrial Strategies and Policies in the 1980's and 1990's', A paper presented to the High Level Expert Group Meeting on Industrial Development Strategies and Policies for Developing Countries, organised by UNIDO and the Govt, of Peru, Lima, April.
Taylor, L.C. (1982), 'Back to basics theory for rhetoric in the North-South round'. World Development, Vol. 10.
United Republic of Tanzania (1983), Speech by the Minister of State for Planning and Economic Affairs when presenting the Economic Survey for 1982/83 and the Annual Plan for 1982/84 to the National Assembly, Dar es Salaam, the Govern ment Printer.
World Bank (1983), World Development Report 1983, Washington, D.C.
World Bank, (1984), World Debt Tables, 1983-84 edition, Washington D.C