5 - Underdevelopment and the Politics of Sierra Leone's Trade Relation
Corresponding Author(s) : Yusuf Bangura
Africa Development,
Vol. 9 No. 2 (1984): Africa Development
Le rôle des échanges commerciaux dans le sous-développement Tiers-Monde a suscité beaucoup d'intérêts pour les études de développement , en particulier par rapport aux sociétés africaines. Cependant la part de ces études ne se fondent pas sur une appréhension théorique des rapports existants entre la production et les échanges commerciauxéchanges commerciaux sont-ils indépendants de la production ? ou correspondent-ils et sont-ils au service de certains intérêts du système de production ? L'orientation du commerce vers les pays socialistes libère-t-elle en soi , ce commerce du système de production impérialiste ? ou permet-elle de faire reculer davantage les agences liées à l'impérialisme ? C'est là quelques-unes des questions sur lesquelles ce document se penche. La première partie est consacrée aux principales théories élaborées sur les échanges commerciaux et le développement , en vue de dégager un cadre pratique permettant de saisir le rôle du commerce dans le sous-développement . La deuxième partie tente d'appliquer ce cadre au cas concret de la Sierra Leoneen étudiant particulièrement la dynamique du développement capitaliste et la structure de ses relations commerciales extérieures. La dernière partie examine la crise du sous-développement et la politique d'orientatio commerce vers la Chine.
Yusuf Bangura, Department of Political Science - Ahmadu Bello University , Nigeria.
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- B. Sodersten, International Economics (Macmillan) 1 971 Chapter 4.
- S. Lall and P. Streeton, Foreign Investment, Transnationals and Developing Countries (Macmillan) 1977, p. 17.
- P. Evans, Dependent Development (Princeton) 1979.
- Ibid., p. 64- 74.
- It is estimated that by 1995, 28 million Americans will be employed in services, compared to 22 million in manufacturing. Time May 30, 1983, p
- G. Frank, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America (Monthly review) 1969; W. Rodney How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (Tanzania publishing House) 1972.
- This refers to the much talked about disarticulation process.
- B. Warren, Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism (London) 1980 Chapter 7; P.T. Bauer, Dissent on Development (London) 1971 .
- A. Emmanuel, Unequal Exchange (New Left Books) 1972.
- C. Bettleheim, Theoretical Comments in Ibid., appendices.
- A. Emmanuel Zbů/., p. 184- 188.
- Ibid.
- K. Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy Cha (Progress) 1970.
- G. Kay , Development and Underdevelopment (Macmillan), p. 67.
- V. I. Lenin, Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism Collected Works, Vol. 22, p. 226.
- D. Fiedlhouse, Theory of Capitalist Imperialism (Longman 1967; R. R son and J. Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians (Macmillan) 1961; A. G. kins, An Economic History of West Africa (Longman) 1 975 .
- U.A.C., a brauch of Unilever in Britain, initially came to Africa to get raw materials for the parent company in Merseyside, Liverpool, which was producing sunlight soap, see I. Nzimiro, The Political and Social Implications of Multinational Corporations in Nigeria - in C. Widstrand, Multinational Firms in Africa (Uppsala) 1975, p. 212.
- The area bought by the British from the local chief, Naimbana, was 20sq miles.
- A Abraham, Mende Government and Politics under colonial rule (Oxford University Press) 1978; K. C. Whylie, The Political Kingdoms of the Temne (Africana Publishing Company), 1977; C. Fyle, A History of Sierra Leone (London) 1962.
- a. This precipitated one of the most protracted aimed struggles in the history of the country in 1896, led by Bai Bureh, who refused to accept the British tax directives.
- A. B. Zack-Williams, Merchant Capital and Underdevelopment in Sierra Leone, Review of African Political Economy, No. 25, 1982, p. 77.
- Ibid., p. 78.
- Y. Baagan, Britain and Commonwealth Africa (Manchester University Press), 1983, pl. 39-43.
- The Diaries of Hugh Dalton, London School of Economics, October 1948.
- M. Kilson, Political Change in a West African State: A Study of the Modernisation Process in Sierra Leone (Cambridge) 1966.
- O. Olankampo, The Loynes Report and Banking in Sierra Leone', Bankers Magazine, No. 1420, July 1962.
- Dixon-Fyle, 'Monetary Dependence in Africa: The Case of Sierra Leone', Journal of Modern African Studies , Vol. 16, No. 2, 1978.
- R. G. Saylor, Economic System of Sierra Leone , (Duke University) 1967.
- Industrial Review of Sierra Leone : existing industries, its perspectives, problems and prospects (prepared by S.S. Ali) UNDP/UNIDO Project DP/SIL/78/002 -pp. 22 and 23.
- This does not meet, however, the food requirements of the population.
- C. Ledholm and F. Chuta, The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-scale Industries in Sierra Leone; 1976 for Michigan State University and Njala University College, Sierra Leone.
- A. B. Zack-Williams, Some comments on the manufacturing sector in Sierra Leone, University of Jos (Mimeo) 1983.
- UNDP Report op . cit., table 107.
- Ibid., table 108.
- For a history of the Lebanese Traders see Vander Loan , Lebanese Traders in Sierra Leone (1975).
- A. B. Zack-Williams, Some comments on the manufacturing sector in Sierra Leone, op. cit., Tables 1 and 2.
- Frank Ly «Sierra Leone: The Paradox of Economic Decline and Political Stability» , Monthly Review - June 1980.
- Bank of Sierra Leone Economic Review, Vol. 14, 1980, table 24. 38. UNDP Report, op. cit., p. 2B.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., p. 30.
- . Bank of Sierra Leone Economic Review , Vol .14,1 980, table 24 .
- Bank of Sierra Leone Economic Review, Vol. 14, 1980, tables 22 and
- Statement on the Budget for 1967/68 (Government Printer), 1967.
- The Government was even unable to implement its 51% controlling policy of 1969 because of the financial difficulties of DELCO &SHE minerals. West Africa, 16 April 1973, p. 514.
- Bank of Sierra Leone Economic Review, Vol. 14, 1980, table 22. 46. Ibid., table 23.
- Ibid., table 24.
- Ibid., table 19.
- Ibid., page 4.
- Bank of Sierra Leone Annual Report and Statement of Accounts June 1978, p. 31.
- . Graham Hancock. «Sierra Leone : Building economic Bridges» , Africa Report, September-October 1979, p. 43.
- Bank of Sierra Leone Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, June 1979, p. 26.
- Bank of Sierra Leone Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, June 1978, p. 31.
- Ibid., p. 31.
- Speech by F. M. Minah, Minister of Finance, at the Bank of Sierra Leone, Governor's annual banquet, 1979, 26th February 1979, p. 7.
- Discussions with an official of the SLPM
- A Sesay, A Comparative Study of the Foreign Policies of Sierra Leone and Liberia , Unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of London, 1978.
- A more detailed paper on Sierra Leone's Economic Relations with China is being prepared.
- Arrangements on Accounting Procedures between the Peoples Bank of China and the Bank of Sierra Leone Article HI.
- Ibid Article VI.
- The imports statistics for the period after 1976 have not been published the Central Statistics Office because of the break down of the computer.
B. Sodersten, International Economics (Macmillan) 1 971 Chapter 4.
S. Lall and P. Streeton, Foreign Investment, Transnationals and Developing Countries (Macmillan) 1977, p. 17.
P. Evans, Dependent Development (Princeton) 1979.
Ibid., p. 64- 74.
It is estimated that by 1995, 28 million Americans will be employed in services, compared to 22 million in manufacturing. Time May 30, 1983, p
G. Frank, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America (Monthly review) 1969; W. Rodney How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (Tanzania publishing House) 1972.
This refers to the much talked about disarticulation process.
B. Warren, Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism (London) 1980 Chapter 7; P.T. Bauer, Dissent on Development (London) 1971 .
A. Emmanuel, Unequal Exchange (New Left Books) 1972.
C. Bettleheim, Theoretical Comments in Ibid., appendices.
A. Emmanuel Zbů/., p. 184- 188.
K. Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy Cha (Progress) 1970.
G. Kay , Development and Underdevelopment (Macmillan), p. 67.
V. I. Lenin, Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism Collected Works, Vol. 22, p. 226.
D. Fiedlhouse, Theory of Capitalist Imperialism (Longman 1967; R. R son and J. Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians (Macmillan) 1961; A. G. kins, An Economic History of West Africa (Longman) 1 975 .
U.A.C., a brauch of Unilever in Britain, initially came to Africa to get raw materials for the parent company in Merseyside, Liverpool, which was producing sunlight soap, see I. Nzimiro, The Political and Social Implications of Multinational Corporations in Nigeria - in C. Widstrand, Multinational Firms in Africa (Uppsala) 1975, p. 212.
The area bought by the British from the local chief, Naimbana, was 20sq miles.
A Abraham, Mende Government and Politics under colonial rule (Oxford University Press) 1978; K. C. Whylie, The Political Kingdoms of the Temne (Africana Publishing Company), 1977; C. Fyle, A History of Sierra Leone (London) 1962.
a. This precipitated one of the most protracted aimed struggles in the history of the country in 1896, led by Bai Bureh, who refused to accept the British tax directives.
A. B. Zack-Williams, Merchant Capital and Underdevelopment in Sierra Leone, Review of African Political Economy, No. 25, 1982, p. 77.
Ibid., p. 78.
Y. Baagan, Britain and Commonwealth Africa (Manchester University Press), 1983, pl. 39-43.
The Diaries of Hugh Dalton, London School of Economics, October 1948.
M. Kilson, Political Change in a West African State: A Study of the Modernisation Process in Sierra Leone (Cambridge) 1966.
O. Olankampo, The Loynes Report and Banking in Sierra Leone', Bankers Magazine, No. 1420, July 1962.
Dixon-Fyle, 'Monetary Dependence in Africa: The Case of Sierra Leone', Journal of Modern African Studies , Vol. 16, No. 2, 1978.
R. G. Saylor, Economic System of Sierra Leone , (Duke University) 1967.
Industrial Review of Sierra Leone : existing industries, its perspectives, problems and prospects (prepared by S.S. Ali) UNDP/UNIDO Project DP/SIL/78/002 -pp. 22 and 23.
This does not meet, however, the food requirements of the population.
C. Ledholm and F. Chuta, The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-scale Industries in Sierra Leone; 1976 for Michigan State University and Njala University College, Sierra Leone.
A. B. Zack-Williams, Some comments on the manufacturing sector in Sierra Leone, University of Jos (Mimeo) 1983.
UNDP Report op . cit., table 107.
Ibid., table 108.
For a history of the Lebanese Traders see Vander Loan , Lebanese Traders in Sierra Leone (1975).
A. B. Zack-Williams, Some comments on the manufacturing sector in Sierra Leone, op. cit., Tables 1 and 2.
Frank Ly «Sierra Leone: The Paradox of Economic Decline and Political Stability» , Monthly Review - June 1980.
Bank of Sierra Leone Economic Review, Vol. 14, 1980, table 24. 38. UNDP Report, op. cit., p. 2B.
Ibid., p. 30.
. Bank of Sierra Leone Economic Review , Vol .14,1 980, table 24 .
Bank of Sierra Leone Economic Review, Vol. 14, 1980, tables 22 and
Statement on the Budget for 1967/68 (Government Printer), 1967.
The Government was even unable to implement its 51% controlling policy of 1969 because of the financial difficulties of DELCO &SHE minerals. West Africa, 16 April 1973, p. 514.
Bank of Sierra Leone Economic Review, Vol. 14, 1980, table 22. 46. Ibid., table 23.
Ibid., table 24.
Ibid., table 19.
Ibid., page 4.
Bank of Sierra Leone Annual Report and Statement of Accounts June 1978, p. 31.
. Graham Hancock. «Sierra Leone : Building economic Bridges» , Africa Report, September-October 1979, p. 43.
Bank of Sierra Leone Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, June 1979, p. 26.
Bank of Sierra Leone Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, June 1978, p. 31.
Ibid., p. 31.
Speech by F. M. Minah, Minister of Finance, at the Bank of Sierra Leone, Governor's annual banquet, 1979, 26th February 1979, p. 7.
Discussions with an official of the SLPM
A Sesay, A Comparative Study of the Foreign Policies of Sierra Leone and Liberia , Unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of London, 1978.
A more detailed paper on Sierra Leone's Economic Relations with China is being prepared.
Arrangements on Accounting Procedures between the Peoples Bank of China and the Bank of Sierra Leone Article HI.
Ibid Article VI.
The imports statistics for the period after 1976 have not been published the Central Statistics Office because of the break down of the computer.