1 - The Influences of Multinational Corporations on the Management of Public Enterprises in Nigeria
Africa Development,
Vol. 8 No. 1 (1983): Africa Development
Deux écoles de pensée regroupent les opinions — très divergentes concernant l'influence des firmes multinationales sur les économies pays africains ; dans le cadre restreint de cet article, il s'agit de l'économie nigériane en particulier.
Ces écoles de pensée sont :
- Celles des «Libéraux» qui estiment qu'en s'associant avec multinationale, une entreprise publique africaine bénéficierait d'avantages financiers et techniques, de la formation de son per sonnel local, de la réduction des prix d'inputs importés, de l'accès aux résultats de recherches menées par les multinationales et enfin d'un meilleur contrôle de la qualité de sa production.
- Celle des «libérationnistes» qui pensent que dans l'ensemble, multinationales emportent plus qu'elles n'apportent5 en outre, elles se posent en frein au développement auto-gestionnaire et «partenaire» exploiteur.
Pour illustrer les arguments de ces deux courants de pensée, l'au teur donne des exemples concrets avec tableaux, statistiques, noms d'indi vidus et de sociétés, dates et citations à l'appui. C'est ainsi qu'il étudie tour à tour :
- la nature des entreprises publiques dans les pays sous-développés
- la nature des firmes multinationales
- les types d'association entre ces entreprises et ces firmes
- les multinationales et leur gestion des entreprises publiques
- les différentes motivations
- les structures organisationnelles
- la formation des cadres
- les multinationales et la création d'emplois
- les multinationales et la production locale.
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- The tenn 'liberal' is used there to refer to those who believe that governments should play a minimum, public order - maintaining role in economic activities and that private enterprise, whether foreign or indigenous, should be given maximum freedom to oil the engines of economic growth.
- For a summary of this view point, see «The Multinational Corporation in Africa». E.C,A. Document reprinted in Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents 1971-1972. (London: Rex Collings, 1972) pp. A39-A40.
- Issa G. Shivji, «Capitalism Unlimited: Public Corporations in Partnership with Multinational Corporations». The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affaires. Vol. 3,No. 3(1973)p.381.
- Africa Contemporary Record, 1971-72 -p. A32.
- Ibid., pp. A33 - A34.
- Nigeria Trade Journal, VoL 2/4 (October/December, 1954), p. 22.
- Ibid., Vol. 22, No. 1 (January/March, 1975), pp. 42-43.
- West Africa 5.3.19.
- Daily Star (Enugu), 9.12.78.
- Peter B. Evans, «National Autonomy and Economic Development: Critical Perspectives on Multinational Corporation in Poor Countries». International Organization Vol. XXV, No. 3 (summer, 1971),p. 678.
- For a more extensive discussion of this case, see Professor Erne Ewa, «Financing of Public Enterprises»: Paper presented at the Workshop on Manage ment of Public Enterprises in Nigeria, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (July 5-6, 1979),pp. 5-9.
- New Nigerian, 16.11.79.
- See Awa, op. cit., pp. 10-16.
- For detailed comments on the problems of Estavision, see Anambra/Imo States of Nigeria. Government White Paper on the Report of the Board of Inquiry into Estavision and Sound (Nigeria) Ltd. p. 3, and passim.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Midwest State of Nigeria. Report of the Tribunal of Inquiry into the Assets of Public Officers in Midwest State of Nigeria. Vol. II, pp. 23-28, 52, 56 and 83.
- Ibid., p. 55.
- Report of the Administrative Board of Inquiry into the Activities and the Nigerian Construction and Furniture Company Limited: Official Document No.I of 1976. (Government Printer, Enugu), p. 24.
- Ibid., pp. 10-13.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., p. 26.
- Anambra/lmo States of Nigeria, Government White Paper on the Report of the Administrative Board of Inquiry into the Affairs of Golden Guinea Breweries Ltd. since its Reactivation after the War. (Government Printer, Enugu, 1976), p. 26.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., p. 27.
- Ibid., pp. 29.
- See E. S. Essien, 'Management of Mobil Producing Nigeria'. (Unpublished B. Sc. Thesis, U.N.N.,June 1979),p. 75.
- Ikenna Nzimiro in Carl Widstrand, ed., Multinational Firms in Africa. (Sweden, 1975). Cited in Kingsley 0. Opara, «The Activities of Multinational Corporation and their Consequences for Nigerian Development» (Unpublished B.Sc. Thesis, U.N.N.,June, 1979),pp.17-18.
- Business Times (Lagos) 12.6.79, p. 12.
- See Evans, Loe cit., p. 689.
- By term 'efficiency' we mean the attainment of a set objective with the expenditure of a minimum input of resources; or, what amounts to the same thing, the optimization of an objective with a given quantum of resources.
- Daily Times(Lagos) 19.11.79,p. 21.
- Roy B. Helfgott, «Multinational Corporations and Manpower Utilization in Developing Nations». The Journal of Developing Areas (January 1973), pp. 235 and 244.
- Essien, op. cit., p. 34.
- Business Times (Lagos). 2.6.79.
- For more details of this case, see Anambra/lmo States of Nigeria. Govern ment White Paper on the Report of the Administrative Board of Inquiry into the Activities of the Central Trading Agency Limited. (Enugu, Government Printer, 1976).
- For full details, see Midwest State of Nigeria, op. cit., passim.
- See Okwudiba Nnoli, Self-reliance and Foreign Policy in Tanzania. (Nok Publishers, 1978) pp. 189 and 191.
- Barongo,op. cit., p. 10.
- Opara, op. cit., p. 23.
- Directory of Industrial Establishments in Anambra State, 1977. (Statistics Division of Finance and Economic Development, Enugu).
- New Nigerian, 17.8.78.
- The Nigerian Trade Journal July/September, 1916.
- Business Times 21.5.79, p. 32.
- For a more detailed discussion of this point, see Robert L. Curry Jr. and Donald Rothchild, «On Economic Bargaining between African Governments and Multinational Companies». The Journal of Modern African Studies 12.2.1974, pp. 173-189.
The tenn 'liberal' is used there to refer to those who believe that governments should play a minimum, public order - maintaining role in economic activities and that private enterprise, whether foreign or indigenous, should be given maximum freedom to oil the engines of economic growth.
For a summary of this view point, see «The Multinational Corporation in Africa». E.C,A. Document reprinted in Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents 1971-1972. (London: Rex Collings, 1972) pp. A39-A40.
Issa G. Shivji, «Capitalism Unlimited: Public Corporations in Partnership with Multinational Corporations». The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affaires. Vol. 3,No. 3(1973)p.381.
Africa Contemporary Record, 1971-72 -p. A32.
Ibid., pp. A33 - A34.
Nigeria Trade Journal, VoL 2/4 (October/December, 1954), p. 22.
Ibid., Vol. 22, No. 1 (January/March, 1975), pp. 42-43.
West Africa 5.3.19.
Daily Star (Enugu), 9.12.78.
Peter B. Evans, «National Autonomy and Economic Development: Critical Perspectives on Multinational Corporation in Poor Countries». International Organization Vol. XXV, No. 3 (summer, 1971),p. 678.
For a more extensive discussion of this case, see Professor Erne Ewa, «Financing of Public Enterprises»: Paper presented at the Workshop on Manage ment of Public Enterprises in Nigeria, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (July 5-6, 1979),pp. 5-9.
New Nigerian, 16.11.79.
See Awa, op. cit., pp. 10-16.
For detailed comments on the problems of Estavision, see Anambra/Imo States of Nigeria. Government White Paper on the Report of the Board of Inquiry into Estavision and Sound (Nigeria) Ltd. p. 3, and passim.
Midwest State of Nigeria. Report of the Tribunal of Inquiry into the Assets of Public Officers in Midwest State of Nigeria. Vol. II, pp. 23-28, 52, 56 and 83.
Ibid., p. 55.
Report of the Administrative Board of Inquiry into the Activities and the Nigerian Construction and Furniture Company Limited: Official Document No.I of 1976. (Government Printer, Enugu), p. 24.
Ibid., pp. 10-13.
Ibid., p. 26.
Anambra/lmo States of Nigeria, Government White Paper on the Report of the Administrative Board of Inquiry into the Affairs of Golden Guinea Breweries Ltd. since its Reactivation after the War. (Government Printer, Enugu, 1976), p. 26.
Ibid., p. 27.
Ibid., pp. 29.
See E. S. Essien, 'Management of Mobil Producing Nigeria'. (Unpublished B. Sc. Thesis, U.N.N.,June 1979),p. 75.
Ikenna Nzimiro in Carl Widstrand, ed., Multinational Firms in Africa. (Sweden, 1975). Cited in Kingsley 0. Opara, «The Activities of Multinational Corporation and their Consequences for Nigerian Development» (Unpublished B.Sc. Thesis, U.N.N.,June, 1979),pp.17-18.
Business Times (Lagos) 12.6.79, p. 12.
See Evans, Loe cit., p. 689.
By term 'efficiency' we mean the attainment of a set objective with the expenditure of a minimum input of resources; or, what amounts to the same thing, the optimization of an objective with a given quantum of resources.
Daily Times(Lagos) 19.11.79,p. 21.
Roy B. Helfgott, «Multinational Corporations and Manpower Utilization in Developing Nations». The Journal of Developing Areas (January 1973), pp. 235 and 244.
Essien, op. cit., p. 34.
Business Times (Lagos). 2.6.79.
For more details of this case, see Anambra/lmo States of Nigeria. Govern ment White Paper on the Report of the Administrative Board of Inquiry into the Activities of the Central Trading Agency Limited. (Enugu, Government Printer, 1976).
For full details, see Midwest State of Nigeria, op. cit., passim.
See Okwudiba Nnoli, Self-reliance and Foreign Policy in Tanzania. (Nok Publishers, 1978) pp. 189 and 191.
Barongo,op. cit., p. 10.
Opara, op. cit., p. 23.
Directory of Industrial Establishments in Anambra State, 1977. (Statistics Division of Finance and Economic Development, Enugu).
New Nigerian, 17.8.78.
The Nigerian Trade Journal July/September, 1916.
Business Times 21.5.79, p. 32.
For a more detailed discussion of this point, see Robert L. Curry Jr. and Donald Rothchild, «On Economic Bargaining between African Governments and Multinational Companies». The Journal of Modern African Studies 12.2.1974, pp. 173-189.