3 - Ghana: The Failure of a Petty-Bourgeois Experiment
Africa Development,
Vol. 7 No. 3 (1982): Africa Development
Dans cet article , l'auteur cherche à expliquer les raisons de Véchvc des différents gouvernements à créer et maintenir au Ghana un ordre petit-bourgeois depuis 1966 , date de la mort de Kwame NKRUMAH. estime qu'il faut chercher les raisons de cet échec non seulement dans difficultés économiques qu'à connues le pays pendant la période 1966- 1981, mais aussi dans les changements intervenus entre les rapports forces politiques en présence ainsi que dans le rôle fondamental qu'a joué l'Etat dans les luttes politiques . L'auteur se fixe deux objectifs principaux: il veut montrer d'abord que le Coup d'Etat du 31 Décembre 1981 bien prévisible parce qu'à ce moment l'Etat petit-bourgeois d'alors miné par ses propres contradictions internes et qu'ensuite ces contradic- tions ont été rendues plus aïgues depuis 1966 par l'Etat petit-bourgeois qui , conformément à sa vocation historique , a toujours facilité la domina- tion de l'économie nationale par l'impérialisme . C'est ainsi que l'auteur étudié l'évolution de cette expérience petite-bourgeoise depuis le retour la bourgeoisie comprador de l'aprés-KRUMAH jusqu'aux derniers de cetr ordre social en analysant tour à tour les derniers soubresauts « néo-colonie », les rapports crise-main d'oeuvre, crise-petite-bourgeoisie l'Etat Bonapartiste , le glas de cet état Bonapartiste , et le CRFA et la des classes . A chacun de ces points l'auteur a noté les éléments nouveaux qui ont marqué la période dans le cadre de la déchéance de l'état petit- bourgeois. Parmi ces éléments , les plus récents et les plus décisifs ont
- le refus catégorique de l'Etat petit-bourgeois à reconnaître domination de l'économie du Ghana par l'impérialisme . Cette reconnaissance aurait permis la mobilisation de capacité interne susceptible de s'accommoder de cette situation et de finalement transcender l'instabilité qui la caractérise ;
- la dislocation progressive de la classe dirigeante qui constitue d'ailleurs sa faiblesse et qui est le produit direct de la faiblesse sa base matérielle.
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- Acheampong, I.K. (n.d.) «White Paper on Sate Participation in Mining Indus- try», Speeches and Interviews. Vol. 1, Accra, Ministry of Information.
- Agama, K. (1966) «The Budget and the Economy», Legon Observer Vol.3. Agogo, M. (1975)Economic Bulletin of Ghana. Vol. l, No. 1 & 2.
- Bond, M. (1980) «Exchange Rates, Inflation and the Vicious Circle», Finance and Development (IMF), Vol. 17, No. 1.
- Cabral, A. (1972) Revolution in Guinea. Monthly Review Press. Ewusi, K. (1971) Economic Inequality in Ghana. Accra, CDESRA.
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- Review Press.
- Fyodorov, V. (1977) «The World Capitalist Economy: Growing Instability»,
- Socialism, Theory and Practice. (Moscow) Vol. 8.
- Ghana (1965) Report of Commission of Enquiry into Trade Malpractices in Ghana. (Chairman: W.E. Abraham) Accra, Ministry of Information.
- ----{1967) Report of Commission of Enquiry into Irregularities in the Grant of Import Licences. (Sole Commissioner; NA. Ollenu) Accra, Minis try of Information.
- -----(1968) Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Assets of Certain Specified Persons. (Chairman: Annie Jiagge).
- - (l968a) Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Assets of Certain
- Specified Persons. (Chairman: E.N.P. Sowah) Accra, Ministry of Information.
- -----{1968b) Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Affairs of the Ghana Timber Cooperative Union. (Chairman: R.S. Blay) Accra, Ministry of Information.
- -----{1969) Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Assets of Certain Specified Persons. (Chainnan: J.S. Manyo-Plange) Accra, Ministry of Information).
- - {1978) Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Civil Service Strike of
- November, 1978 (Chainnan: Justice Apatu-Plange ).
- - {l979)Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.
- Hakam, A.N. (I 972) «Impediments to the growth of Indigenous Industrial Entrepreneurship in Ghana, 1946-1968», Economic Bulletin of Ghana, Vol. 2, No.2.
- Hutchful, E. (1979) <
- Ghana»,Review of African Political Economy, Jan-Apr., No. 14.
- Jonah, K. (1980) The Politics of Economic Decolonisation, The Case of Ghana's indigenisation Policy. M.A. Thesis Unpublished. Department of Political Science. University of Ghana, Legan.
- Kostyukhin, D. (1979) World Market Today. (Moscow) Progress. Lenin,V.I. (1964) Collected Works: Vol. 25, Progress.
- Libby, R. (1976) «External Cooptation of a Less Developed Country's Policy- making: The Case of Ghana, 1969-72», World Politics, Vol. 2, No. 1.
- Mamdani, M. ( 1976) Politics and Class Formation in Uganda, Heinemann.
- Ninsin, K.A. (1979) «Nkumah's Socialism: A Reappraisal», Ufahamau. Vol. xi,No.l. Nkrumah, K. (1964) Consciencism. Heinemann.
- Ofori-Atta, J. (I 977) «Political and Economic Bases in the Growth and Pattern of Government Expenditure in Ghana, 1957--69», Ghana Social Science Journal Vol. 4, No. 1.
- Ola, Opeyemi (1973) «The Economic Foundations of the Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy in Africa», African Studies Review, Vol. xvi (2).
- Poulantzas, N. (1979) Fascism and Dictatorship. Verso.
- Tarabin, E.A., ed. (1978) Neo-colonialism and Africa in the 1970's. Progress.
- Marx, K. (n.d.) Poverty of Philosophy. Progress.
- Marx & Engels (I 968) Selected Works. Progress.
- Zaikina, VJ. (1981) Present-Day Non-Marxist Political Economy (A.G. Mileikovaky et al, eds.) Progress.
Acheampong, I.K. (n.d.) «White Paper on Sate Participation in Mining Indus- try», Speeches and Interviews. Vol. 1, Accra, Ministry of Information.
Agama, K. (1966) «The Budget and the Economy», Legon Observer Vol.3. Agogo, M. (1975)Economic Bulletin of Ghana. Vol. l, No. 1 & 2.
Bond, M. (1980) «Exchange Rates, Inflation and the Vicious Circle», Finance and Development (IMF), Vol. 17, No. 1.
Cabral, A. (1972) Revolution in Guinea. Monthly Review Press. Ewusi, K. (1971) Economic Inequality in Ghana. Accra, CDESRA.
----- (1981) The Economy of Ghana: Recent Trends and Prospects for the future. mimeo. ISSER, Legon.
Frank, A.G. (1980) Disis: In the World Economy. Heinemann.
----- {1981) Disis: Jn the Third World. Heinemann.
----- {1967) Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America. Monthly
Review Press.
Fyodorov, V. (1977) «The World Capitalist Economy: Growing Instability»,
Socialism, Theory and Practice. (Moscow) Vol. 8.
Ghana (1965) Report of Commission of Enquiry into Trade Malpractices in Ghana. (Chairman: W.E. Abraham) Accra, Ministry of Information.
----{1967) Report of Commission of Enquiry into Irregularities in the Grant of Import Licences. (Sole Commissioner; NA. Ollenu) Accra, Minis try of Information.
-----(1968) Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Assets of Certain Specified Persons. (Chairman: Annie Jiagge).
- (l968a) Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Assets of Certain
Specified Persons. (Chairman: E.N.P. Sowah) Accra, Ministry of Information.
-----{1968b) Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Affairs of the Ghana Timber Cooperative Union. (Chairman: R.S. Blay) Accra, Ministry of Information.
-----{1969) Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Assets of Certain Specified Persons. (Chainnan: J.S. Manyo-Plange) Accra, Ministry of Information).
- {1978) Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Civil Service Strike of
November, 1978 (Chainnan: Justice Apatu-Plange ).
- {l979)Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.
Hakam, A.N. (I 972) «Impediments to the growth of Indigenous Industrial Entrepreneurship in Ghana, 1946-1968», Economic Bulletin of Ghana, Vol. 2, No.2.
Ghana»,Review of African Political Economy, Jan-Apr., No. 14.
Jonah, K. (1980) The Politics of Economic Decolonisation, The Case of Ghana's indigenisation Policy. M.A. Thesis Unpublished. Department of Political Science. University of Ghana, Legan.
Kostyukhin, D. (1979) World Market Today. (Moscow) Progress. Lenin,V.I. (1964) Collected Works: Vol. 25, Progress.
Libby, R. (1976) «External Cooptation of a Less Developed Country's Policy- making: The Case of Ghana, 1969-72», World Politics, Vol. 2, No. 1.
Mamdani, M. ( 1976) Politics and Class Formation in Uganda, Heinemann.
Ninsin, K.A. (1979) «Nkumah's Socialism: A Reappraisal», Ufahamau. Vol. xi,No.l. Nkrumah, K. (1964) Consciencism. Heinemann.
Ofori-Atta, J. (I 977) «Political and Economic Bases in the Growth and Pattern of Government Expenditure in Ghana, 1957--69», Ghana Social Science Journal Vol. 4, No. 1.
Ola, Opeyemi (1973) «The Economic Foundations of the Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy in Africa», African Studies Review, Vol. xvi (2).
Poulantzas, N. (1979) Fascism and Dictatorship. Verso.
Tarabin, E.A., ed. (1978) Neo-colonialism and Africa in the 1970's. Progress.
Marx, K. (n.d.) Poverty of Philosophy. Progress.
Marx & Engels (I 968) Selected Works. Progress.
Zaikina, VJ. (1981) Present-Day Non-Marxist Political Economy (A.G. Mileikovaky et al, eds.) Progress.