4 - Some aspects of ideological functions in the Development of the Post-Colonial State in Tanzania
Africa Development,
Vol. 3 No. 2 (1978): Africa Development
Dans ce papier, l'auteur discute avec quelqu'un sur une question fondamentale de savoir si l'idéologie devrai être selon lui comme un instrument neutre, applicable à toute formation sociale, quelle que soit sa nature, indistinctement. Ou,
au contraire, elfe découlerait de la nature de la société concernée et des contradictions qui la
caractérisent. Pour sa pan, l'auteur, s'alignant, entre autres, sur Poulantzas, soutient ce dernier
point de vue et pense que /'idéologie tanzanienne et son rôle dans la société sont les produits des
contradictions fondamentales de ra formation sociale post-co/oniale tanzanienne.
Définissant /'idéologie, en sociétés capitalistes, et cela suivant la figne de Poulantzas, comme :
a) Un ensemble complexe et cohérent de représentations, valeurs. croyances, comprenant, entre
autres Je moral. le politique, le religieux, /'économique. disposant, à chaque moment dans le
temps, d'une zone spécifique exerçant une certaina autonomie, bien que déterminée, en dernier
ressort par /'économique;
b) Cet ensemble jouissant d'un niveau objectif spécifique dans la formation sociale concernée et,
dès lors, exerçant des fonc tions identifiables; l'auteur analyse les fonctions qu'exerce
/'idéologie tanzanienne dans la société post-co/oniale tanza nienne. D'après lui, les aspects les
plus importants des fonc tions exercées par l'idéologie tanzanienne sont de trois ordres :
1) Créer une unité nouvelle de la formation sociale tanzanien ne;
2) Etablir un nouveau cadre dans lequel le concept de travail
serait accepté par les classes productives;
3) Développer un sens nouveau du concept d'Etat;·
L'auteur conclut en notant qu'en Tanzanie, la classe dominante ( la petite bourgeoisie) a établi
son hégémonie sur d'autres classes en
r,artie par l'utilisation de l'appareil étatique de coercission, mais sa réus site est
fondam_entalement due à rutilisation intense de /'idéologie poli tique. Ainsi en Tanzanie,
note-t-il, il semble y avoir sur-politisation de
¹acteurs économiques et sociaux et sur-idéologisation des aspects r;ocio-économiques et
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- l. H. Bienen, "' An Ideology for Africa », in Cliffe & Saul (eds.), Socialisme in Tan-
- ania: An Interdisciplinary Reader, vol I, (Nairobi : East Africa Publishing Bouse,
- , pp. 178-9.
- This argument is more elaborately treated in, H. Goulbourne, « Politics and Ideology : The
- Tanzania Case », paper presented at the 12th Annual Social Science Conferencc of East African
- Uni11ersities, Dar es Salam, 1976.
- For a fair treatment of Nyerere conceived and presented in this vein see, H. Glickman,
- « Dilemmas of Political Theory in an African Context : The Ideology of Julius Nyere », in ]. Butler
- & A.A. Castagno (cds.), Boston University Papers on Africa: Transition in African oPlitics (New
- York : Prai.:ger Publishers, 1967). pp. 195 ff.
- For an extensive and very sympathetic tre:1trnent of Nyerere's political thought see, Cranford
- Pratt, TheCritical Phase in Tam:.i11ia, J'-)45-1968: Nyerere and the Emer- gence of a Socialist
- Strategy (CambriJge 1Jniv0rsit)' P; .lc76), ch. 4.
- L. Althusser, For Marx (New York: Vint.,g Jn !.,,. 1 ; , ;, lrhusser & E. Balibar, Reading
- Capital (London : New Lefc Bo<,, l'i . , il '.!.Lusser, ,, Jdeology & ldeological State
- Apparatus : Notes Tow8rd·-: ,u , ,,; ..,, in Lenin & Philo- sophy and Othe Essays (New York &
- J.o.:d.i!·. . Review .:?rcss, 1971) ;
- N. Poulantzas, Political Power & Social Ci,s,.:s Li,,1don ; Left Books, 1975) ;
- There are some very useful essays on Althusser a11d Poulant/laS, in Working Papers in Cultural
- Studies 10 ; On Ideology, (Birmingham : Centre for Contemporary Cul tural Studies, University of
- Birmingham, 1977).
- Poulantzas, op. cit., p. 206.
- Ibid., pp. 206 ff.
- See, for example, Stuart Hall, « Rethinking the 'Base-and-Superstructure' Metaphor », in, ]on
- Bllomfield (ed.), The Communist University of London Papers on Class, Hegemony and Party (London :
- Lawrence & Wishart, 1977) also, J. Clarke, l. Conne!, R. McDonough, « Misrecognizing Ideology :
- Ideology in Political Power and Social Classes », in Cultural Studies 10.
- On this question the criticism of Clarke. et al, should be well taken, namely, that the cohesive
- fonction of ideology is a contingent, not a necessary, function.
- J.K. Nyerere, Freedom & Unity/Uhuru na Umoia (Dar es Salam : Oxford University Press, 1966), p.
- fl
- For a consideration of these descriptions in the literature see, M. von Freyhold,
- -« The Post-Colonial State and its Tanzanian Version-Contribution to a Debate »,
- Mimeo, Sociology Department, University of Dar es Salam, 1976; also, H. Goc.l
- bourne, « TANU Since the Arusha Declaration », unpublished ms., 1977.
- Nyerere, Freedom and Sociialism/Uhuru na U;amaa (Dar es Salam OUP, 1966), p. 2.
- Nyerere, Ujamaa : Essays on Socialism (Dar es Salam : OUP, 1968), p. 11.
- Ibid., p. 12.
- ]. Lusinde, « Workers Participation in Industrial Management in Tanzaniai », in H. Mapolu (ed.)
- Workers and Management (Dar es Salam : Tanzanian Publishing House, 1976), p. 160
- Nyerere, « Presidential Circular No. 1 of 1970 : The Establishment of Workers' Councils,
- Executive Boards and Boards of Directors », Ibid., pp. 153 ff.
- Pratt, op. cit.
- Nyerere, Freedom and Unity, pp. 103 ff.
- Nyerer, « Guide to the One-Party State Commission 1964 », Ibid., p. 262.
- Ibid:
- Interim Constitution of Tam:aniia, EPCT (Dar es Salam: Government Publications Agency, 1976
- ed.), p. 7, this was amended in 1975 so that TANU was recogniized as being supreme over state
- organs also ; the new CCM Constitution- .(1977) makes the Party « the sole political party
- exercising supreme authority over ail state organ »,
- p. 4.
- Perhaps the best exarnple of thiis departure in the President's speach at the Univer sity of
- Ibadan, Nigeria, « The Process of Libcration », reprintcd in, Daily News,
- November, 1976, p. 4.
- Nyerere, Ujamaa, p. 4.
- Ibid., p. 5.
- Nyerere, Freedom and Socialism, p. 247.
- Ibid.
- The quotations in thls paragraph arc to be found, Ibid., p. 244.
- Ibid., p. 245.
- Nycrc:re, « Freedom and Dcvclopmcnt », in, Freedom and Development (Dar es
- Salam : OUP, 1973), p. 70.
- Nycrcrc, Presidential Circular No. I, 1970, op. cit., p. 154.
- Ibid, p. 155.
- Nyerere, Freedom and Development, p. 49.
- Ibid.
- Nyerere, Ujamaa, p. 1.
- Ibid.
- Poulantzas, op. dt.
l. H. Bienen, "' An Ideology for Africa », in Cliffe & Saul (eds.), Socialisme in Tan-
ania: An Interdisciplinary Reader, vol I, (Nairobi : East Africa Publishing Bouse,
, pp. 178-9.
This argument is more elaborately treated in, H. Goulbourne, « Politics and Ideology : The
Tanzania Case », paper presented at the 12th Annual Social Science Conferencc of East African
Uni11ersities, Dar es Salam, 1976.
For a fair treatment of Nyerere conceived and presented in this vein see, H. Glickman,
« Dilemmas of Political Theory in an African Context : The Ideology of Julius Nyere », in ]. Butler
& A.A. Castagno (cds.), Boston University Papers on Africa: Transition in African oPlitics (New
York : Prai.:ger Publishers, 1967). pp. 195 ff.
For an extensive and very sympathetic tre:1trnent of Nyerere's political thought see, Cranford
Pratt, TheCritical Phase in Tam:.i11ia, J'-)45-1968: Nyerere and the Emer- gence of a Socialist
Strategy (CambriJge 1Jniv0rsit)' P; .lc76), ch. 4.
L. Althusser, For Marx (New York: Vint.,g Jn !.,,. 1 ; , ;, lrhusser & E. Balibar, Reading
Capital (London : New Lefc Bo<,, l'i . , il '.!.Lusser, ,, Jdeology & ldeological State
Apparatus : Notes Tow8rd·-: ,u , ,,; ..,, in Lenin & Philo- sophy and Othe Essays (New York &
J.o.:d.i!·. . Review .:?rcss, 1971) ;
N. Poulantzas, Political Power & Social Ci,s,.:s Li,,1don ; Left Books, 1975) ;
There are some very useful essays on Althusser a11d Poulant/laS, in Working Papers in Cultural
Studies 10 ; On Ideology, (Birmingham : Centre for Contemporary Cul tural Studies, University of
Birmingham, 1977).
Poulantzas, op. cit., p. 206.
Ibid., pp. 206 ff.
See, for example, Stuart Hall, « Rethinking the 'Base-and-Superstructure' Metaphor », in, ]on
Bllomfield (ed.), The Communist University of London Papers on Class, Hegemony and Party (London :
Lawrence & Wishart, 1977) also, J. Clarke, l. Conne!, R. McDonough, « Misrecognizing Ideology :
Ideology in Political Power and Social Classes », in Cultural Studies 10.
On this question the criticism of Clarke. et al, should be well taken, namely, that the cohesive
fonction of ideology is a contingent, not a necessary, function.
J.K. Nyerere, Freedom & Unity/Uhuru na Umoia (Dar es Salam : Oxford University Press, 1966), p.
For a consideration of these descriptions in the literature see, M. von Freyhold,
-« The Post-Colonial State and its Tanzanian Version-Contribution to a Debate »,
Mimeo, Sociology Department, University of Dar es Salam, 1976; also, H. Goc.l
bourne, « TANU Since the Arusha Declaration », unpublished ms., 1977.
Nyerere, Freedom and Sociialism/Uhuru na U;amaa (Dar es Salam OUP, 1966), p. 2.
Nyerere, Ujamaa : Essays on Socialism (Dar es Salam : OUP, 1968), p. 11.
Ibid., p. 12.
]. Lusinde, « Workers Participation in Industrial Management in Tanzaniai », in H. Mapolu (ed.)
Workers and Management (Dar es Salam : Tanzanian Publishing House, 1976), p. 160
Nyerere, « Presidential Circular No. 1 of 1970 : The Establishment of Workers' Councils,
Executive Boards and Boards of Directors », Ibid., pp. 153 ff.
Pratt, op. cit.
Nyerere, Freedom and Unity, pp. 103 ff.
Nyerer, « Guide to the One-Party State Commission 1964 », Ibid., p. 262.
Interim Constitution of Tam:aniia, EPCT (Dar es Salam: Government Publications Agency, 1976
ed.), p. 7, this was amended in 1975 so that TANU was recogniized as being supreme over state
organs also ; the new CCM Constitution- .(1977) makes the Party « the sole political party
exercising supreme authority over ail state organ »,
p. 4.
Perhaps the best exarnple of thiis departure in the President's speach at the Univer sity of
Ibadan, Nigeria, « The Process of Libcration », reprintcd in, Daily News,
November, 1976, p. 4.
Nyerere, Ujamaa, p. 4.
Ibid., p. 5.
Nyerere, Freedom and Socialism, p. 247.
The quotations in thls paragraph arc to be found, Ibid., p. 244.
Ibid., p. 245.
Nycrc:re, « Freedom and Dcvclopmcnt », in, Freedom and Development (Dar es
Salam : OUP, 1973), p. 70.
Nycrcrc, Presidential Circular No. I, 1970, op. cit., p. 154.
Ibid, p. 155.
Nyerere, Freedom and Development, p. 49.
Nyerere, Ujamaa, p. 1.
Poulantzas, op. dt.