1 - The Development and Utilization of Science and Technology in Productive Sectors: Case of Developing Africa
Africa Development,
Vol. 18 No. 4 (1993): Africa Development
Résumé: Le développement socio-économique est étroitement lié à Vexploitation et la transformation par la société du système naturel par la société. La science et la technologie sont des instruments puissants dans l'utilisation de la nature et la promotion du développement. A ce titre, elles constituent une dimension incontournable du processus de développement. Cependant en Afrique même si l'importance de la science et de la technologie est unanimement reconnue, elle n'est pas traduite dans les actes. La science et la technologie demeurent un domaine réservé aux intellectuels et font rarement l'objet d'une prise en compte véritable ou d'une allocation de ressources suffisantes. Les obstacles à la promotion de la science et de la technologie doivent être recherchés dans les rapports fonctionnels entre les institutions (gouvernements ou secteurs privés) ΐ infrastructure scientifique et technologique et les secteurs productifs. Les pays en développement devraient accorder une plus grande attention à la manière dont les résultats de la recherche scientifique sont utilisés dans les secteurs productifs pour satisfaire les besoins fondamentaux de la population au lieu de faire de la recherche pour des raisons purement théoriques et académiques.
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- Codjoe F K, 1990, •Africa's Way Forward', Guest Colwnn The New African, October. Colombo U, and Kerchi Oshima (ed), 1989, Technology Blending: an Appropriate Response to Development, London: Tycooly Publishing.
- Eisemon T, et al., 1982, 'Colonial Legacies - Transplantation of Science to Anglophone and Francophone Africa', in Science and Public Policy, Vol. 12, No. 4, August
- Eisemon Th, et al., 1982, 'Colonial Legacies - Transplantation of Science to Anglophone and Francophone Africa', in Science and Pllblic Policy, Vol. 12, No. 4, August
- Gidigasu MD, 1988, 'Experiences and case Studies - Ghana', ATAS Bulletin on Materials Technology, No. 5, May, UNCSID, New York.
- Jugessur S, 1990, 'Technology Policy and Mechanism for Accelerated Technological Development', Discovery and Innovations, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1990 AAS-ICIPE, Nairobi
- Kim H, 1984, 'Technological Development Strategies and Experiences in Korea', The World Bank, Washington, DC.
- Koleoso O A, 1988, 'Experiences and case studies - Nigeria', At AS Bulletin on materials technology, No. 5, Mai, UNCSID, New York.
- OUA, 1982, The Lagos Plan of Action (LPA) for the Development of Africa, 1990-200, Geneva International Labour Organization (ILO).
- Roobeek A J K, 1990, Beyond the Technology Race, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers. Sagasti F R, 1979, Technology, Planing and Self-Reliant Developmelll, New York: Praeger Publishers.
- Spencer D L, and Alexander Woroniak, 1967, The Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Publishers.
- UNECA, 1991, 'Endogenous Capacity Building in New Material Technology in the African Region', Addis-Ababa: UNECA NRD/STS/3.1, June, pp. 2-12.
- UNESCO, 1984, World Directory of National Science alld Technology Policy Malcing Bodies,_ Paris, UNESCO.
- UNESCO, 1986b, Statistics 011 Science and Technology, Paris, UNESCO.
- UNESCO, 1986c, Comparative Study of National Science and Technology Policy-Mak.ing Bodies in the countries of West Africa, Science Policy Studies and Documents, No. 58, Paris.
- UNESCO, 1991, Yearbook, Paris, UNESCO.
- Wad A, and Randir, 1983, Science and Technology in Africa; Priorities and Implications for international Co-operation, Evanston (Illinois): Northwestem University
Codjoe F K, 1990, •Africa's Way Forward', Guest Colwnn The New African, October. Colombo U, and Kerchi Oshima (ed), 1989, Technology Blending: an Appropriate Response to Development, London: Tycooly Publishing.
Eisemon T, et al., 1982, 'Colonial Legacies - Transplantation of Science to Anglophone and Francophone Africa', in Science and Public Policy, Vol. 12, No. 4, August
Eisemon Th, et al., 1982, 'Colonial Legacies - Transplantation of Science to Anglophone and Francophone Africa', in Science and Pllblic Policy, Vol. 12, No. 4, August
Gidigasu MD, 1988, 'Experiences and case Studies - Ghana', ATAS Bulletin on Materials Technology, No. 5, May, UNCSID, New York.
Jugessur S, 1990, 'Technology Policy and Mechanism for Accelerated Technological Development', Discovery and Innovations, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1990 AAS-ICIPE, Nairobi
Kim H, 1984, 'Technological Development Strategies and Experiences in Korea', The World Bank, Washington, DC.
Koleoso O A, 1988, 'Experiences and case studies - Nigeria', At AS Bulletin on materials technology, No. 5, Mai, UNCSID, New York.
OUA, 1982, The Lagos Plan of Action (LPA) for the Development of Africa, 1990-200, Geneva International Labour Organization (ILO).
Roobeek A J K, 1990, Beyond the Technology Race, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers. Sagasti F R, 1979, Technology, Planing and Self-Reliant Developmelll, New York: Praeger Publishers.
Spencer D L, and Alexander Woroniak, 1967, The Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Publishers.
UNECA, 1991, 'Endogenous Capacity Building in New Material Technology in the African Region', Addis-Ababa: UNECA NRD/STS/3.1, June, pp. 2-12.
UNESCO, 1984, World Directory of National Science alld Technology Policy Malcing Bodies,_ Paris, UNESCO.
UNESCO, 1986b, Statistics 011 Science and Technology, Paris, UNESCO.
UNESCO, 1986c, Comparative Study of National Science and Technology Policy-Mak.ing Bodies in the countries of West Africa, Science Policy Studies and Documents, No. 58, Paris.
UNESCO, 1991, Yearbook, Paris, UNESCO.
Wad A, and Randir, 1983, Science and Technology in Africa; Priorities and Implications for international Co-operation, Evanston (Illinois): Northwestem University