1 - Annonce du diagnostic et rupture biographique
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2010): African Sociological Review
The paper refers to the « grounded theory » (théorisation ancrée) targeting an indepth exploration of the announcement of the diagnosis as one of the first compo- nents of the trajectory of cancer. We considered first the theory of the contexts aware- ness, formulated in 1965 by Strauss and Glaser. The contexts of the announcement of diagnosis have been identified as major categories through an inductive analysis within the empiric phase. They have been built based on different announcement strategies recorded during the observation of the practitioners’ intentions, on expectations expressed by patients in term of information, on specific conditions around the actions. The key in- formants (n= 21) are patients having cancer and hospitalized for chemotherapy. Other lo- cal informants (clinical oncologists, volunteers, parents and closers, hospital cadres…)have contribute to the data collection. The aim is to address the practitioners’ motivations and the meaning they give to the step of the announcement of the diagnosis. We also aim at recontextualizing that step according to the tutoring planned by the normative instance. The paper analyses specific conditions linked to the organizational contexts that slow the scope of opening. We are wondering about the impact of such lack of opening and introduction to the disease as well as about the next steps of each therapeutic itinerary.
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- Fitts et Ravdlin,1953 cité dans McIntosh,1974.- Processes of Communication, Information Seeking and Control Associated with Cancer. –in Social Science and Medicine, 8, 1974, p. 167-187.
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- Good B.J.1994.-Medicine,rationality and expérience: An anthropological perspective.- Cambridge University Press,239p. Le Breton D. 2004.-L’interactionnisme symbolique, Paris, PUF, Quadrige Holland,J.C.,Geary N.A.and Tross S.1987.- An international survey of physician attitudes and practice in regard to revealing the diagnostic the diagnostic of cancer in Cancer Investigation 5.- pp.151-154
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- Kenneth H. et Tucker Jr. 1998.- Anthony Giddens and Modern Social Theory.- London : Sage Publication Le Breton D.2004.-L’interactionnisme symbolique, Paris, PUF, Quadrige, McIntosh J .1974.- Processes of Communication ,Information Seeking and Control Associated with Cancer .- in Social Science and Medecine,8,.- pp. 167-187.
- McIntosh J.1977.- Communication and Awareness in a Cancer Ward.- London: Croom Helm, New York: Prodist PattersonR.1987.- Public opinion on cancer in Lancet Oct. 23 ,857.
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- Ricoeur P. 1990.- Soi-même comme un autre, Le Seuil, Coll ‘’Points Essais ‘’ Saillant F.1988).-Cancer et Culture.- Montréal:Éditions Saint-Martin.-318p.
Bachrach P. et Baratz M. 1962 .- The two faces of power in American Political Science Review , vol.56.
Becker H.-1985 Outsiders : Études de sociologie de la déviance .- Paris : Éditions Métailié Bourdieu P.1986 .- Ce que parler veut dire .- Paris : Fayard.- 245p.
Bury M.1982.- Chronic illness as biographic disruption in Sociology of Health and Illness vol. 4,no.2 ,juillet , pp. 167-182.
Charmaz K.1987.Struggling for a self : identity levels of the chronically ill. In J. Roth and P.Conrad (eds) , Research in the Sociology of Health Care : The Experience and Management of Chronic Illness . Greenwich : JAIPress.-pp.283-321.
Davis F.,1963.- Passage Through Crisis .- Bobb-Merrill. - Fillieule O. (2001 ) Propositions pour une analyse processuelle de l’engagement individuel”, in Olivier Fillieule et Nonna Mayer, (dir) dossier “Devenirs Militants”, Revue française de science politique, vol 51, n°1, 2001, p. 199-215.
Fitts et Ravdlin,1953 cité dans McIntosh,1974.- Processes of Communication, Information Seeking and Control Associated with Cancer. –in Social Science and Medicine, 8, 1974, p. 167-187.
Foucault M.1987.- Naissance de la clinique.- Paris: P.U.F.,Coll. ‘’Galien’’.- 214p.
Fox R.1988.L’ incertitude médicale .Paris :L’Harmattan, coll. ‘’Catalyses’’.-202p Le Breton D.2004.-L’interactionnisme symbolique, Paris, PUF, Quadrige Giddens A .1986.La constitution de la société :éléments de de la théorie de la structuration .- Paris : PUF
Good B.J.1994.-Medicine,rationality and expérience: An anthropological perspective.- Cambridge University Press,239p. Le Breton D. 2004.-L’interactionnisme symbolique, Paris, PUF, Quadrige Holland,J.C.,Geary N.A.and Tross S.1987.- An international survey of physician attitudes and practice in regard to revealing the diagnostic the diagnostic of cancer in Cancer Investigation 5.- pp.151-154
Holland,J.C.1989.- Now we tell-but how well? in Journal of Clinical Oncology 7.- pp. 557-559.
Kenneth H. et Tucker Jr. 1998.- Anthony Giddens and Modern Social Theory.- London : Sage Publication Le Breton D.2004.-L’interactionnisme symbolique, Paris, PUF, Quadrige, McIntosh J .1974.- Processes of Communication ,Information Seeking and Control Associated with Cancer .- in Social Science and Medecine,8,.- pp. 167-187.
McIntosh J.1977.- Communication and Awareness in a Cancer Ward.- London: Croom Helm, New York: Prodist PattersonR.1987.- Public opinion on cancer in Lancet Oct. 23 ,857.
Pratt L.et al1.1957 .- Physicians views on the level of medical information among patients .- in Am. J. Publ.Hich,no.47,1277
Ricoeur P. 1990.- Soi-même comme un autre, Le Seuil, Coll ‘’Points Essais ‘’ Saillant F.1988).-Cancer et Culture.- Montréal:Éditions Saint-Martin.-318p.