7 - A qualitative application of Amartya Sen’s ‘development as freedom’ theory to an understanding of social grants in South Africa.
Corresponding Author(s) : Mzingaye Brilliant Xaba
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 20 No. 2 (2016): African Sociological Review
Amartya Sen argued that poverty is the “deprivation” of a person’s capability to lead a “good
life”, therefore ending poverty means meeting basic physical and social needs, and enabling
meaningful economic and political choices. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether and
how social grants enable “choices” in Sen’s sense. In-depth interviews conducted with social
grants recipients’ in this study provided evidence that social grants reduce poverty, both in
terms of helping grants recipients to meet basic needs, and enabling them to make more choices,
such as buying food, accessing education and health care, as well as facilitating job searches
and starting small businesses. However, there was also evidence that showed that grants are
inadequate to entirely remove the “unfreedoms” facing the poor because the grants are too small
to adequately cover basic needs in the context of large family sizes, a serious and long-term
lack of resources, persistent unemployment, and high indebtedness. Further, these grants could
enable only a limited expansion of “choices”. This paper argues that social grants in South Africa
do enable recipients some “choices” although access to these “choices” is limited. It is envisaged
that this paper will help academics to think more about the extent of the developmental impact
of social grants in South Africa.
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- Africa Check. (2015). The truth about social grants in South Africa: How much do we pay ?How do we pay? Is it sustainable? All your questions answered. Rand Daily Mail, 06/10/15. Online: http://www.rdm.co.za/politics/2015/02/05/the-truth- about-social-grants-in-south-africa. Accessed on 06/10/15.
- Bernstein, A, de Kadt, J, Roodt, M and Schirmer, S. (2014). South Africa and the pursuit for inclusive growth. Democracy Works Country Report 2014. Online: http://www.cde.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/democracy-works-south-africa-country-report---south-africa-and-the-pursuit-of-inclusive-growth- pdf-.pdf. Accessed on 06/10/15.
- Business Day. (2014). Editorial: Social grants boom unviable. Business Day, 20/06/14. Online:http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/editorials/2014/06/20/editorial- social-grants-boom-unviable. Accessed on 22/1014.
- Clark, D.A. (2003). Concepts and perceptions of human wellbeing: Some evidence from South Africa.
- Oxford Development Studies, 31 (2): 173-196.
- Clark, D.A. (2005). The capability approach: Its development, critiques and recent advances.
- Global Poverty Research Group (GPRG).
- Clark, D.A and Qizilibash, M. (2005). Core poverty, basic capabilities and vagueness: An application to the South African context. Manchester. Global Poverty Research Group.
- Chris Hani District Municipality. (2007). Chris Hani District Municipality Growth and Development Summit: Socio-economic profile. Eastern Cape socio-economic consultative Council (ECSECC) and Province of the Eastern Cape Office of the Premier. Online: http://www.chrishanidm.gov.za/download/Municipal%20%20CHDM.pdf. Accessed on 14/12/16.
- Conway, A and Xipu, T. (2010). Securing post settlement support toward sustainable restitution:lessons from Covie. Land, memory, reconstruction and justice: perspectives on land claims in South Africa. Walker, C, Bohlin, A, Hall, R and Kepe, T (eds). Athens. Ohio University Press.
- Daily Maverick. (2015). Africa Check: Separating the myth from reality-a guide to social grants in South Africa. Daily Maverick, 05/02/15. Online: http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2015-02-05-africa-check-separating-myth-from-reality-a-guide-to-social-grants-in-south-africa/#.VfAyQ_mTQXg. Accessed on 09/09/15.
- Department of Social Development, South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). (2011). Child Support Grant Evaluation 2010: Qualitative Research Report.
- Pretoria: UNICEF South Africa. DeWet, G.L and Harmse, C. (1997). An appraisal of the RDP and the macroeconomic strategy of the South African government in terms of conditions for sustainable economic growth and development. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 21: 18-29.
- Financial Mail. (2014). SA is headed for a fiscal cliff. Financial Mail, 14 October, 2014. Online: http://www.financialmail.co.za/opinion/editorial/2014/10/09/editorial-sa-is-headed-for-a-fiscal-cliff. Accessed on 22/10/14.
- Friedman, M. (1982). Capitalism and freedom. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
- Green, A. (2015). TB man’s shirt too nice for a grant. Mail and Guardian, 2-8 October 2015. Online:http://mg.co.za/article/2015-10-01-tb-mans-shirt-too-nice- for-a-grant. Accessed on 07/10/15.
- Haarman, C. (2000). Social assistance in South Africa: Its potential impacts. PHD thesis, Institute for Social Development, University of Western Cape.
- Holton, R, J. (1980). Syndicalist theories of the state. Sociological Review, 28 (1): 5-21.
- Jacobs, P., Ngcobo, N., Hart, T. and Baipheti, M. (2010). Developmental policies for the poor in South Africa: exploring options to enhance impacts? Conference Paper “Overcoming inequality and structural poverty in South Africa: towards inclusive growth and development”. Johannesburg.
- Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre.
- Kane-Berman, J. (2016). From land to farming: bringing land reform down to earth.
- Johannesburg. South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR).
- Leubolt, B. (2014). Social policies and redistribution in South Africa. Global Labour University/ILO. Working paper 25. Online: http://www.global-labour-university.org/fileadmin/GLU_Working_Papers/GLU_WP_No.25.pdf. Accessed on 29/01/14.
- Lune, H., Pumar, E.S., and Koppel, R. (2010). Perspectives in social research methods and ader for sociology. Los Angeles. Sage Publications.
- Makino, K. (2004). Social security policy reform in post-apartheid South Africa: A focus on Basic Income Grant. Durban. Centre for Civil Society Research report No 11.
- Makiwane, M., Udjo, E., Richter, L. and Desmond, C. (2006). Is the child support grant associated with an increase in teenage fertility in South Africa? Evidence from national surveys and administrative data. Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) Report. HSRC, Pretoria.
- Mathews, B. and Ross, L. (2010). Research methods: A practical guide for the social sciences.
- Essex, England. Pearson Education Limited.
- Mazibuko, N. (2008). Social welfare in South Africa: are we winning? Keynote address by Professor Ntombifikile (Fikile) Mazibuko at the National Welfare Social Service and Development Forum’s 6th General Assembly 21 February, 2008, Eskom Conference Centre, Midrand.
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- Oderson, C. (2014). South Africa’s social grants under the spotlight. The Africa Report, 27 October 2014. Online: http://www.theafricareport.com/Southern-Africa/south-africas-social-grant-system-under-the-spotlight.html. Accessed on 14/11/14.
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- Selwyn, B. (2011). Liberty limited? A sympathetic re-engagement with Amartya Sen’s Development as Freedom. Economic and Political Weekly. VXLVI: 37.
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- Walker, M. and Unterhalter, E. (2007). Amartya Sen’s capability approach and social justice in education. New York. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ward, C. (2011). The welfare road we failed to take. Wibert, C. and White, D.F. (eds), Autonomy, solidarity, possibility: The Colin Ward reader, Ak Press, Edinburgh, San Francisco.
- Webster, E, Metcalfe, A, van Niekerk, R, Noble, M, Reynolds, R, Du Plessis, U, Dilata, X Makanjee,
- V, Grinker, R and Peires, J. (2014). Building a culture of service in the Chris Hani District Municipality: Household survey Report. Grahamstown. Rhodes University in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
- Williams, M.J. (2007). The social and economic impacts of South Africa’s child support grant.
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- Woolard, I, Harttgen, K and Klasen, S. (2010). The Evolution and Impact of Social Security in South Africa. Cape Town. European Report on Development.
- Xaba, M.B. (2013). An investigation into the effectiveness of the Child Support Grant (CSG) in alleviating poverty in poor Grahamstown communities. Grahmstown. Unpublished Honours Thesis. Rhodes University.
- Xaba, M, B. (2015). The Developmental Impact of Non-contributory Social Grants in South Africa: A study of Ezibeleni, Queenstown. Grahamstown. Master’s thesis. Rhodes University.
Africa Check. (2015). The truth about social grants in South Africa: How much do we pay ?How do we pay? Is it sustainable? All your questions answered. Rand Daily Mail, 06/10/15. Online: http://www.rdm.co.za/politics/2015/02/05/the-truth- about-social-grants-in-south-africa. Accessed on 06/10/15.
Bernstein, A, de Kadt, J, Roodt, M and Schirmer, S. (2014). South Africa and the pursuit for inclusive growth. Democracy Works Country Report 2014. Online: http://www.cde.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/democracy-works-south-africa-country-report---south-africa-and-the-pursuit-of-inclusive-growth- pdf-.pdf. Accessed on 06/10/15.
Business Day. (2014). Editorial: Social grants boom unviable. Business Day, 20/06/14. Online:http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/editorials/2014/06/20/editorial- social-grants-boom-unviable. Accessed on 22/1014.
Clark, D.A. (2003). Concepts and perceptions of human wellbeing: Some evidence from South Africa.
Oxford Development Studies, 31 (2): 173-196.
Clark, D.A. (2005). The capability approach: Its development, critiques and recent advances.
Global Poverty Research Group (GPRG).
Clark, D.A and Qizilibash, M. (2005). Core poverty, basic capabilities and vagueness: An application to the South African context. Manchester. Global Poverty Research Group.
Chris Hani District Municipality. (2007). Chris Hani District Municipality Growth and Development Summit: Socio-economic profile. Eastern Cape socio-economic consultative Council (ECSECC) and Province of the Eastern Cape Office of the Premier. Online: http://www.chrishanidm.gov.za/download/Municipal%20%20CHDM.pdf. Accessed on 14/12/16.
Conway, A and Xipu, T. (2010). Securing post settlement support toward sustainable restitution:lessons from Covie. Land, memory, reconstruction and justice: perspectives on land claims in South Africa. Walker, C, Bohlin, A, Hall, R and Kepe, T (eds). Athens. Ohio University Press.
Daily Maverick. (2015). Africa Check: Separating the myth from reality-a guide to social grants in South Africa. Daily Maverick, 05/02/15. Online: http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2015-02-05-africa-check-separating-myth-from-reality-a-guide-to-social-grants-in-south-africa/#.VfAyQ_mTQXg. Accessed on 09/09/15.
Department of Social Development, South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). (2011). Child Support Grant Evaluation 2010: Qualitative Research Report.
Pretoria: UNICEF South Africa. DeWet, G.L and Harmse, C. (1997). An appraisal of the RDP and the macroeconomic strategy of the South African government in terms of conditions for sustainable economic growth and development. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 21: 18-29.
Financial Mail. (2014). SA is headed for a fiscal cliff. Financial Mail, 14 October, 2014. Online: http://www.financialmail.co.za/opinion/editorial/2014/10/09/editorial-sa-is-headed-for-a-fiscal-cliff. Accessed on 22/10/14.
Friedman, M. (1982). Capitalism and freedom. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
Green, A. (2015). TB man’s shirt too nice for a grant. Mail and Guardian, 2-8 October 2015. Online:http://mg.co.za/article/2015-10-01-tb-mans-shirt-too-nice- for-a-grant. Accessed on 07/10/15.
Haarman, C. (2000). Social assistance in South Africa: Its potential impacts. PHD thesis, Institute for Social Development, University of Western Cape.
Holton, R, J. (1980). Syndicalist theories of the state. Sociological Review, 28 (1): 5-21.
Jacobs, P., Ngcobo, N., Hart, T. and Baipheti, M. (2010). Developmental policies for the poor in South Africa: exploring options to enhance impacts? Conference Paper “Overcoming inequality and structural poverty in South Africa: towards inclusive growth and development”. Johannesburg.
Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre.
Kane-Berman, J. (2016). From land to farming: bringing land reform down to earth.
Johannesburg. South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR).
Leubolt, B. (2014). Social policies and redistribution in South Africa. Global Labour University/ILO. Working paper 25. Online: http://www.global-labour-university.org/fileadmin/GLU_Working_Papers/GLU_WP_No.25.pdf. Accessed on 29/01/14.
Lune, H., Pumar, E.S., and Koppel, R. (2010). Perspectives in social research methods and ader for sociology. Los Angeles. Sage Publications.
Makino, K. (2004). Social security policy reform in post-apartheid South Africa: A focus on Basic Income Grant. Durban. Centre for Civil Society Research report No 11.
Makiwane, M., Udjo, E., Richter, L. and Desmond, C. (2006). Is the child support grant associated with an increase in teenage fertility in South Africa? Evidence from national surveys and administrative data. Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) Report. HSRC, Pretoria.
Mathews, B. and Ross, L. (2010). Research methods: A practical guide for the social sciences.
Essex, England. Pearson Education Limited.
Mazibuko, N. (2008). Social welfare in South Africa: are we winning? Keynote address by Professor Ntombifikile (Fikile) Mazibuko at the National Welfare Social Service and Development Forum’s 6th General Assembly 21 February, 2008, Eskom Conference Centre, Midrand.
Marais, H. (2011). South Africa: Pushed to the limit: The political economy of change. Claremont. UCT Press.
Millet, S. (1997). Neither state nor market: An anarchist perspective on social welfare.
Twenty-First Century Anarchism: Unorthodox ideas for a new millennium. Purkis, J. and Bowen (eds), J. Cassell, London.
Mosoetsa, S. (2006). Urban livelihoods and intra-household dynamics: The case of Mpumalanga and Enhlalakahle townships, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. PHD thesis. University of the Witwatersrand.
News 24. (2012). Why social grants? News 24, 07 October, 2012. Online: http://www.news24.com/MyNews24/Why-Social-Grants-20121026. Accessed on 07/10/15.
Oderson, C. (2014). South Africa’s social grants under the spotlight. The Africa Report, 27 October 2014. Online: http://www.theafricareport.com/Southern-Africa/south-africas-social-grant-system-under-the-spotlight.html. Accessed on 14/11/14.
Phaahla, E. (2015). What the South African state does for the poor: I-Social grants. Helen Suzman
Foundation. Online: http://hsf.org.za/resource-centre/hsf-briefs/what-the-south-african-state-does-for-the-poor-i-social-grants. Accessed on 07/10/15.
Patel, L. (2013). Do social grants create more problems than they solve? Helen Joseph Memorial
lecture. University of Johannesburg. Centre for Social development in Africa.
Online:http://www.uj.ac.za/EN/Newsroom/News/Documents/2013/Helen%20Joseph%20lecture%20Prof%20Leila%20Patel%20speech.pdf. Accessed on 28/10/14.
Paton, C. (2013). Treasury assures on South Africa’s “welfare bubble”. Business Day, 02 July 2013.
Online: http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/2013/07/02/treasury-assures-welfare-bubble. Accessed on 30/01/14.
Paton, C. (2014). Social grants reach almost half of SA homes. Business Day, Thursday 19 June, 2014.
Pauw, K. and Mncube, L (2007). Expanding the social security net in South Africa: Opportunities, challenges and constraints, Working Papers 07127. University of Cape Town. Development Policy Research Unit.
Potts, R. (2012). Social Welfare in South Africa: Curing or causing poverty? Penn State University Journal of International Affairs (PSUJIA). Issue 1, Volume 2.
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Government Gazette. Ministry of the Office of the President.
Republic of South Africa. (1996). Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria Government Printers.
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(2004). The Social and Economic Impact of South Africa’s social security system. Commissioned by the Department of Social Development, 30 September 2004. Cape Town: EPRI.
SASSA (2012). You and Your Grants; Paying the right social grant, to the right person, at the right time and place. Pretoria. Republic of South Africa.
Sen, A. (1999). Development as freedom. New York. Oxford University Press.
Seekings, J. and Nattrass, N. (2005). Race, class and inequality in South Africa. New Haven and London. Yale University Press.
Selwyn, B. (2011). Liberty limited? A sympathetic re-engagement with Amartya Sen’s Development as Freedom. Economic and Political Weekly. VXLVI: 37.
Siebrets, K. and van der Berg, S. (2011). Social assistance reform during the period of fiscal stress. Department of Economics, University of Stellenbosch. Submission for the Division of Revenue Technical Report 2011/12.
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Stewart, M. (1986). Keynes and after. (3rd edition). Penguin Books.
The World Bank. (2014). South Africa economic update: fiscal policy and redistribution in an equal society. Washington DC, America. The World Bank.
The Sowetan. (2014). It is time we do away with these children grants: readers. The Sowetan, 22
October, 2014. Online: http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/2014/10/22/it-is-time-we-do-away-with-this-children-grants-readers. Accessed on 23/10/14.
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Triegaardt, J.D. (2005). The Child Support Grant in South Africa: A social policy for poverty alleviation? International Journal of Social Welfare 14 (4): 249-255.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2011). Sharing Innovative Experiences: Vol 18, Successful Social Experiences. New York. Global South-South Development Academy.
Van Driel, M. (2009). The social grants and black women in South Africa: A case study of Bophelong Township in Gauteng. Journal of Women Studies. 10 (4): 127-143.
Van der Walt, L. (2000). GEAR vs social security. South African Labour Bulletin, 24 (3): 70-75.
van der Walt L. (2005). Rethinking Welfare: a radical critique. South African Labour Bulletin, volume 30, number 1, pp. 56-57.
Van der Walt, L. (2006). Rethinking welfare: A radical critique. South African Labour Bulletin, 30(1): 56-57.
Walker, M. and Unterhalter, E. (2007). Amartya Sen’s capability approach and social justice in education. New York. Palgrave Macmillan.
Ward, C. (2011). The welfare road we failed to take. Wibert, C. and White, D.F. (eds), Autonomy, solidarity, possibility: The Colin Ward reader, Ak Press, Edinburgh, San Francisco.
Webster, E, Metcalfe, A, van Niekerk, R, Noble, M, Reynolds, R, Du Plessis, U, Dilata, X Makanjee,
V, Grinker, R and Peires, J. (2014). Building a culture of service in the Chris Hani District Municipality: Household survey Report. Grahamstown. Rhodes University in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Williams, M.J. (2007). The social and economic impacts of South Africa’s child support grant.
Masters thesis. Williams College.
Williams, K. and Williams, J. (1995). Keynes. Modern thinkers on welfare. George, V and Page, R (eds). Hertfordshire, Prentice. Hall Harvester Wheatsheaf Hemel Hempstead.
Wolff, R, D and Resnick, S, A. (2012). Contending economic theories. Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian. Cambridge. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Press.
Woolard, I, Harttgen, K and Klasen, S. (2010). The Evolution and Impact of Social Security in South Africa. Cape Town. European Report on Development.
Xaba, M.B. (2013). An investigation into the effectiveness of the Child Support Grant (CSG) in alleviating poverty in poor Grahamstown communities. Grahmstown. Unpublished Honours Thesis. Rhodes University.
Xaba, M, B. (2015). The Developmental Impact of Non-contributory Social Grants in South Africa: A study of Ezibeleni, Queenstown. Grahamstown. Master’s thesis. Rhodes University.