4 - Matriliny, Patriliny, and Wealth Flow Variations in Rural Malawi
Corresponding Author(s) : Mike Mathambo Mtika
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2002): African Sociological Review
Literature on African kinship political economies suggests that under matriliny, wealth flow would be biased towards a matrilineal line in that children would engage in transfers with their maternai more than their paternal relatives. Under patriliny, the reverse would be the case. We explore these propositions using data from a sample survey of 1257 respondents in rural Malawi, 29 percent of whom were from a predomi nantly matrilineal ethnie group, 36 percent werefrom an ethnie group that is transformingfrom matrilineal to patrilineal practices, and 35 per cent were from a patrilineal ethnie group. These data were comple mented by qualitative interviews of 18 respondents from the matrilineal ethnie group, 20 from the transforming group, and 18 from the patrilineal group. Results reveal little evidence to support the propositions. We think that the increasingprivatisation of production and consumption, that has over the years penetrated rural Malawi, has led to some individualistic tendencies among rural Malawians and weakened both matrilineal and patrilineal influence on people 's wealth transfer behaviours.
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Agree, Emily, Ann E. Biddlecom, Ming-cheng Chang, and Aurora E. Perez. 2000. 'Generalized Exchange and Intergenerational Transfers in Taiwanese and Filipino Families'. John Hopkins. http://www.jhsph.edu/Research/Centers/Popula tion/Papers/WP9806/fulltext.html.
Caldwell, John C. 1976. Theory of Fertility Decline. New York. Academic Press. Colson, Elizabeth and Max Gluckman (eds.). 1968. Seven Tribes of Central Africa. Manchester. Manchester University Press. Univ. Museum Lib.
Crehan, Kate. 1997. 'Of Children and Guinea Fowls: Living Matriliny in North-western Zambia in the 1980s'. Critique of Anthropology 17(2):211-227.
Douglas, M. 1990. 'Foreword' in Mauss, Marcel. The Gifi: Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies. New York. W.W. Norton and Co.Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 1950. 'Kinship and the Local Community among the Nuer' in A.R. Radcliffe-Brown and D. Forde (eds.), African Systems ofKinship and Mar riage. London. Oxford University Press.
Fortes, Meyer. 1969. Kinship and the Social Order. Chicago. Aldine.
Godelier, Maurice. 1972. 'Structure and Contradiction in Capital', in ldeology in Social Science, edited by Robin Blackburn. Glasgow. William Collins Sons and Company Ltd.
Holy, Ladislav. 1986. Strategies and Norms in a Changing Material Society: Descent, Succession and lnheritance among the Toka of Zambia. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
Holy, Ladislav. [996. Anthropological Perspectives on Kinship. Chicago. Pluto Press. Keesing, R.M.
Kin Groups and Social Structure. New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Lenski, Gerhard E. 1966. Power and Privilege: A Theory ofSocial Stratification. Cha pel Hill. University of North Carolina Press.
Levi-Strauss, Claude. 1969. The Elementary Structures of Kinship. London. Eyre & Spottiswoode.
Mandala, Elias C. 1984. 'Capitalism, Kinship, and Gender in the Lower Tchiri (Shire) Valley of Malawi, 1860-1960'. African Economie History 13:137-169.
Mandala, Elias C. 1990. Work and Contrai in a Peasant Economy: A History of the Lower Tchiri Valley in Malawi, 1859-1960. Madison. University of Wisconsin Press.
Marwick, M.G. 1965. Sorcery in its Social Setting: A Study of the Northern Rhodesian Chewa. Manchester. Manchester University Press.
McGarry, Kathleen and Robert Schoeni. 1995. 'Transfer Behavior in the Health and Retirement Study: Measurement and the Redistribution of Resources within the Family'. The Journal of Human Resources 30.
Meinhard, H.H. 1975. 'The Patrilineal Principle in Early Teutonic Kinship', in Studies in Social Anthropology: Essays in Memory of E.E. Evans-Pritchard edited by J.H.M. Beattie and R.G. Lienhardt. Oxford. Clarendon Press.
Mitchell, Clyde J. 1956. The Yao Village: A Study in the Social Structure of a Nyasaland Tribe. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Peters, Pauline E. 1997a. 'Revitalizing the Puzzle ofMatriliny in South-Central Africa: Introduction'. Critique of Anthropology 17(2):125-146.
Peters, Pauline E. 1997b. 'Against the Odds: Matriliny, Land and Gender in the Shire Highlands of Malawi'. Critique of Anthropology 17(2).
Peterson, J.T. 1993. 'Generalized Extended Family Exchange: A Case from the Philip pines'. Journal of Marriage and the Family 55:570-584.
Phiri, Kings. 1983. 'Sorne Changes in the Matrilineal Family System among the Chewa of Malawi since the Nineteenth Century'. Journal of AfricanHistory 24: 257-274.
Poewe, Karla O. 1981. Matrilineal Ideology: Male-Female Dynamics in Luapula, Zambia. New York. Academic Press.
Polanyi, K. 1968. Primitive, Archaic Modern Economies: Essays of Karl Polanyi,edited by George Dalton. New York. Anchor Books.
Raha, Manis Kuma. 1989. Matriliny ta Patriliny: A Study of the Rabha Society. New Delhi. Gian Publishing House.
Schatz, Enid. 1999. 'Does Women's Position Matter? An Analysis of Contraceptive . use in Rural Malawi'. Working Paper: University of Pennsylvania, Population Studies Center.
Stack, Carol B. 1974. Ali Our Kin. New York. Harper and Row Publishers.
Stafford, Charles. 2000. 'Chinese Patriliny and the Cycles of Yang and Laiwang', in Carsten, Janet (ed.) 2000. Cultures of Relatedness. New York. Cambridge Univer sity Press.
Tew, Mary. 1950. Peoples of the Lake Nyasa Region. New York. Oxford University Press.
Weinreb, Alex. 2000. 'How Wide is the Familial Support Network? Intergenerational Exchanges in Rural Malawi'. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, March 22, 2000, Los Angeles, USA. Forthcoming in Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology.