8 - La grande migration des Africains- Américains du Sud vers le Nord des États-Unis au début du XXe siècle
Corresponding Author(s) : Elie Mambou
Afrika Zamani,
No. 22-23 (2015): Afrika Zamani: An Annual Journal of African History
In the early twentieth century, many African-Americans from Southern States moved to the industrial cities in the Middle-West and to those located in the North-East of the United States of America. In fact, after the emancipation, the Secession war and the murder of President Abraham Lincoln, lots of Black Americans felt frustrated. The breaking of former frameworks or social structures left this social group without any support, mainly in the Deep South. Its members had to face all the problems similar to those experienced by developing countries’ populations. This article tries to examine the socio-political and economic factors which triggered off the exodus of thousands of African- Americans to the Northern regions, and also their fast urbanization and it raises questions about the inclusion of this minority into the mainstream American society confronted with segregation and fragmentation.
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- Berry, M.F., Blassingame, J.W., 1982, Long Memory: the black experience in America, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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- Fiedler, E., Jansen, R. et Norman-Risch, M., 1990, America in Close-Up, Longman: Harlow.
- Fohlen, C., 1965, Les Noirs aux États-Unis, Paris : Presse Universitaire de France.
- Fohlen, C., 1973, La société américaine, 1865-1970, Paris : Arthaud.
- Franklin, J.H. et Moss, A.A., 1987, From Slavery to Freedom: A History of Negro Americans, New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
- Frazier, F. E., 1997, Black Bourgeoisie, New York: Free Press.
- Gates, L. H. & Appiah, A., 1999, Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African- American Experience, New York: Perseus.
- Harter, H., 2001, L’Amérique, Paris, France : Le Cavalier bleu.
- Kaspi, A., 1986, Les Américains. Les États-Unis de 1607 à nos jours, Paris, France : Seuil.
- Kaspi, A., Harter, H., Durpaire F. et al, 2004, La civilisation américaine, Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Kennedy, P., 1988, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, New York: Random.
- Lagayette, P., 1993, Les Grandes dates de l’histoire américaine. Paris, France: Hachette.
- Mauk, D. & Oakland, J., 2004, American Civilization: An Introduction (Fourth Edition), London: Routledge.
- Moen, P., Dempster-McClain & Walker, H.A., 1999, A Nation Divided: diversity, inequality and community in American society, New York: Cornell University, Ithaca.
- Ndiaye, P., 2006, « États-Unis : un siècle de ségrégation », L’Histoire, N°306.
- Royot, D. & Bourget, J.L., 1993, Histoire de la culture américaine, Paris : Presses universitaires de France.
- The United States Census Bureau (2010), Washington, DC.
- Zinn, H., 2003, A People’s History of the United States: from 1492 to present, London: Longman.
Bacharan, N., 1994, Histoire des Noirs américains au XXe siècle, Bruxelles, Belgique: Complexe.
Berry, M.F., Blassingame, J.W., 1982, Long Memory: the black experience in America, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Binoche, J., 2003, Histoire des États-Unis, Paris, France : Ellipse.
Body-Gendrot, S., 1990, Les villes américaines. Paris, : Hachette supérieur. Encyclopedia Universalis. (1996), Corpus 8. Paris, : Société d’Édition Encyclopædia. Encyclopédie Larousse. (2012), Paris, France : Larousse.
Fiedler, E., Jansen, R. et Norman-Risch, M., 1990, America in Close-Up, Longman: Harlow.
Fohlen, C., 1965, Les Noirs aux États-Unis, Paris : Presse Universitaire de France.
Fohlen, C., 1973, La société américaine, 1865-1970, Paris : Arthaud.
Franklin, J.H. et Moss, A.A., 1987, From Slavery to Freedom: A History of Negro Americans, New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Frazier, F. E., 1997, Black Bourgeoisie, New York: Free Press.
Gates, L. H. & Appiah, A., 1999, Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African- American Experience, New York: Perseus.
Harter, H., 2001, L’Amérique, Paris, France : Le Cavalier bleu.
Kaspi, A., 1986, Les Américains. Les États-Unis de 1607 à nos jours, Paris, France : Seuil.
Kaspi, A., Harter, H., Durpaire F. et al, 2004, La civilisation américaine, Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.
Kennedy, P., 1988, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, New York: Random.
Lagayette, P., 1993, Les Grandes dates de l’histoire américaine. Paris, France: Hachette.
Mauk, D. & Oakland, J., 2004, American Civilization: An Introduction (Fourth Edition), London: Routledge.
Moen, P., Dempster-McClain & Walker, H.A., 1999, A Nation Divided: diversity, inequality and community in American society, New York: Cornell University, Ithaca.
Ndiaye, P., 2006, « États-Unis : un siècle de ségrégation », L’Histoire, N°306.
Royot, D. & Bourget, J.L., 1993, Histoire de la culture américaine, Paris : Presses universitaires de France.
The United States Census Bureau (2010), Washington, DC.
Zinn, H., 2003, A People’s History of the United States: from 1492 to present, London: Longman.