5 - Ethnicism and the Democratization of Civil Society: Envisioning Changes in the Proximal and Causal Ideologies of ‘Marginality’ in Africa and America
Corresponding Author(s) : Irene Omolola Adadevoh
Afrika Zamani,
No. 9-10 (2002): Afrika Zamani: An Annual Journal of African History
This paper focuses on the possibilities of transforming social and political marginality by democratising the ethnic groups in societies replete with multiethnic social construction of ‘underclass’ conflict such as America and Africa to engage prioritised issues targeted at promoting the interests of collec- tive existence in the sustenance of national goals in both continents. Although the concept of ethnicity embraces several interesting aspects of our empirical experience, they nonetheless have theoretical significance as metaphors of so- cial struggle for democratic principles of equality and justice.
The paper argues that in order to develop a broader based democratic agenda that would eclipse the intense controversies in the pursuit of sexual equality within the ethnic systems, there is a vital need for a democratic reconstruction of governance strategies that erstwhile have created complex difficulties in re- assessing the continental social systems of nationalism and ethnicism, and much more that failed to examine the anti-racist and anti-tribal interactive approaches of the community alliance.
It examines the basis for the lack of resistance to the institutionalised ethnic relations of power that continue to prop systems of domination, victimization and exploitation in both Africa and America. It analyses the theoretical and practical hierarchic trend of ethnicism and feminism, which makes them sour- ces of social dysfonction. More significantly, in postulating an effective possibility of reconstructive challenges characterized by mainstream view which equates feminism with ethnic co-operation, the paper also critically deconstructs the onslaught of ‘sexual sociality’, and ‘democratic sexism’ in the United States and, more profoundly, in Africa.
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Parson, T., 1975, ‘Some Therorical Considerations on the Nature and Trends of Change Ethnicity’, in N. Glazer and D. P. Moyniha (eds). Ethnicity: Theory and Experience, Harvard University Press.
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Shumpeter, J. A., 1954, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, London, Allen and Unwin.
Sithole, M., 1992 ‘Political Conflicts in Zimbabwe: The Dominance of Ethnicity Over Class’, CODESRIA, Seminar on Ethnic Conflicts in Africa.
Smith, M. C., 1986 ‘Institutional and Political Conditions of Pluralism’, in L. Kuper & M. G. Smith (eds), Pluralism in Africa, Berkeley, University of California Press, Turton.
Sugrue, T. J., 1993, ‘The Structure of Urban Poverty: The Reorganization of Space and Work in Three Periods of American History’ in M.B. Katz, The ‘Underclass’ Debate, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Women in Nigeria and Policy Recommendations to 2000 AD, 1992, Zaria, Ahmadu Bello University Press Ltd.
Zimmerin, A., 1929, The Prospect of Democracy, London, Chatto and Windus.