7 - Diaspora Collaboration and Knowledge Production in Africa: Reflections on Caveats and Opportunities
Corresponding Author(s) : Samuel Fongwa
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 16 No. 1-2 (2018): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on Scholars on the Move: Reclaiming the African Diaspora to Support African Higher Education
Irrespective of its conceptualisation, diaspora contributes to the development of the homelands through diverse forms of collaboration. The increase in remittances and diaspora involvement in fostering democratic values are obvious examples. A new emphasis, however, is on developing the African academia through various forms of partnership and collaboration between diaspora-based and African-based academics. A number of initiatives, funding opportunities and research partnerships to this effect are emerging. Nevertheless, these partnerships are complex and do not always translate into win-win situations, especially for institutions and academics in the global South. In this article, I reflect on some personal experiences in research collaborations as part of the diaspora and as an African-based academic. In so doing, three possible caveats in maximising the gains of diaspora partnerships in knowledge production are highlighted. I argue that while opportunities for knowledge collaboration abound, ensuring a sustainable win-win relationship in diaspora partnerships demands careful introspection at every turn.
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Acemoglu, AfDB/OECD/UNDP, 2015, African Economic Outlook 2015: Regional Development and Spatial Inclusion, Paris: OECD Publishing.
Agunias, D.R., and Newland, K., 2012, Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners in Home and Host Countries, Geneva and Washington, DC: IOM and Migration Policy Institute.
Akyeampong, E., 2000, ‘Africans in the Diaspora: The Diaspora and Africa’, African Affairs, Vol. 99, pp. 183–215.
Anderson, B., 1991, Imagined Communities: Reflections of the Origins and Spread of Nationalism, London: Verso.
Assié-Lumumba, N.T., 2006, Higher Education in Africa: Crises, Reforms and Transformation, Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa.
AU (African Union), 2007, Harmonisation of Higher Education Programmes in Africa: A Strategy for the African Union. Third Ordinary Session of the Conference of Ministers of Education of the African Union (COMEDAF III), 6–10 August, Johannesburg, South Africa.
AU (African Union), 2011, Press Release from AU Meeting of African Education Ministers, Nairobi, 13 May.
AU (African Union), 2014, Common African Position (CAP) on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Addis Ababa: African Union.
Bolay, J.C., 2010, ‘North-South Scientific Cooperation: A Challenge for Sustainable Development’, in G. Tejada and J-C. Bolay, eds, Scientific Diasporas as Development Partners, Bern: International Academic Publishers. pp. 3–20.
Boshoff, N., 2010, ‘South-south Research Collaboration of Countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)’, Scientometrics, Vol. 84, No. 2, pp. 481–503.
Chikezie, C.E., 2011, ‘Reinforcing the Contributions of African Diasporas to Development’, in S. Plaza and D. Ratha, eds, Diaspora for Development in Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank. pp. 261–282.
Clifford, J., 1994, ‘Diaspora’, Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 302–338.
Cloete, N., Bailey, T., Pillay, P., Bunting, I., and Maassen, P., 2011, Universities and Economic Development in Africa, Cape Town: CHET.
Cohen, R., 1997, Global Diasporas: An Introduction, London: UCL Press.
Datta, A., and Sigdel, S., 2016, North–South Collaboration: Eight Tips for Working with Local Think Tanks. Available online at https://onthinktanks.org/articles/north-south-collaboration-towards-a-more-equitable-deal/
De-Graft Aikins, A., Arhinful, D.K., Pitchforth, F., Ogedegbe, O., Allotey, P., and Agyemang, C., 2012, ‘Establishing and Sustaining Research Partnerships in Africa: A Case Study of the UK–Africa Academic Partnership on Chronic Disease’, Globalisation and Health, Vol. 8, No. 29, 1–13.
EUA (European University Association), 2010, Statement by the European University Association in Response to the European Commission Consultation on the Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe.
European Commission, 2015, ‘Study on the Contribution of the Alumni and Diaspora to the Joint Africa–EU Strategy’, Policy Brief March 2015.
Folds, K. and Zeleza, P.T 2014 The African Academic Diaspora and African Higher education. International Higher Education, 76, Pages 1-27.
Jadotte, E., 2012, ‘Brain Drain, Brain Circulation and Diaspora Networks in Haiti’, UNCTAD background paper for The Least Developed Countries Report 2012: Harnessing Remittances and Diaspora Knowledge to Build Productive Capacities, New York and Geneva: UNCTAD.
Kotecha, P., Wilson-Strydom, M and Fongwa, S.N., 2012, A Profile of Higher Education in Southern Africa – Volume 1: A Regional Perspective, Johannesburg: SARUA.
Maassen, P., and Olsen, J.P., eds, 2007, University Dynamicsand European Integration, New York: Springer.
MacGregor, K. 2017 African academic diaspora collaboration drive scales up. University World News Online publication Issue No. 461 of 24 May 2017
Mohan, G., and Zack-Williams, A.B., 2002, ‘Globalisation from below: Conceptualising the Role of the African Diasporas in Africa’s Development’, Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 29, No. 92, pp. 211–236.
Morgan, K., 1997, ‘The Learning Region: Institutions, Innovation and Regional Renewal’, Renewal Studies, Vol. 31, pp. 491–503.
Moyo, D., 2009, Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Newland, K., 2004, Beyond Remittances: The Role of Diaspora in Poverty Reduction in Their Countries of Origin, Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.
Nielsen, T.M., and Riddle, L., 2010, ‘Investing in Peace: The Motivational Dynamics of Diaspora Investment in Post-Conflict Economies’, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 435–448.
Plaza, S., and Ratha, D., eds, 2011, Diaspora for Development in Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Rustomjee, C. 2018 Issues and Challenges in Mobilizing African Diaspora Investment. Centre for International Governance Innovation, Policy Brief No. 130 of April 2018.
SADC (Southern African Development Community), 1997, Protocol on Education and Training in the Southern African Development Community, Malawi: SADC. Safran, W., 1991, ‘Diasporas in Modern Societies: Myths of Homeland and Return’, Diaspora, Vol. 1, pp. 83–99.
Talbot, R., 2011, Working in Partnership with Diaspora Organisations, London: VSO.
Teferra, D., 2004, ‘Striving at the Periphery, Craving for the Centre: The Realm of African Scholarship Communication in the Digital Age’, The Journal of Scholarly Publishing, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 159–171.
Teferra, D., 2009, ‘African Research Collaboration Must be Fair and Equal’, Science Development Network, 13 January.
Tejada, G., and Bolay, J-C., eds, 2010, Scientific Diasporas as Development Partners: Skilled Migrants from Colombia, India and South Africa in Switzerland. Empirical Evidence and Policy Responses, Bern: Peter Lang.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), 1981, Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Other Academic Qualifications in the African States, Arusha, Tanzania, UN Treaty Series No. 21522, UNESCO.
Vanore, M., Ragab, N., and Siegel, M., 2015, Diaspora and Peace: What Role for Development Cooperation, background paper.
Vertovec, S., 2005, The Political Importance of Diasporas, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, Working Paper No. 13, University of Oxford.
World Bank, 1999, World Development Report 1998/99: Knowledge for Development, New York: Oxford University Press.
World Bank, 2010, Financing Higher Education in Africa, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Zeleza, P.T., 2002, ‘Transnational Scholarship: Building Linkages between the US Africanist Community and Africa’, African Issues, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 69–75.