7 - Propos sur un « Bandoeng » épistémique : l’Afrique, le Sud global et la production des savoirs au XXIe siècle
Corresponding Author(s) : Germain Ngoie Tshibambe
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 18 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on The Politics of Knowledge Production in Africa
Knowledge production is among the pillars of globalisation. Through the lens of geopolitics it is worth understanding that knowledge production field is marked by the hegemony of few States and peoples, let us say the North. This hegemonic stand is kept thanks to diverse devices that are as such pitfalls and decoys aimed surreptiously at keeping the uneven balance within the act of thinking. Susan Strange displayed the game nations play in the field of power and she forged the “structural notion of power” (1988). Knowledge and knowledge circulation remain important as the vectors of the global hegemony. The global partition of knowledge production makes Africa lagging while being under strains of complex dependency. Africa’s posture is labelled “epistemic coloniality”. This article aims at analysing what Africa’s scholars are doing so as to free themselves at the epistemic level in the domain of social sciences. Following the paths of epistemic decoloniality we try to grasp what Africa is undertaking through the new spirit of Bandoeng at the epistemic front.
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Alatas, S., 1995, « La sacralisation des sciences sociales : la critique d’une nouvelle notion dans le discours académique », Archives des sciences sociales des religions, Vol. 91, n° 91, p. 89-111.
Amin, S., 1988, L’Eurocentrisme. Critique d’une idéologie, Paris, Anthropos.
Amselle, J.-L., 2008, L’Occident décroché. Enquête sur les postcolonialismes, Paris, Stock.
Beigel, F., 2014, “Introduction: Current Tensions and Trends in the World Scientific System,” Current Sociology, Vol. 62, n° 5, pp. 617–625.
Brzezinski, Z., 1975, La révolution technétronique, Paris, 1975.
Chatterjee, P., 1997, Our Modernity, Dakar & Rotterdam, CODESRIA & Sephis.
Foucault, M., 1971, L’ordre du discours, Paris, Gallimard. Http://www.scribd.com/doc/32347244/Michel-Foucault-L-Ordre-Du-Discours le 25 juillet 2015.
Gordon, L., 1982, « Décoloniser le savoir à la suite de Frantz Fanon », Tumultes, Vol. 3, n° 31.
Gordon, L. and F. F. Bragato, 2017, Geopolitics and Decolonization: Perspectives from the Global South, London, Rowman & Littlefield International.
Hanafi, S. and Aravanitis, R., 2014, “The marginalization of the Arab language in social science: structural constraints and dependency by choice,” Current Sociol- ogy, 62/5. September, pp. 723–742.
Heidegger, M., [trad. 1962] 1986, Chemins qui ne mènent nulle part, Paris, Gallimard.
Heilbron, J., 2014, “The social sciences as an emerging global field,” Current Sociology, Vol. 62, n° 5, pp. 685–703.
Huntington, S., 1997, Le choc des civilisations, Paris, Odile Jacob.
Kä Mana, 2018, « V. Y. Mudimbe et l’Afrique. La question de la libération africaine de la science, de la culture, de l’économie et de la pratique politique », Congo- Afrique, p. 60-77.
Kane, O., 2003, Les intellectuels non europhones, Dakar, CODESRIA Book Series.
Kayaoglu, T., 2010, “Westphalian Eurocentrism in International Relations Theory, International Studies Review, Vol. 12, n° 2, pp. 193–217.
Mi nolo, W., 2002, “The Geopolitics of knowledge and the colonial difference,” The South Atlantic Quartely, vol. 100, n° 1, pp. 57–96.
Mignolo, W., 2014, “Spirit out of bounds returns to the East: The closing of the social sciences and the opening of independent thoughts,” Current Sociology, vol. 62, n° 4, pp. 584–602.
Ngoie Tshibambe, G., 2017, “Decolonizing the Social Sciences in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Prospects for Furthering the Global South Dialogue,” in Lewis Gordon and Fernanda Bragato (eds.), Geopolitics and Decolonization: Perspectives from the Global South, London, Rowman & Littlefield.
Nzongola-Ntalaja, G., 2021, (https://roape.net/2021/04/20/a-peoples-historian-an-interview-with-georges-nzongola-ntalaja/, le 5 mai 2021.
Patel, S., 2014, “Afterword: Doing global sociology: Issues, problems and challenges,” Current Sociology, vol. 62, n° 4, pp. 603-6134.
Pollock, R., 2009, Exploring Patterns of Knowledge, University of Cambridge.
Sitas, A., 2014, “Rethinking Africa’s sociological project,” Current Sociology, volume 62, Number 4, monograph 2. pp. 457–471.
Strange, S., 1988, States and Markets. An introduction to International Political Economy, London, P. Pinter.
Taylor, L., 2012, “Decolonizing International Relations: Perspectives from Latin America,” International Studies Review, Vol. 14, N° 3, pp. 386–400.
Vessuri, H. et al., 2014, “Excellence or quality? Impact of the current competition regime on science and scientific publishing in Latin America and its implications for development,” Current Sociology, Vol. 62, n° 5, pp. 647–665.