6 - Liberté académique en question : contribution à la problématisation d’une notion à partir du cas estudiantin au Sénégal
Corresponding Author(s) : Abdoulaye Guèye
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 9 No. 1-2 (2011): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on Academic Freedom in Africa
Academic freedom at issue: contribution to problematizing a notion from the Senegalese experience of students. Throughout its development, the aca- demic institution is faced with the issue of liberty. Countries with a long tradition of higher education are still experiencing this problem today. A relevant literature is devoted to this issue, However, it is mostly character- ized by what I would the ‘‘externalist and political approach’’. For research- ers to ask the the question of academic liberty is to account for the confron- tation between two groups: the community of scholars ( i.e. academics, stu- dents and students) and the non-academic world defined by its political actors (the national and regional political leaders, etc.). Thus, imprisonments and assassinations of academics by political leaders or oppositional fac- tions (e.g. the FIS and the GIA in Algeria) are sufficiently documented. This approach is somewhat reductionist, although the authoritarian characteris- tic of many African (government) regimes could explain that. As such, it offers a homogenous view of the academic institution. Yet, like any field, this institution is characterized by high diversity both in the status of the actors it hosts and the stakes that pervades it. The purpose of this article is to analyze the issue of academic freedom from the perspective and the experi- ence of students.
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Akker, J., 2002, ‘Protecting Academic Freedom’, in Academe, Vol. 88, No 3. Balandier, G., 1985, Le détour, Paris: Fayard.
Bourdieu, P., 2001, Le bal des célibataires : crise de la société paysanne en Béarn, Paris: Seuil.
Bourdieu, P., 1984, Homo academicus, Paris: Minuit.
Bourdieu, P., 1981, « La représentation politique : élément pour une théorie du champ politique », Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, n° 36/37, 1981.
Bourdieu, P., 1979, La distinction, Paris: Minuit.
Bourdieu, P. et J.C. Passeron, 1964, Les héritiers : les étudiants et la culture, Paris: Minuit.
Diouf, M. et Mamdani, M. (dirs.), 1994, Liberté académique en Afrique, Dakar: CODESRIA. Elias, N., 1983, Engagement et distanciation, Paris: Fayard.
Farah, N. R., 1994, « Société civile et liberté de recherche en Egypte », in M. Diouf et M. Mamdani, (dirs.), Liberté académique en Afrique, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Hagan, G., 1994, « Liberté académique et responsabilité nationale dans un État africain : cas du Ghana », in M. Diouf et M. Mamdani (dirs.), Liberté académique en Afrique, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Imam, A. et Mama, A., 1994, « Limitation ou élargissement de la liberté académique : la responsabilité des universitaires », in Diouf, M. et Mamdani M. (dirs.), Liberté académique en Afrique, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Justin, G., « UCAD- Professeur Abdou Salam Sall, recteur : ‘Les professeurs ne veulent pas être évalués », in http://www.xalima.com/spip.php? (consulté le 26 mars 2008).
Kom, A., 1993, « Intellectuels africains et enjeux de la démocratie : misère, répression et exil », Politique africaine, nᵒ 51.
Mill, J. S., 2003, On Liberty, New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2003 (version éditée par David Bromwich et George Kateb)
Nwala, U., 1994, « Liberté académique en Afrique : l’expérience nigériane », in M. Diouf et M. Mamdani, (dirs.), Liberté académique en Afrique, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Parsons, T. and E. Shils, 2001, Toward a General Theory of Action, New Brunswick (NJ): Transaction Publishers.
Ponton, L., 1989, « Emmanuel Kant : la liberté comme droit de l’homme et l’idée de la République », in Laval théologique et philosophique, vol. 45, nᵒ 3.
Polgreen, L., 2007, ‘‘Africa’s Storied Colleges, Jammed and Crumbling’’, New York Times, 20 mai.
Sall, E., (dir.), 2000, Women in Academia: Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Taha-Thomure, H., 2003, Academic Freedom in Arab Universities: Understanding, Practices and Discrepancies, University Press of America.
Taylor, Ch., 1992, Multiculturalism: The Politics of Recognition, Princeton: Princeton University Press.