Journal of Higher Education in Africa, Volume 6, n° 2 & 3, 2008

Published: November 17, 2008

1 - Introduction: Student Activism, Structural Adjustment and the Democratic Transition in Africa

January 13, 2008
Leo Zeilig, Marcelle Dawson

2 - Le syndicalisme étudiant, des origines à nos jours : un acteur permanent dans l’évolution socio-politique du Burkina Faso

May 15, 2008
Pascal Bianchini, Gabin Korbéogo

3 - ‘We no go sit down’: CAFA and the Struggle Against Structurally Adjusted Education in Africa

September 24, 2008
Ousseina Alidou, George Caffentzis, Silvia Federici

4 - The Contradictory and Complementary Relationship Between Student Constructive Engagement and Protest Strategies in South African Higher Education

November 15, 2008
Mlungisi Cele

5 - A Search for Post-apartheid Collective Identities: Ethnic Student Organisations at a South African University

November 4, 2008
Dinga Sikwebu

6 - Contestations étudiantes à Ngaoundéré, répressions et insécurité des personnes et des biens sur la route nationale n°1

June 7, 2008
Joseph Woudamike

7 - Une nouvelle génération politique : les étudiants et le mouvement anti-CPE en France

June 25, 2008
Danièle Obono

8 - Academic Freedom from a Human Rights’ Perspective: The Indian Case and its Relevance to Africa

December 1, 2008
P. Radhakrishnan

9 - International Student Recruitment: South African Rationales

December 31, 2008
Chris Bolsmann, Henry Miller

JHEA, Volume 6, n° 2 & 3, 2008 - Full Issue

December 27, 2021
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