8 - Privatization of Water and Sanitation Services in Kenya: Challenges and Prospects
Corresponding Author(s) : Kenneth O. Nyangena
Africa Development,
Vol. 33 No. 4 (2008): Africa Development: Special Issue Public Sector Reforms in Africa
Public sector utilities in developing countries have often not been efficient in providing access to reliable water and sanitation services. Worldwide, over 1 billion people lack access to improved water sources and 2.6 billion lack access to appropriate sanitation.1 Countries across the world are increasingly looking to the private sector for help in providing needed water services. Towards this end, privatization of water and sanitation services is viewed to be a cost effective method of service delivery that also enhances quality and performance. This paper seeks to highlight general knowledge, attitudes and practices of privatiza- tion of the service providers in the water and sanitation sector. It also underlines current challenges in the management of privatization of water and sanitation services in Kenya on the part of service providers, but also consumers. The most common challenges include inequity in the quality of service based on the ability to pay, service cut-offs, weak regulatory oversight and lack of accountability to local consumer needs. This paper shows that there is, however, consensus among water and sanitation service providers that privatization is likely to improve effi- ciency in water and sanitation services only if a collaborative effort is embraced in tackling public sector reform in Kenya. The paper also provides recommendations towards achieving privatization of water and sanitation services.
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- Bonn Keys International Conference on Fresh Water, Bonn 3–7 December, available online: www.water-2001.de
- Kessler, T., 2003, From Social Contract to Private Contract: The Privatization of Health, Education and Basic Infrastructure, Social Watch Report, available online: www.socwatch.org/uy
- Liu, J., n.d, Human Rights and Gender Inequality in Water Resource Management, New York: Centre for Economic and Social Rights, available online: www.cesr.org
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- Mwanzia, D. and Kariuki, M., 2003, Better Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor: Good practice from Sub-Saharan Africa, European Communities and Water Utility Partnership, PANA/UN-HABITAT, 8, November 2004.
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- Republic of Kenya (ROK), 1999, National Poverty Eradication Plan, 1999–2015, Nairobi: Government Printer.
- Republic of Kenya (ROK), 2002, National Development Plan 2002–2008, Nairobi: Government Printer.
- RTI International, 3040 Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194.
- United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 2002, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICECR) E/ C12/2002/1 [General Commitment No. 15, The Right to Water, 26 November, available online, www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf]
- Wambua, S., 2004, Water Privatisation in Kenya, Global Issue Papers No. 8, Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Brocklehurst, C. and Janssens, Jan G., 2004, Innovative Contracts, Sound Relationships: Urban Water Sector Reform in Senegal, Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Board, Discussion Paper No. 1, Washington, D.C.: World Bank, January.
EU, 2000, Directive 2000/60/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 Establishing a Framework of Community Action in the Field of Water Policy, Official Journal of the European Community (L 327): 1–72.
GWP, 2002a, IWRM – At a Glance:, Stockholm: Global Water Partnership Secretariat, Technical Advisory Committee.
GWP, (2002b, IWRM Toolbox: A Tool Box to Support IWRM, Stockholm: Global Water Partnership, available online: www.gwpforum.org
ICFW, 2001a, Conference Outcomes, The Bonn Keys International Conference on Fresh Water, Bonn, 3–7 December, available online: www.water-2001.de ICFW, 2001b, Conference Outcomes: Bonn Recommendations for Action, The
Bonn Keys International Conference on Fresh Water, Bonn 3–7 December, available online: www.water-2001.de
Kessler, T., 2003, From Social Contract to Private Contract: The Privatization of Health, Education and Basic Infrastructure, Social Watch Report, available online: www.socwatch.org/uy
Liu, J., n.d, Human Rights and Gender Inequality in Water Resource Management, New York: Centre for Economic and Social Rights, available online: www.cesr.org
Mutiso, G. C., 1989, Managing Kenya’s Arid and Semi-arid Areas, in Kirino, A. and Juma, C. (eds), Gaining Ground: Institutional Innovations in Land Use in Kenya, Nairobi: African Centre for Technology Studies.
Mwanzia, D. and Kariuki, M., 2003, Better Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor: Good practice from Sub-Saharan Africa, European Communities and Water Utility Partnership, PANA/UN-HABITAT, 8, November 2004.
Obando, Ana Elena, 2003, Women and Water Privatization, November, Women’s Human Rights net, www.whrnet.org/docs/issue-water.html
Republic of Kenya (ROK), 1999, National Poverty Eradication Plan, 1999–2015, Nairobi: Government Printer.
Republic of Kenya (ROK), 2002, National Development Plan 2002–2008, Nairobi: Government Printer.
RTI International, 3040 Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194.
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 2002, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICECR) E/ C12/2002/1 [General Commitment No. 15, The Right to Water, 26 November, available online, www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf]
Wambua, S., 2004, Water Privatisation in Kenya, Global Issue Papers No. 8, Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation.