8 - Intellectuels africains, patriotisme et panafricanisme : à propos de la fuite des cerveaux
Corresponding Author(s) : Ernest-Marie Mbonda Mbonda
Africa Development,
Vol. 33 No. 1 (2008): Africa Development: Special Issue The Politics of Knowledge Production in Africa - Nurturing the Fourth Generation
Under the guise of a simple sociological description, the concept of brain drain hides a value judgement on the duties of intellectuals towards their homelands. We would not talk about ‘drain’ if every intellectual was not primarily considered as attached to a specific country, a specific continent, and as having some ‘patriotic duty’ to contribute, with all his/her intellectual capacity, to the develop- ment, prosperity and influence of their homeland. The intellectuals who have chosen emigration could be accused of prioritizing their interests, and shamefully dissociating themselves from the destiny of their countries, their continents and their peoples. Those intellectuals could be blamed for having failed to make a contribution, however modest it could be, to the construction of fair, democratic and prosperous African societies and to help in the implementation of those nationalist and pan-Africanist projects that were envisioned around the early post-independence period. Yet, is patriotism (as well as nationalism) to be consid- ered as a virtue, and should brain drain be regarded as a vice? Aren’t there situa- tions where brain drain itself could be regarded as a virtue, at least in the sense that it could help to put at the service of humankind and its own society (through states that recognize and value it) talents that otherwise would have been left untapped? These are some of the questions, which in fact implicitly contain our assumption, guiding the reflection that we have developed in this article.
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Baertschi, B., 2002, « Les charmes secrets du patriotisme », in Les nationalismes, Bernard Baertschi et Kevin Mulligan Éds., Paris: PUF.
Berten, A. et al., 1998, Libéraux et communautariens, Paris: PUF.
Brown, M., 2000, « Using Intellectual Diaspora to reverse the Brain Drain », in Brain Drain and Capacity Building in Africa, ECA/IDRC/IOM. Decraene,Ph., 1959, Le panafricanisme, n° 847 de la collection « Que sais-je », Paris: PUF.
ECA/IDRC/IOM, éds., 2000, Brain Drain and Capacity Building in Africa, (bilingual edition: Exode des compétences et développement des capacités en Afrique), ECA/IDRC/IOM.
Gaillard, A.M., Gaillard, J., 2002, « Fuite des cerveaux, circulation des compétences et développement : un enjeu politique », in Mots pluriels, n° 20 (http://www.arts.uwa.edu.au/MotsPluriels/MP2002ajg.html).
Libercier, M., Schneider, H., 1996, Migrants: Partners in Development Co- operation, Paris: OECD.
MacIntyre, A., 1984, Is Patriotism a Virtue?, The Lindley Lecture, University of Kansas (Traduction in Berten, A. et al., 1998, Libéraux et communautariens, Paris: PUF.
Mandela, N., 1995, Un long chemin vers la liberté, Paris: Fayard.
Miller, D., 2002, « Une défense de la nationalité », in Les nationalismes, Bernard Baertschi et Kevin Mulligan Éds., Paris: PUF.
Platon, Le Criton.
Sethi, M., 2000, ‘Return and Integration of Qualified African Nationals’, in Brain Drain and Capacity Building in Africa, ECA/IDRC/IOM.
Tshiyembe, M., 2002, « Du messianisme aux rives de la mondialisation. Difficile gestation de l’Union africaine », Le Monde diplomatique.
Van Parijs, P., 1993, ‘Rawlsians, Christians and Patriots: Maximin Justice and Individual Ethics’, European Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 1, no. 3.