2 - Developmental Local Government in Post-Apartheid South Africa? A Feminist Rethinking of the State and Development in the Context of Neo-liberalism
Corresponding Author(s) : Melanie Samson
Africa Development,
Vol. 32 No. 3 (2007): Africa Development
Neoliberal dictates and structural adjustment policies have denuded African states and attempted to limit their role to enabling the building and functioning of markets. These policies have failed to promote development, exacerbated gender inequities, and deepened Africa’s entanglement within exploitative imperialist economic relations. There is, therefore, a pressing need to re-establish a proactive, developmental role for the state in Africa. This article argues that in the current conjuncture such a project must be grounded in a radical reconceptualisation of both development and the state. Previous statist theo- ries of development erred in casting development as a set of outcomes to be delivered by the state to a passive population. Due to their inattentiveness to gender they also reproduced and exacerbated exploitative gender relations. The article argues that in a context where it is difficult to even imagine an alternative to neoliberalism, development should be redefined as building collective capac- ity to envision, create and struggle for a society and economy free of gender, racial and class exploitation. The state must be reconfigured so that it is both strengthened by and helps to build collective capacity through processes of participatory democracy attentive to addressing and overcoming the mutually constituting structural inequalities of gender, race and class.
Amidst the continent-wide retreat of the state from an active role in the development process, the post-apartheid South African policy of ‘developmen- tal local government’ would seem to be grounded in just such a retheorization of the state and development. The policy establishes that the local government must promote development, redress apartheid inequalities and be participatory and gender sensitive. The article argues however that the South African ap- proach is compromised by three fundamental weaknesses at the level of policy formulation. These pertain to the liberal conceptualisation of participation, the reduction of commitments to gender transformation to a focus on the participa- tion of women, and the endorsement of a contracting vision for the local state which eliminates an active role for either the state or the citizenry in the develop- ment process. The article concludes by exploring more successful attempts at gender transformative, participatory approaches to governance and development in other parts of the world and reflecting on the challenges to pursuing them in the South African context.
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Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Council, 2000a, ‘iGoli 2002: Making Greater Johannesburg Work’, Johannesburg: GJMC.
Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Council, 2000b, ‘Waste Management Utility, Comprehensive Ring Fencing Exercise, Volume 2: Technical Report’, unpublished: Johannesburg.
Hart, G., 2001, ‘Development Critiques in the 1990s: Culs de Sac and Promising Paths’, Progress in Human Geography, 25 (4): 649-658.
Hassim, S., 2004, ‘Voices, Hierarchies and Spaces: Reconfiguring the Women’s Movement in Democratic South Africa’, Paper prepared for the Social Movements Project, Durban: University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Centre for Civil Society.
Heller, P., 2001, ‘Moving the State: The Politics of Democratic Decentralization in Kerala, South Africa and Porto Alegre’, Politics and Society, 29 (1): 131-163.
Hoogvelt, A., 2001, Globalization and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development, Second Edition, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Leys, C., 1996a, The Rise and Fall of Development Theory, Oxford: James Currey.
Leys, C., 1996b, ‘Globalization: The World, Society and the Individual’, Southern Africa Report, April: 17-21.
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Mather, G., 1991, ‘Thatcherism and Local Government: An Evaluation’, in J. Stewart and G. Stoker, eds., The Future of Local Government, London: Macmillan.
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Nussbaum, M., 2000. Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Oldfield, S., 2002, ‘‘Embedded Autonomy’ and the Challenges of Developmental Local Government’, in S. Parnell, E. Pieterse, M. Swilling and D. Wooldridge, eds., Democratising Local Government: The South African Experiment, Cape Town: UCT Press.
Olin Wright, E., 2003, ‘Preface: The Real Utopias Project’, in Deepening Democracy: Institutional Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance, London: Verso.
Orange Farm Water Crisis Committee, Anti-Privatisation Forum and the Coalition Against Water Privatisation, June 2004, ‘Destroy the Meter/Enjoy Free Water’, http://www.apf.org.za/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=23.
Panitch, L., 1994, ‘Globalisation and the State’, The Socialist Register 1994, London: Merlin Press.
Panitch, L. and Gindin, S., 2005, ‘Bringing the Working Class In: Mike Lebowitz’s Beyond Capital’, Unpublished paper.
Pape, J. and McDonald, D., 2002, ‘Introduction’, in D. McDonald and J. Pape, eds., Cost Recovery and the Crisis of Service Delivery in South Africa, Cape Town: HSRC.
Pateman, C., 1988, The Sexual Contract, Oxford: Polity Press. Pikitup, Undated, ‘A Load of Rubbish’, Johannesburg: Pikitup.
Pointer, R., 2004, ‘Questioning the Representation of South Africa’s “New Social Movements”: A Case Study of the Mandela Park Anti-Eviction Campaign’, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 39 (4): 271-294.
PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Ebony Financial Services and KMMT Brey, 1998, ‘Organisational Review for Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council and Local Councils, Phase 2: Envisioning Organisational Design Final Report, 20 April 1998’, Unpublished: Johannesburg.
Public Citizen, 2004a, ‘Orange Farm, South Africa: The Forced Implementation of Prepaid Water Meters’, www.wateractivist.org.
Public Citizen, The Anti-Privatization Forum and The Coalition Against Water Privatisation, 2004, ‘Nothing for Mahala: The Forced Installation of Prepaid Water Metres in Stretford, Extension 4, Orange Farm, Johannesburg - South Africa’, www.wateractivist.org.
Rai, Shirin M., 1996, ‘Women and the State in the Third World: Some Issues for Debate’, in Shrin M. Rai and Geraldine Lievesly, eds., Women and the State: International Perspectives, London: Taylor and Francis.
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Republic of South Africa, 1996, The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, Pretoria: Government Printers.
Republic of South Africa, 1993, Local Government Transition Act, 1993, no. 209 of 1993, Pretoria: Government Printers.
Ruiters, G., 2002, ‘Commodified Water, Race and Social Justice in South Africa: A Study of Three Privatisation Experiences in Post-Apartheid South African Municipalities, 1990–2000’, Dissertation submitted to Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Unpublished: Baltimore.
Samson, M., 2008, ‘Rescaling the State, Restructuring Social Relations – Local Government Transformation in Post-Apartheid Johannesburg and Its Implications for Waste Management Workers’, International Feminist Journal of Politics 10(1),
Saul, J. S., 2004, ‘Globalization, Imperialism, Development: False Binaries and Radical Resolutions’, in Socialist Register 2004, edited by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, London: Merlin Press.
Saul, J. S., 1994, ‘Globalism, Socialism and Democracy in the South African Transition’, Socialist Register 1994. London: Merlin Press.
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Seema, T.N. and Mukherjee, V. N., 2000, ‘Gender, Governance and Citizenship in Decentralised Planning: The Experience of People’s Campaign in Kerala’, Paper presented at the International Conference on Democratic Decentralisation, Thiruvananthapuram, 23-27 May.
Sen, A., 1999, Development as Freedom, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Shivji, I. G., 2004, ‘Good Governance, Bad Governance and the Quest for Democracy in Africa: An Alternative Perspective’. HakiElimu Working Paper Series No. 8, Dar es Salaam: HakiElimu. http://www.hakielimu.org/WP/WPSeries8_2004.pdf
Shubane, K., 1991, ‘Black Local Authorities: a Contraption of Control’, in M. Swilling, R. Humphries and K. Shubane, eds., Apartheid City in Transition, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Silva, R.T., 1999, ‘Comments on the Greater Johannesburg iGoli 2002 Plan’, PSIRU paper for SAMWU Workshop on iGoli 2002, unpublished: Johannesburg.
South African Cities Network (SACN), 2004, State of the Cities Report 2004, Johannesburg: South African Cities Network.
SAMWU, 1999, ‘Local Government Restructuring and Transformation: The Johannesburg Case’, unpublished: Johannesburg.
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Stoker, G., 1991, ‘Creating a Local Government for a Post-Fordist Society: The Thatcherite Project?’, in The Future of Local Government, edited by J. Stewart and G. Stoker, London: Macmillan.
Swilling, M., 1991, ‘Introduction’, in M. Swilling, R. Humphries and K. Shubane, eds., Apartheid City in Transition, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Tomlinson, R., R. A. Beauregard, L. Bremmer, X. Mangcu, X., 2003, Emerging Johannesburg: Perspectives on the Post-apartheid City, London: Routledge. Vera-Zavala, A., 2005, ‘Democracy Lives - A World Mosaic of Participatory Democratic Experiences’.
Von Don, M., 2002, ‘Local Government’s Role in Realising Gender Equality: From Policy to Practice’, in S. Parnell, E. Pieterse, M. Swilling and D. Wooldridge, eds., Democratising Local Government: The South African Experiment, Cape Town: UCT Press.
Walsh, K., 1991, ‘Competition and Service in Local Government’, in The Future of Local Government, edited by J. Stewart and G. Stoker, London: Macmillan.
Young, B., 2003, ‘Financial Crises and Social Reproduction: Asia, Argentina and Brazil’, in I. Bakker and S., eds., Gill Power, Production and Social Reproduction, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.