8 - Multiple Determinants of Milk Production in Africa: The Example of the Diversity of Dairy Farming Systems in the Mbarara Area (Uganda)
Africa Development,
Vol. 32 No. 2 (2007): Africa Development
In developing countries, animal products supply presents a major challenge in meeting the demand for the two next decades. Many researchers point out the necessity for a ‘reasoned intensification’, especially in agricultural areas, by integrating agriculture and livestock activities. But intensification only occurs on specific farms. How can one explain the different dairy developments or technical options between farms? An analysis of the diversity of dairy farming systems in Mbarara district (Uganda) has been conducted from a monthly cross- sectional survey of a sample of 22 farmers, identified from a large household survey (183 dairy producers). The multi-table factorial analysis allows a thorough review of the interactions and points out some causal relationships between the development of the dairy systems and the social and technical management of the whole farm. This analysis underlines the key factors of intensification such as genetic improvement or market opportunities; but also the degree of intensification which is well correlated to the stage of family development. If the livestock may reinforce different functions (security, consumption, cash flow) according to the farm type, the results show that all these functions exist for all the farm types, either in the pastoral or agricultural areas. So these results question the stereotypes built on the different livestock systems in Africa.
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Bosman, H. G., Moll, H. A. J., Udo, H. M. J., 1997, ‘Measuring and interpreting the benefits of goat keeping in tropical farm systems’, Agricultural Systems, 53.
Boutonnet, J. P., 2002, ‘Les conditions économiques du développement des productions animales’, Chapitre du livre, ‘Zootechnie comparée’, à paraître, 32.
Chalimbaud, J., 2001, Mbarara Milk Project Workshop Proceedings, 28-30 November 2000. Rwizi Arch Hotel, Mbarara, 2001, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères/ République d’Ouganda/ Cirad-Emvt. Mars, 75p.
Coordonnier, 1986, Economie de la production laitière: Technique et Documentation, Lavoisier, INRA, 218p.
Corniaux, C., 2005, Gestion technique et gestion sociale de la production laitière: les champs du possible pour une consommation durable du lait. Cas des modes de production actuels du delta du fleuve Sénégal, Thèse en agriculture, alimentation, biologie, environnement, société – ABIES. Institut National Agronomique de Paris-Grignon (France).
Dabusti, N. and Vancauteren, D., 1999, ‘Les systèmes d’élevage du district de Mbarara (Ouganda) et leur contribution à la filière laitière – Diagnostic, dynamique d’évolution et recommandations pour l’action’, Mémoire de Master développement Agricole Tropical option Valorisation des productions, Mars 1999, 276p.
Escofier, B., Pagès, J., 1983, ‘Méthodes pour l’analyse de plusieurs groupes de variables. Application à la caractérisation des vins rouges du Val de Loire’, Revue de Statistique Appliquée, 31 (2), p 43-59.
Escofier, B., Pagès, J., 1984, ‘L’analyse factorielle multiple: une méthode de comparaison de groupes de variables’, in Diday, E. et al., eds., Data Analysis and Informatics III, Elsevier, North-Holland, 41-55.
Faye, B, Grelet, Y., 1990, ‘Type d’élevage et profil de santé- Deux stratégies statistiques’, Communication au colloque ‘Agro-industrie et méthodes statistiques’, Angers du 14 au 15 juin 1990. Association pour la statistique et ses utilisations, 111-125.
Faye, B., 2000, Stratégie du dépouillement des données et préparation d’une seconde phase du projet laitier de Mbarara. Rapport de mission en Ouganda du 20 au 29 avril 2000, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères/ Ambassade de France en Ouganda/ Cirad-Emvt. Mai, 17p.
Grimaud, P., Faye, B., Mugarura, L., Muhoozi, E., Bellinguez, A., 2004, ‘Identification of research activities for the dairy sector development in Uganda: systemic and participatory approaches’, Uganda J. Agric. Sci., 9, 879-884.
Moll, H. A. J., Dietvorst, D. C. E., 1999, ‘Cattle marketing in Zambia, 1965-1995: policies, institutions and cattle owners in the Western Province’, in H. Laurens Van der Laan, Tjalling Dijkstra and Aad van Tilburg, eds., Agricultural Marketing in Tropical Africa: contribution for the Netherlands, Ashgate, Aldershot.
Pastel, B., 2001, Etude primaire de la filière lait dans le district de Mbarara (Ouganda), Université Paris XI Orsay / Cirad-Emv., Paris, 42.
Reardon, T., Delgado, C. and Malton, P., 1992, ‘Determinants and Effects of Income Diversification amongst Farm Households in Burkina Faso’, Journal of Development Studies, 39.
Starr, M. A., 1987, ‘Risk, environmental variability and drought-induced impoverishment: the pastoral economy of central Niger’, International African Institute, 57 (1).
Slingerland, M., 2000, Mixed farming: Scope and constraints in West African Savannah, PhD Thesis, Tropical Resource Management Papers N°34. Wageningen UR. The Netherlands.
Thébaud, B., 1988, ‘Elevage et développement au Niger. Quel avenir pour les éleveurs du Sahel?’, B. I. T Publication, Genève, 138.
Tchayanov, A., 1924, L’organisation de l’économie paysanne, Traduction d’Alexis Berelowitch, Ed., Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 342.
Van Ecbert, M., Mombeshora, B.G. and Cousins, B., 1989, ‘Farmers’ objectives and livestock functions’, in Proceeding of the workshop on the socio-economic dimensions of livestock productions in the communal lands of Zimbabwe, 12-14 September 1988.
Vatin, F., 1996, Le lait et la raison marchande: essai de sociologie économique, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 205.