9 - The State of the Process of Decentralisation in Cameroon
Corresponding Author(s) : Cosmas Cheka
Africa Development,
Vol. 32 No. 2 (2007): Africa Development
The pace of the process of decentralisation in a given context unavoidably depends on the degree of favourableness of the legal environment and the dynamism of stakeholders (especially of local authorities, the state, develop- ment cooperation partners and civil society). This paper seeks to inform on the state of the process in Cameroon by exposing its current legal environment, its constraints and the level of organisation of its key actors in relation to the legal environment. Drawing from this assessment, the paper assesses the shortcom- ings of the decentralisation process in Cameroon while arguing that the objec- tive for embarking on decentralisation in each context varies with its promoter. In the case of Cameroon, decentralisation constitutes the legal, institutional and financial means through which regional and local authorities operate to foster local development with the active involvement of the population. Through the devolution of powers to local entities, local development could be enhanced and a contribution made to the fight against poverty. The assessment of the legal framework and of its stakeholders shows that the decentralisation laws passed in 2004 in Cameroon have local development and governance as their main thrust. The new laws certainly create an environment that represents an irreversible step forward for the process of decentralisation but are in need of completion by the passing of legal instruments of application for them to effec- tively accelerate the pace of the decentralisation process and good governance. There is also need for better organisation and coordination of interventions of the stakeholders. The process is currently hampered by especially financial constraints on local authorities and limited capacities of the actors and benefici- aries of devolved powers. The paper concludes with a plea in favour of inter alia the strengthening of the capacities of all stakeholders through an approach that is sustainable if the objective of decentralisation is to be met.
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- Constitution of January 18, 1996 of Cameroon.
- Decree N° 77/418 of 24 October 1977 creating and organising the Local Government Centre, known by its French acronym ‘CEFAM’.
- Decree No 2000/365 of December 11, 2000 reorganising FEICOM. Decree No 2006/182 of May 31, 2006 reorganising FEICOM.
- Decree N° 2002/216 of August 24, 2002 to reorganise the government of Cameroon Finance Law of The Republic of Cameroon, 1962.
- Law N° 74/23 of 5 December 1974 to organise councils and subsequent amendments thereto; Law N° 90/062 of December 19, 1990 to grant a special waiver to public health units in financial matters.
- Law N° 2004/17 of July 22, 2004 on the Orientation of Decentralisation. Law N° 2004/18 of July 22, 2004 to lay Down rules applicable to Councils. Law N° 2004/19 of July 22, 2004 to lay Down Rules applicable to regions.
- Law No 2006/004 of July 14, 2006 to lay down conditions governing the election of regional councillors.
- Arrêté N° 130/CAB/pm du 6 octobre 2006 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement d’un comité de concertation pour la mise en ouvre de la décentralisation.
- Budine, J., 1992, ‘La distinction entre collectivité locale et collectivité territoriale. Variation sémantique ou juridique?’, R.D.P., p. 179.
- Cheema, D. S. & Rondinelli, D. A., eds., 1983, Decentralisation and government, Beverley Hills CA: Sage.
- ‘Decentralisation in Mali: Putting Policy into Practice’, 2004, SNV & CEDELO Bulletin N° 362.
- End of Year 2002, 2003 and 2004 policy speeches to the Cameroon nation by President Paul Biya at www.cameroon-tribune.cm.
- Esman, M. J. & Uphoff, N. T. 1984, Local organisations: Intermediaries in Rural Development, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press.
- Guimdo, Bernard Raymond, 1998, ‘Les bases Constitutionnelles de la décentralisation au Cameroun’, 29 Revue Générale de Droit, Université d’Otawa, 79-100 at p. 87.
- Interview with His Excellency the Minister in charge of decentralisation (MINATD) accorded to the National Daily, Cameroon Tribune N° 8426/4625 of 2 September 2005, p. 4.
- Lemarchand, R., 1998,. ‘La face cachée de la décentralisation: réseaux, clientèles et capital social’, in Bulletin IPAD, Décentralisation, pouvoirs sociaux et réseaux Sociaux, No 16, LIT, p. 9-18.
- Midgley, James, 1986, Community participation, Social Development and the State, London: Methuen, pp 13, 32-33.
- Négociations Inter-gouvernementales germano/camerounaises, mai 2004, (unpublished minutes).
- Le Quotidien Mutations (Newspaper) of August 5, 2005 (report in French of Junior Binyam on FEICOM Board Meeting).
- Sawadogo, A. A., 2001, L’Etat Africain face à la décentralisation, Paris: Editions Karthala, p. 197.
- Totté, Marc, Dahou, Tarik et Billaz, René, 2003, La Décentralisation en Afrique de l’Ouest: Entre la politique et le développement, Paris: Karthala, p. 10.
- Troper, M., 1980, ‘Libre administration et théorie générale du droit’, La Libre administration des collectivités territoriales, Paris, Economica, 1980, p. 62.
- UNDP, 19999, Decentralisation: a sampling of definitions, October.
- Wunsch, J. S. & Olowu, D., eds., 1990, The failure of the Decentralised State and Self Governance in Africa, Goulder Westview Press.
- www.adeid.org
- www.pdm-net.org/Newsite/french
- www.saild.org
- www.mairiesducameroun.net.
- www.cameroon-tribune.cm
- www.dschangshuss.net
- www.zenu.org
- www.Allafrica.com
- www.quotidienmutations.net
- www.undp.org
Constitution of January 18, 1996 of Cameroon.
Decree N° 77/418 of 24 October 1977 creating and organising the Local Government Centre, known by its French acronym ‘CEFAM’.
Decree No 2000/365 of December 11, 2000 reorganising FEICOM. Decree No 2006/182 of May 31, 2006 reorganising FEICOM.
Decree N° 2002/216 of August 24, 2002 to reorganise the government of Cameroon Finance Law of The Republic of Cameroon, 1962.
Law N° 74/23 of 5 December 1974 to organise councils and subsequent amendments thereto; Law N° 90/062 of December 19, 1990 to grant a special waiver to public health units in financial matters.
Law N° 2004/17 of July 22, 2004 on the Orientation of Decentralisation. Law N° 2004/18 of July 22, 2004 to lay Down rules applicable to Councils. Law N° 2004/19 of July 22, 2004 to lay Down Rules applicable to regions.
Law No 2006/004 of July 14, 2006 to lay down conditions governing the election of regional councillors.
Arrêté N° 130/CAB/pm du 6 octobre 2006 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement d’un comité de concertation pour la mise en ouvre de la décentralisation.
Budine, J., 1992, ‘La distinction entre collectivité locale et collectivité territoriale. Variation sémantique ou juridique?’, R.D.P., p. 179.
Cheema, D. S. & Rondinelli, D. A., eds., 1983, Decentralisation and government, Beverley Hills CA: Sage.
‘Decentralisation in Mali: Putting Policy into Practice’, 2004, SNV & CEDELO Bulletin N° 362.
End of Year 2002, 2003 and 2004 policy speeches to the Cameroon nation by President Paul Biya at www.cameroon-tribune.cm.
Esman, M. J. & Uphoff, N. T. 1984, Local organisations: Intermediaries in Rural Development, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press.
Guimdo, Bernard Raymond, 1998, ‘Les bases Constitutionnelles de la décentralisation au Cameroun’, 29 Revue Générale de Droit, Université d’Otawa, 79-100 at p. 87.
Interview with His Excellency the Minister in charge of decentralisation (MINATD) accorded to the National Daily, Cameroon Tribune N° 8426/4625 of 2 September 2005, p. 4.
Lemarchand, R., 1998,. ‘La face cachée de la décentralisation: réseaux, clientèles et capital social’, in Bulletin IPAD, Décentralisation, pouvoirs sociaux et réseaux Sociaux, No 16, LIT, p. 9-18.
Midgley, James, 1986, Community participation, Social Development and the State, London: Methuen, pp 13, 32-33.
Négociations Inter-gouvernementales germano/camerounaises, mai 2004, (unpublished minutes).
Le Quotidien Mutations (Newspaper) of August 5, 2005 (report in French of Junior Binyam on FEICOM Board Meeting).
Sawadogo, A. A., 2001, L’Etat Africain face à la décentralisation, Paris: Editions Karthala, p. 197.
Totté, Marc, Dahou, Tarik et Billaz, René, 2003, La Décentralisation en Afrique de l’Ouest: Entre la politique et le développement, Paris: Karthala, p. 10.
Troper, M., 1980, ‘Libre administration et théorie générale du droit’, La Libre administration des collectivités territoriales, Paris, Economica, 1980, p. 62.
UNDP, 19999, Decentralisation: a sampling of definitions, October.
Wunsch, J. S. & Olowu, D., eds., 1990, The failure of the Decentralised State and Self Governance in Africa, Goulder Westview Press.