6 - How to Research the Changing Outlines of African Livelihoods
Corresponding Author(s) : Leo J. de Haan
Africa Development,
Vol. 31 No. 4 (2006): Africa Development
This paper examines how to research the changing outlines of African liveli- hoods in the present era of globalisation. After an analysis of the historical and theoretical context in which the modern livelihood approach developed, two trends in modern livelihood studies are discussed, i.e. its increased holistic features and the surmounting of its micro-orientation. Subsequently, the most pressing issues in livelihood research are reviewed: decomposition of house- holds, and the increased diversification and increased multi-locality of liveli- hoods under globalisation. The next section focuses on two major theoretical and methodological challenges facing the livelihood approach at present. First, with respect to the problem of access, we will demonstrate that the livelihood approach can become more powerful analytically by improving its theoretical depth through incorporating valuable elements of sovereignty and power. Sec- ond, there is the access to livelihood opportunities in relation to decision-mak- ing. In this context, we review various relevant concepts, such as livelihood strategies and styles, in order to operationalise the improved theoretical depth. We then propose livelihood trajectories as an appropriate methodology for ex- amining pathways of African livelihoods. In doing so, the paper also suggests an agenda for future research on African livelihoods.
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pp. 49-74
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de Haan & N. Long, eds., Images and Realities of Rural Life,
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Sen, A., 1981, Poverty and Famines. An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sen, A., 1985, Commodities and Capabilities, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Solesbury, W., 2003a, Sustainable Livelihoods: A Case Study of the Evolution of DFID Policy, London: ODI.
Solesbury, W., 2003b, ‘The Sustainable Livelihoods Case Study’, Bridging Research and Policy
Seminar, Transcript of presentation 9 October 2003, London: ODI. Villareal, M., 1994, Wielding and
Yielding. Power, Subordination and Gender Identity in the Context of a Mexican Development Project, Wageningen: Wageningen University.
Von Benda-Beckmann, F., von Benda-Beckmann, K. Casino, E. Hirtz, F. G. Woodman & Zacher, H. eds.,
, Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries, Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
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