5 - Restructuring the African State for more Effective Management of Globalisation
Africa Development,
Vol. 27 No. 3-4 (2002): Africa Development: Special Issue on •New Public Sector Management Approaches in Africa'
It is generally accepted that globalisation is here to stay and that Africa and the Africans need to participate gainfully and equitably in the global economy and global society. This paper investigates Africa's readiness for more effective globalisation. Drawing on indicators from both the macro (national) and micro (sub-national) levels, this paper concludes that Africa is individually and insti tutionally less ready for globalisation than other parts of the world. The paper makes conceptual and practical suggestions for rethinking, restructuring and reorganising the African state for better understanding and management of globalisation. Before undertaking specific reforms and capacity building initia tives, every country should develop a strong national foundation for globalisation involving, among other things, articulation of widely shared societal core val ues, institutions, competences and functions. Lack of nationally shared core values and a strategic sense of direction and institutional weaknesses at both the macro and micro levels combine to render the African state especially vulner able to the vagaries of globalisation.
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- Cook, L. D., 2003, 'Africa: A Union Open for Growth, Trade, and Business?', inP.K. Cornelius, M. Porter and K. Schwab, eds., The Global Competitiveness Report 2002-2003, World Economie Forum and Oxford University Press, New York, Chapter 24: 127-147.
- Cornelius, P.K., Porter, M. and Schwab, K., eds., 2003, The Global Competitive ness Report 2002-2003, New York: World Economie Forum and Oxford Uni versity Press.
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- Kiggundu, M.N., 2002c, 'Bureaucracy and Administrative Reform in Developing Countries', in C. Patrick, R. Clarke and C. Polidano, eds., Handbook on Development Policy and Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 291-302.
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- Mills, E.S., 2000, 'The Importance of Large Urban Areas and Govemments' Roles in Fostering Them', in S. Yusuf et al., eds., Local Dynamics in an Era of Globalisation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 69-73. Ohmae, K., 1995, The End of the Nation-State, New York: The Free Press.
- lowu, D., and Sako, S. 2002, Better Governance and the Public Policy: Capac ity Building for Democratic Renewal in Africa CT: Kumerian Press.
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- Competitiveness Report 2002-2003, New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, pp.23-45.
- Robbins P. and Ferris, S.R.8., 2002, The Impact of Globalisation on the Agricul tural Sectors of East and Central Aji-ica, Ibadan: Nigeria: Institute of Tropi cal Agriculture (IITA).
- Rondinelli D. and Cheema, G.S., eds., 2003, Reinventing Government for the Ttventy-First Centwy: State Capacity in a Globalising Society, Bloomfield, CT: Kumerian Press.
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- World Bank, 2003, Towards a More StrategicApproach to Capacity Building in Africa (Mimeo), Washington, D.C., World Bank.
- Yusuf, S., Wu, W. and Evennett S., eds, Local Dynamics in an Era of Globalisation, Washington D.C. and New York, The World Bank and Oxford University Press.
Abdullah, A.,1999, Going Glocal: Cultural Dimensions in Malaysian Management, Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Institute of Management.
Ashkenas, R., Ulrich,D., Jick, T. and Kerr, S., 2002, The Boundaryless Organi zation: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Cook, L. D., 2003, 'Africa: A Union Open for Growth, Trade, and Business?', inP.K. Cornelius, M. Porter and K. Schwab, eds., The Global Competitiveness Report 2002-2003, World Economie Forum and Oxford University Press, New York, Chapter 24: 127-147.
Cornelius, P.K., Porter, M. and Schwab, K., eds., 2003, The Global Competitive ness Report 2002-2003, New York: World Economie Forum and Oxford Uni versity Press.
Dia M.,1996, Africa's Management in the 1990s and Beyond: Reconciling In digenous and Transplant Institutions, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Dollar, D. and Collier, P., 2002, Globalisation, Growth, and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy, World Bank, New York: Oxford University Press. Dollar, D, 2001, Globalisation, Jnequality, and Poverty Since 1980, Washington,D.C.: World Bank.
Dollar, D., 1992, 'Outward-Oriented Developing Countries Really Do Grow More Rapidly: Evidence from 95 LDCs, 1976-85', Economie Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 523-44.
Government of Botswana, Presidential Task Group for Long-Term Vision for Botswana, Long-Term Vision for Botswana: Towards Prosperity for Ali. Gabarone, Botswana, September, 1997.
Gore, A, 1993, The Gore Report on Reinventing Government: Creating a Gov ernment that Works Better and Costs Less, New York: Random House.
Hayami, Y., 2000, 'Toward a New Mode! of Rural-Urban Linkages Under Globalisation', in S. Yusuf et al., eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 74-83.
Henderson, V., 2000, 'On the Move: Industrial Deconcentration in Today's De veloping Countries', in S. Yusuf, et al., eds., Local Dynamics in an Era of Globalisation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 65-68.
Heritage Foundation (http: //cf.heritage.org/index/indexoffreedom.cf) Kaufmann, D., Kraay, A. and Mastruzzi, M., 2003, 'Govemance Matters III. PolicyResearch Working Paper 3103', World Bank Institute, Global Governance Department and Development
Research Group, Microeconomics and Growth, Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Kiggundu, M.N, 2002a, Managing Globalisation in Developing Countries and Transition Economies: Building Capacities in a Changing World, Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Kiggundu M.N, 2002b, 'Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in Africa: What is Known and What Needs to be Done', Journal of Developmental Entrepre '!eurship, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 239-58.
Kiggundu, M.N., 2002c, 'Bureaucracy and Administrative Reform in Developing Countries', in C. Patrick, R. Clarke and C. Polidano, eds., Handbook on Development Policy and Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 291-302.
Kiggundu, M. N., 1999, Public Sector Reform in Sub-SaharanAfrica: Background, Progress, and Challenges Ahead. Report prepared for the Division on Public Economies and Public Administration (DPEPA), Department of Economies and Social Affairs (DESA), New York: United Nations, December 31.
Kiggundu, M.N., 1998, 'Civil Service Reforms: Limping into the Twenty-first Century, in M. Minogue, C. Polidano and D. Hulme, eds., Beyond the New Public Management: Changing ldeas and Practices in Governance, Chel tenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 155-171.
Kiggundu M. N., 1992, Size and Cos! of the Civil Service: Reform Programmes in Africa, New York: Department of Economie and Social Development, United Nations.
Kirkpatrick, C., Clarke, R. and Polidano, C., eds., 2002, Handbook on Develop ment Policy and Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Landes, O.S., 1998, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Sorne Are So Rich and Sorne So Poor, New York; W.W. Norton.
Lechner, F.J. and Boli, J., eds, 2000, The Globalisation Reader, Oxford: Blackwell.
Lipumba, N.H., 1999, 'Opportunities and Challenges of Globalisation: Can Sub Saharan Africa Avoid Marginalization?', in Human Development Report: Globalisation with a Human Face, Background Papers, New York: UNDP, Vol. 11, pp. 157-221.
Mills, E.S., 2000, 'The Importance of Large Urban Areas and Govemments' Roles in Fostering Them', in S. Yusuf et al., eds., Local Dynamics in an Era of Globalisation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 69-73. Ohmae, K., 1995, The End of the Nation-State, New York: The Free Press.
lowu, D., and Sako, S. 2002, Better Governance and the Public Policy: Capac ity Building for Democratic Renewal in Africa CT: Kumerian Press.
hmae K., 1995, The End of the Nation State, New York: The Free Press. Porter, M.E., 2003, 'Building the Microeconomic Foundations Prosperity: Findings from the Microeconomic Competitive Index', in P.K. Cornelius et al., eds., The Global
Competitiveness Report 2002-2003, New York: Oxford Uni versity Press, pp.23-45.
Robbins P. and Ferris, S.R.8., 2002, The Impact of Globalisation on the Agricul tural Sectors of East and Central Aji-ica, Ibadan: Nigeria: Institute of Tropi cal Agriculture (IITA).
Rondinelli D. and Cheema, G.S., eds., 2003, Reinventing Government for the Ttventy-First Centwy: State Capacity in a Globalising Society, Bloomfield, CT: Kumerian Press.
Scott, A.J., 2000, 'Global City-Regions and the New World System', in S. Yusuf, et al., eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 84-91.
Soros, G., 1988, The Crisis of Global Capita!ism, New York: Public Affairs.
Stiglitz, J.E., 2003, Globalisation and lts Discontent, New York: W.W. Norton.
United Nations, 2002, Benchmarking E-Government: A Global Perspective: Assessing the Progress of the UN Member States, New York: DPEPA.
United Nations, 2001, World Public Sector Report: Globalisation and the State,New York: ST/ESAIPAD/SER.26.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2003, Human Development Report 2003: Mfllenium Development Goals: A Compact Among Nations to End Human Poverty, New York: UNDP.
Venables, A.J., 2000, 'Cities and Trade: Extemal Trade and Internai Geography in Developing Economies', in S. Yusuf, et al., eds., Local Dynamics in an era Globalisation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 58-64.
Wallace, L., ed., 1999, Africa: Adjusting to the Challenges of Globalisation,Washington D.C.: IMF.
Weiss, L., 1998, The Myth of the Powerless State, lthaca: Comell University Press.
World Bank, 2002, Globalisation, Growth, and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank and Oxford University Press.
World Bank, 2003, Towards a More StrategicApproach to Capacity Building in Africa (Mimeo), Washington, D.C., World Bank.
Yusuf, S., Wu, W. and Evennett S., eds, Local Dynamics in an Era of Globalisation, Washington D.C. and New York, The World Bank and Oxford University Press.