3 - Economic Reforms and the Malian Economy
Corresponding Author(s) : Basga Emile Dialla
Africa Development,
Vol. 27 No. 1-2 (2002): Africa Development
In the late 1 980s Mali embarked on a comprehensive programme of economic reforms. Reform policy has been successful in dismantling some components of the patronage system put in place in the country after independence, in curbing the worst macroeconomic imbalances, and in reorienting public expenditures in favour of the social sectors and longer-term growth. The devaluation of the CFA franc, the deepening of the integration process in West Africa, and the HIPC initiative contributed, to various extents, in improving the economic situation and growth performance in Mali. In order to make growth more sustained and better balanced, reform policy needs to put greater emphasis on measures that improve incentives for private investment and human capital accumulation. This is necessary so that the relatively high growth that was experienced by Mali during the second half of the 1990s becomes more than just a short-lived episode.
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- Azam, J.-P. and Morrisson, C.,1999, Conflict and Growth in Africa, Vol. 1: The Sahel,Paris, Development Centre Studies, OECD.
- Banque de France, 2000, Rapport annuel de la Zf}ne .franc, rapport 1999, Secrétariat du comité monétaire de la zone franc, Paris.
- Banque de France, 2001, Rapport annuel de la zone .franc, rapport 2000, Secrétariat du comité monétaire de la zone franc, Paris.
- Barry, A.; Diarra, S.B. and Diarra, D., 1999, 'Promoting Regional Exports of Malian Rice', mimeo, African Economie Policy, Discussion Paper Number 17.
- Berthélemy, J.-C. and Soderling, L, 2001, The Role of Capital Accumulation, Adjustment and Structural Change for Economie Take-Off: Empirical Evidence from African Growth Episodes', World Development, Vol. 29, No.2, 2001, pp. 323-343.
- Bourdet, Y., 2003, A Tak of Thru Countries - St111cturt, Reform and Performance of the Cotton Sector in Mal4 Burkina Faso and Benin, forthcoming in Country Economie Reports, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm.
- Chambas, G.; Combes, J.-L.; Guillaumont P.; Guillaumont Jeanneney, S., and Laporte B., 2000, Mali: ks facteurs de croissance à long terme, mimeo, programme de recherche sur l'Afrique imng,ente, Paris, OCDE.
- CMDT, 1999, Rqpport annuel de la CMDT - Campagne 1997-98, Bamako.
- Cockburn, J.; Sigge E.; Coulibaly, M and Vézina, S., 1998, 'Measuring Competitiveness and its Sources: The Case of Mali's Manufacturing Sector', Mirneo, African Economie Policy Research Report.
- Doré, O. and Nachega, J.-C., 2000, Budget Conve,g,ence in the W AEJiU: Aefjustment Through Revenue or Expenditure? !MF Working Paper, WP/00/ 109, Washington D.C.
- Foroutan, F., 1993, 'Regional integration in Sub-Saharan Africa: past experience and future
- prospects', in J. de Melo and A. Panagariya (eds), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Gelbard, E.A. and Leite, S. P., 1999, Measunng Financial Development in Sub-Saharan Afrùa, !MF Working Paper, WP/99/105, Washington D.C.
- Guillaumont, P.; Guillaumont Jeanneney, S.; Amprou, J. and Cheick Sidibé, O., Mali, in World Bank 2001, Aid and Reform in Afrùa, Lessons from Ten Case S111dies, Washington, D.C., The World Bank.
- Hernandez-Cata, E., 2000, Raising Growth and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Can Be Done?, !MF Poliry Discussion Paper, PDP/00/4.
- Hugon, P., 1999, Lz zone.franc à l'heure de l'euro, Paris, Karthala.
- Azam, J.-P. and Morrisson, C.,1999, Conflict and Growth in Africa, Vol. 1: The Sahel,
- Paris, Development Centre Studies, OECD.
- Banque de France, 2000, Rapport annuel de la Zf}ne .franc, rapport 1999, Secrétariat du comité monétaire de la zone franc, Paris.
- Banque de France, 2001, Rapport annuel de la zone .franc, rapport 2000, Secrétariat du comité
- monétaire de la zone franc, Paris.
- Barry, A.; Diarra, S.B. and Diarra, D., 1999, 'Promoting Regional Exports of Malian Rice', mimeo, African Economie Policy, Discussion Paper Number 17.
- Berthélemy, J.-C. and Soderling, L, 2001, The Role of Capital Accumulation, Adjustment and
- Structural Change for Economie Take-Off: Empirical Evidence from African Growth Episodes', World
- Development, Vol. 29, No.2, 2001, pp. 323-343.
- Bourdet, Y., 2003, A Tak of Thru Countries - St111cturt, Reform and Performance of the Cotton
- Sector in Mal4 Burkina Faso and Benin, forthcoming in Country Economie Reports, Swedish
- International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm.
- Chambas, G.; Combes, J.-L.; Guillaumont P.; Guillaumont Jeanneney, S., and Laporte B., 2000, Mali:
- ks facteurs de croissance à long terme, mimeo, programme de recherche sur l'Afrique imng,ente,
- Paris, OCDE.
- CMDT, 1999, Rqpport annuel de la CMDT - Campagne 1997-98, Bamako.
- Cockburn, J.; Sigge E.; Coulibaly, M and Vézina, S., 1998, 'Measuring Competitiveness and its Sources: The Case of Mali's Manufacturing Sector', Mirneo, African Economie Policy Research Report.
- Doré, O. and Nachega, J.-C., 2000, Budget Conve,g,ence in the W AEJiU: Aefjustment Through Revenue or Expenditure? !MF Working Paper, WP/00/ 109, Washington D.C.
- Foroutan, F., 1993, 'Regional integration in Sub-Saharan Africa: past experience and future prospects', in J. de Melo and A. Panagariya (eds), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Gelbard, E.A. and Leite, S. P., 1999, Measunng Financial Development in Sub-Saharan Afrùa, !MF Working Paper, WP/99/105,Washington D.C.
- Guillaumont, P.; Guillaumont Jeanneney, S.; Amprou, J. and Cheick Sidibé, O., Mali, in World Bank 2001, Aid and Reform in Afrùa, Lessons from Ten Case S111dies, Washington, D.C., The World Bank.
- Hernandez-Cata, E., 2000, Raising Growth and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Can Be Done?, !MF Poliry Discussion Paper, PDP/00/4.
- Hugon, P., 1999, Lz zone.franc à l'heure de l'euro, Paris, Karthala.
Azam, J.-P. and Morrisson, C.,1999, Conflict and Growth in Africa, Vol. 1: The Sahel,Paris, Development Centre Studies, OECD.
Banque de France, 2000, Rapport annuel de la Zf}ne .franc, rapport 1999, Secrétariat du comité monétaire de la zone franc, Paris.
Banque de France, 2001, Rapport annuel de la zone .franc, rapport 2000, Secrétariat du comité monétaire de la zone franc, Paris.
Barry, A.; Diarra, S.B. and Diarra, D., 1999, 'Promoting Regional Exports of Malian Rice', mimeo, African Economie Policy, Discussion Paper Number 17.
Berthélemy, J.-C. and Soderling, L, 2001, The Role of Capital Accumulation, Adjustment and Structural Change for Economie Take-Off: Empirical Evidence from African Growth Episodes', World Development, Vol. 29, No.2, 2001, pp. 323-343.
Bourdet, Y., 2003, A Tak of Thru Countries - St111cturt, Reform and Performance of the Cotton Sector in Mal4 Burkina Faso and Benin, forthcoming in Country Economie Reports, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm.
Chambas, G.; Combes, J.-L.; Guillaumont P.; Guillaumont Jeanneney, S., and Laporte B., 2000, Mali: ks facteurs de croissance à long terme, mimeo, programme de recherche sur l'Afrique imng,ente, Paris, OCDE.
CMDT, 1999, Rqpport annuel de la CMDT - Campagne 1997-98, Bamako.
Cockburn, J.; Sigge E.; Coulibaly, M and Vézina, S., 1998, 'Measuring Competitiveness and its Sources: The Case of Mali's Manufacturing Sector', Mirneo, African Economie Policy Research Report.
Doré, O. and Nachega, J.-C., 2000, Budget Conve,g,ence in the W AEJiU: Aefjustment Through Revenue or Expenditure? !MF Working Paper, WP/00/ 109, Washington D.C.
Foroutan, F., 1993, 'Regional integration in Sub-Saharan Africa: past experience and future
prospects', in J. de Melo and A. Panagariya (eds), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Gelbard, E.A. and Leite, S. P., 1999, Measunng Financial Development in Sub-Saharan Afrùa, !MF Working Paper, WP/99/105, Washington D.C.
Guillaumont, P.; Guillaumont Jeanneney, S.; Amprou, J. and Cheick Sidibé, O., Mali, in World Bank 2001, Aid and Reform in Afrùa, Lessons from Ten Case S111dies, Washington, D.C., The World Bank.
Hernandez-Cata, E., 2000, Raising Growth and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Can Be Done?, !MF Poliry Discussion Paper, PDP/00/4.
Hugon, P., 1999, Lz zone.franc à l'heure de l'euro, Paris, Karthala.
Azam, J.-P. and Morrisson, C.,1999, Conflict and Growth in Africa, Vol. 1: The Sahel,
Paris, Development Centre Studies, OECD.
Banque de France, 2000, Rapport annuel de la Zf}ne .franc, rapport 1999, Secrétariat du comité monétaire de la zone franc, Paris.
Banque de France, 2001, Rapport annuel de la zone .franc, rapport 2000, Secrétariat du comité
monétaire de la zone franc, Paris.
Barry, A.; Diarra, S.B. and Diarra, D., 1999, 'Promoting Regional Exports of Malian Rice', mimeo, African Economie Policy, Discussion Paper Number 17.
Berthélemy, J.-C. and Soderling, L, 2001, The Role of Capital Accumulation, Adjustment and
Structural Change for Economie Take-Off: Empirical Evidence from African Growth Episodes', World
Development, Vol. 29, No.2, 2001, pp. 323-343.
Bourdet, Y., 2003, A Tak of Thru Countries - St111cturt, Reform and Performance of the Cotton
Sector in Mal4 Burkina Faso and Benin, forthcoming in Country Economie Reports, Swedish
International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm.
Chambas, G.; Combes, J.-L.; Guillaumont P.; Guillaumont Jeanneney, S., and Laporte B., 2000, Mali:
ks facteurs de croissance à long terme, mimeo, programme de recherche sur l'Afrique imng,ente,
Paris, OCDE.
CMDT, 1999, Rqpport annuel de la CMDT - Campagne 1997-98, Bamako.
Cockburn, J.; Sigge E.; Coulibaly, M and Vézina, S., 1998, 'Measuring Competitiveness and its Sources: The Case of Mali's Manufacturing Sector', Mirneo, African Economie Policy Research Report.
Doré, O. and Nachega, J.-C., 2000, Budget Conve,g,ence in the W AEJiU: Aefjustment Through Revenue or Expenditure? !MF Working Paper, WP/00/ 109, Washington D.C.
Foroutan, F., 1993, 'Regional integration in Sub-Saharan Africa: past experience and future prospects', in J. de Melo and A. Panagariya (eds), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Gelbard, E.A. and Leite, S. P., 1999, Measunng Financial Development in Sub-Saharan Afrùa, !MF Working Paper, WP/99/105,Washington D.C.
Guillaumont, P.; Guillaumont Jeanneney, S.; Amprou, J. and Cheick Sidibé, O., Mali, in World Bank 2001, Aid and Reform in Afrùa, Lessons from Ten Case S111dies, Washington, D.C., The World Bank.
Hernandez-Cata, E., 2000, Raising Growth and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Can Be Done?, !MF Poliry Discussion Paper, PDP/00/4.
Hugon, P., 1999, Lz zone.franc à l'heure de l'euro, Paris, Karthala.