2 - Enjeux économiques, conflits africains et relations internationales
Africa Development,
Vol. 24 No. 3-4 (1999): Africa Development: The Political Economy of Conflicts in Africa II
Dealing with conflicts in Africa as a problematic, this paper outlines four characteristics of conflicts in Africa: 1) that all African conflicts have economic stakes that are more or less obvious; 2) that all African conflicts are influenced by international and domestic geopolitics; 3) that African conflicts can be explained by political, economic and socio-cultural variables; and finally, that African conflicts are brought about by ill-organised, non free and fair elections.
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Abbott, G. G, 1970. «Economie Aid as a unilateral transfert of resources.» Journal of Polotical Economy, Vol. 78, n° 6, Nov-Dec., pp 1213-1227
Axelrod, R., 1992, Donnant Donnant: Théorie du mouvement coopératif, Odile Jacob, Paris Barro, R. J., Sala-I-Martin, X., (1995, Economie Growth, Mc Graw Hill.inc.
Barro, R. J., 1974, «Are govemment bonds net wealth?», Journal of Political Economy, Vol 82, n° 6, PP. 1095-1117.
Bauer, P. T., 1984, Mirage égalitaire et tiers monde, Paris, Puf. Bayart, J.F., 1989, L'État en Afrique: La politique du ventre, Fayard.
Becker, G. S., 1974, «A Theory of Social Interactions»,Journal of Political Economy, Vol 82, n° 6, Nov-Dec., pp. 1062-1096.
Berthelemy, J.C. et Girardin, E., 1991, «Les nouvelles stratégies de l'allégement de la dette des pays en voie de développement», Revue d'Economie Politique, Vol. 101, n° 4, juillet-août, pp. 529-604.
Bhagwari, J. N., 1982, «Directly Improductive Profit-seeking (DUP) Activities», Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 90, pp. 988-1002.
Bruce, N. et Waldman, M., 1990, «The Rotten Kid Theorem Meets the Samaritan's Dilemma.», Q. J. E.,
février, Vol. cv, pp. 155-165.
Buchanan, J., (1975) «The Samaritan Dilemma.» in Edmund PHELPS, (éd) Altruism, Mora/ity and Economie Theory, New-York, Russel Sage Foundation, pp. 71-85.
Comevin, M. et C., 1993, La France et les Français outre-mer, Édition Thalandier Pluriel.
Coulange, P., 1994, «Institutions et développement économique», Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines, Vol.5, n° 1, mars, pp 25-52.
Gastil, R. D., 1987, Freedom in the World, Westport CT, Greenwood Press.
Hess, G. an Orphandes, A., 1995, «War Politics: An Economie, Rational - voter Framework» Am. Eco. Rev., Vol.85 n°4,septembre, pp. 828-846.
Hirshleiffer, J., 1985, «The Expanding domain of economics» Amer. Eco. Rev. Vol. 75, n° 6, pp. 53-68.
Knack, S. and Ph.Keefer, 1994, «Institutions and Economie Perfonnance: Cross Country Test Using Alternative Institutional Measures» Unpublished paper, American University, February.
Laffont, J. J., 1975, «Macroeconomic Contraints, Economie Efficiency and Ethics: An Introduction to Kantian Economies» Economica, Vol. 42, pp. 430-437.
Murphy, K. M., Shleifer, A., Vishny, R.W., 1989, «Industriazation and the big push» Q.J.E. Vol. 106, n° 2, mai, pp. 503-530.
North, D. C., 1990, «institution, Institutional change, and Economie Perfonnance, Cambridge University Press.
Posner, R. A., 1980, «A Theorie of Primitive Society with Special Reference to Law» Journal of Law en Economies, Vol. 23, avril, pp. 1-53.