4 - Ethnicity, Governance and Prevention of Conflict: State of the Issue and Research Perspectives
Corresponding Author(s) : Eric Masinde Aseka
Africa Development,
Vol. 24 No. 3-4 (1999): Africa Development: The Political Economy of Conflicts in Africa II
The paper presents the issues of ethnicity, governance and prevention of conflicts in terms of their political management through the proper exercise of power. Conflict cannot be prevented, it can only be managed. The crucial determining factor in ethnic, gender and class relations is power. The paper traces notions of power in the works of various philosophers and outlines the significance of perceiving the impact of paradigmatic shifts on political discourse. These shifts are perceived as intellectual itineraries from structural-functionalism to the contemporary North America Critical Theory and postmodernist theory. The problematic of ethnicity is posed within debates emanating from the ensuing perspectival contests and paradigmatic struggles. The moral economy, rational choice, and subaltern approaches are also interrogated and critiqued. The paper contends that when the structures and procedures of democratic governance are undermined, political legitimacy also gets compromise.
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Altukhov, V., 1989, 'The Dialectics of the lntegral World', Social Sciences, Vol. XXI No.4.
Aseka, E. M., 1989, 'Political Economy of Buluyia: 1900-1964', Ph.D Thesis, Department of History, Kenyatta University.
Aseka, E. M., 1996, 'On Mamdani's Genocide and the State', CODESRIA Bulletin,No.4.
Arendt H., 1993, 'Communication Power', in S. Lukes (ed.), Power, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers.
Barrett, W., 1961, /rrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy, London, Heinemann.
Booth, D., 1992, 'Social Development Research: An Agenda for the 1990s', The European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 4, No. 1.
Brohman, J., 1995, 'Universalism, Euro-centricism, and ldeological bias in development studies: from Modemization to Neoliberalism', Third World Quarter/y, Vol. 16, No. 1.
Chakrabarty, D., 1991, 'History as Critique and Critique(s) ofHistory',&onomic and Po/itical Week, September.
Covey, S., 1992, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, New York, Simon and Schuster.
Dahrendorf, R., 1970, 'Social Structure, Group Interests, and Conflict Groups' in M.E. Olsen (ed.), Power in Societies.
Daly, M., 1974, Beyond God the Father: Toward A Philosophy of Women's Liberation. Boston, Beacon Press.
Eagleton, T., 1985, 'From Capitalism, Modemism and Postmodemism', New Lefl Review, Vol. 192.
Frederiksen. B.F., 1994, 'Gender, Ethnicity and Popular Culture in Kenya', The European Journal of Research and Development, Vol. 6, No. 2.
Giddens, A., 1984, The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration,Cambridge, Polity, Press.
Habermas, J., 1991, The Theory of Communicative Action Vol. One Reason and the Rationa/ization of Society, Cambridge, Basil Blackwell.
Habermas, J., 1992, 'Hannah Arendt's Communications Concept of Power', in S. Lukes (ed.), Power, Oxford, Blackwell Publisher's.
Haynes, J., 1995, 'Popular Religion and Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa', Third World Quarterly, Vol. 16, No.1.
Hyden, G. and Bratton, M. (eds.), 1992, Governance and Politics in Africa, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Janmohamed, K.K., 1976, 'Ethnicity in an Urban Setting: A Case Study of Mombasa' in B.A. Ogot (ed.) Hadith VI: History and Social Change in East Africa. Nairobi, East African Literature Bureau, pp. 186-206.
Kandeh, J.D., 1992, 'Politicization ofEthnic Identities in Sierra Leone',African Studies Review, Vol. 35, No.1.
Lawrence, M. and Manson A., 1994, 'The 'Dog of the Boers': The Rise and Fall of Mangope in Bophuthatswana',Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol. 20, No. 3.
Latour, B., 1993, We Have Never Been Modern (Translated by Catherine Porter) London.
Lonsdale, J., 198 I, 'State and Social Processes in Africa: A Historiographical Survey',The African Studies Review, Vol. 24, Nos. 2 and 3.
Lonsdale, J., 1995, 'African Pasts in Africa's Future', Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 23, No. I.
Lukes S., 1992, 'Introduction' in S. Lukes (ed.), Power, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers.